Becas Dinamarca de voluntariado en una escuela de folk


Se ofrecen becas Dinamarca para participar en un proyecto de voluntariado europeo en ese país.

Estas son las condiciones de Participación en becas Dinamarca. También puedes ver las becas voluntariado europeo en Dinamarca.

Localicación becas Dinamarca:

Brenderup, Denmark

Fecha límite becas DInamarca:

  • Deadline: 3th July 2018. If you have been shortlisted for the project we will contact you for a skype interview before 1st September 2018.
  • 2nd September 2019 to 1st January 2020

Detalles becas Dinamarca

The folk high school is placed in Denmark – a small village with a couple of groceries, drug stores, schools and a library.  Is close to both beach and forest. There is often arranged activities away from the high school. The type of activities depends on the season, but examples of activities are going to the beach for a swim or touring on the school bikes.

Folk High School is a contemporary Danish folk high school. The students are primarily between 17 and 25 years old. At Folk High School we believe that a precondition for peaceful coexistence in the world is the unbiased interaction of people from different cultural backgrounds.
Folk High School offers an exchange of life experience, ideas and viewpoints among people from different cultures, building on responsibility to the community and respect for the individual.
The volunteers will be lodged at the high school where they will live in a separate area with bedrooms, bathroom and kitchenette with a microwave etc. They will eat at the school together with the students and the staff.

Tareas becas Dinamarca

Examples of activities in which the volunteer could be involved:

  • Practical work, such as maintenance of our buildings.
  • Sustainability – working with sustainability as the main issue in daily life. Growing herbs, ensuring diversity by gardening, collecting fruit and berries, making activities/workshops about sustainable living.
  • Facilitating intercultural activities.
  • Facilitating sport activities.
  • Office work (making brochures, taking photos/videos, updating facebook e.g.).
  • The volunteers will have opportunities to assist the teachers in the subjects for which the volunteer has a special commitment or knowledge about.

and activities in which the volonteer will be involved:

  • Leisure activities for the students. “Brenderup Højskole” is very open to any new idea for after-class activities the volunteers might have.
  • Participation in all of the arrangements and events run by the school and connected associations.
  • Every Sunday one of the normally 3 volunteers will help the teacher with planning student activities, coordinating the meals, making sure that kitchen and weekend duties are done by the students and if needed welcoming guests at the school. The teacher who is responsible for the weekend will always be backup.
  • During our short term summer courses the tasks will also include servicejobs like running a small bar, cleaning and assisting teachers in various activities

 Who will administer the volunteer stay?

Brenderup Højskole has a partnership with coordinators Denmark, who will administer the Erasmus+ grant – including the volunteer allowance to be given to the volunteers during the program. Coordinators will make sure that every EVS volunteer gets a mentor at the project and a contact person outside of the project. This contact person will help the volunteer to integrate into the Danish local community and support the volunteer with every matter related to the stay of the volunteer.  Coordinators also helps the volunteer become part of the overall EVS network in Denmark. Both Coordintaors  and  Højskole will assist volunteers with the administative paperwork related to arriving in Denmark.  Højskole as the hosting school will provide accommodation and three meals a day to the volunteer.

Perfiles becas DInamarca

Volunteers above 25 years of age who are open-minded, reflective, mature and full of initiative will be preferred.

The volunteers must be able to speak English at a conversational level.

A volunteer with a non-Danish cultural background will hopefully give the folk high school some extra intercultural energy and inspiration to its work with the global dimension.

If the volunteer has interest and skills related to sustainability, social media and communication and sport it is a plus.


The volunteers are lodged at the folk high school where they will live in a separate area with bedrooms, bathroom and kitchenette with a microwave etc. All meals will be provided by the school in dining room together with the students and the staff.

Selección de participantes becas Dinamarca

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

[button color=»blue2″ link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Form hosting organisation[/button]

[button color=»purple» link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter and sending form[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil2″]Hosting form[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS Denmark Folk Brenderup .YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME”.

  • Andrei Muresan
    26 septiembre, 2017 at 5:24 pm

    I can’t seem to access the motivation letter and sending form, it gives me 404 error. Is there any way I can get it?

  • Yes Europa
    26 septiembre, 2017 at 8:08 pm

    Hello, we are going to fix it now the link, anyway it´s

  • Vanessa
    16 enero, 2018 at 4:59 am

    Tengo una pregunta, ¿es necesario ser europeo para participar en alguno de sus programas?.

  • admin
    16 enero, 2018 at 7:38 pm

    hola, no , pero debes ser residente legal en España

  • Manuela
    9 julio, 2018 at 7:34 pm

    ¿De cuánto tiempo sería el voluntariado?¿Siendo trabajadora social qué me aportaría este voluntariado?

  • Manuela
    9 julio, 2018 at 7:42 pm

    No me queda muy claro cuanto tiempo dura este voluntariado, me podríais resolver esta duda. Gracias

  • Manuela
    9 julio, 2018 at 7:43 pm

    No me queda muy claro de cuánto tiempo es el voluntariado, me podríais resolver esa duda. Gracias

  • admin
    10 julio, 2018 at 7:32 am

    Hola, es 2nd September 2019 to 1st January 2020

  • admin
    10 julio, 2018 at 7:32 am

    hola es del 2nd Septiembre 2019 al 1 enero 2020

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