Becas intercambios en Pirineos franceses de 3 semanas


Becas intercambios para viajar a los Pirineos franceses con todo pagado en estas becas Erasmus para un intercambio Erasmus+ con otros jóvenes para participar en actividades variadas sobre comunicación con la población local y recuperación entorno rural.

Tienes más becas Erasmus en Francia a tu disposición en nuestra web.

Fechas y lugar de becas intercambios con todo pagado

From 08/11/2017 to 29/11/2017
Address: Civil servant station, Luz Saint Sauveur.

Sobre el proyecto de las becas intercambios

1. During 3 weeks a group of young people from Spain, France, Ukrain and Latvia will work with the local population to think and create a
new public space in a part of the town of Luz-Saint-Sauveur, destroyed by a flooding few years ago.

The goal of the project is to share experiences with the others participants, to exchange good practices, and to discover and experiment non-formal education tools to include the local population in collective projects.

Objetivos del proyecto becas intercambios

1. To share experiences, knowledges and good practices between the participants.
2. To experiment Non-Formal Education tools to include local population in a community project.
3. Perceive the different steps to fill the gap between a collective desire and a concrete answer in a project dynamic.
4. Discover the steps of a collective project, from the basics to the needs of its realisation.

– Introduction to social cartography and area diagnostic.
– Discover and experiment tools to communicate with local population in order to gather the population words during specific times.


– Activities linked to the workshop, in order to exchange from personal experience to basic and general knowledge about how to develop territory project and scale.
– Get to know each other activities.
– Discover the territory
– Presentation of your country.
– International buffet.
– Hiking in Gavarnie Circus with the local population.
– Environmental day.
– Bio meal activity.


We are going to use Non Formal Educational tools to promote the active and democratic implication of the participants during the project.

The values of respect, tolerance, solidarity and cooperation are the most important part of the project to get the exchanges.

Youth Exchange results :
– Learn to work in a team.
– Live together an intercultural experience.

– To raise the awareness of the participants about new tools and methods to lead local projects including the local population.
– To propose to the municipality a collective project proposed by the volunteers taking care of the needs and practices of the local population.


“Luz Saint-Sauveur”, is the name of the village that we had been worked since three years in different projects. All of them, were a good result both for the city council and for the association. For that, they want to continue to work together in this new project.

Association was created 1950 to rebuild the European’s patrimony destroyed during the II War World and to remake the link between the young people of the countries that participated in the conflict. Nowadays, Concordia does workcamps to promote the international relations and the peace.

It is an association of research and experimentation about architecture and urban spaces. It helps the development of several projects, from the particular to the collectivities, within the inclusion of the concerned persons, and taking care of all of the territory scales.

It is an association created three years ago by university students of Toulouse. They organise participative actions with the citizens. The objective is organise cultural walks in public spaces by using old pictures and citizens memories.

Perfil participantes becas intercambios

People between 18-30 years old.

People with a minimum medium level of English (the official language of the project is English).

People interesting in the development of the territory organization.

People who want to meet people of other cultures and collaborate with them.

People interesting in a new way to do a project for the people with the people.

People who want to improved their skills and know new tools.


Costes cubiertos para becas intercambios Erasmus en Francia

Subsistence, lodging and programme costs will be provided and paid by a grant from the National Agency of France of the “Erasmus+” Programme.
Participants should arrange by themselves their insurance. Please contact your local Health insurance provider to obtain one for free.
According to the new Programme Erasmus+ (2014-2020) there will be a refund of the whole amount of the real travel expenses according to the approved budget for each participating country that you will find below:​
Spain 275,00 €
If you decide to stay longer (maximum four days), you should first inform the project coordinator and you should also take into consideration that you are responsible to cover your own living expenses for the extra days of your stay in Germany. All participants will be reimbursed only after submitting all receipts, invoices and original tickets and boarding passes and after filling out the mobility tool e-report and the final evaluation form.
Please make to provide to the organisers the following:
The original invoice/receipt of the flight ticket or the train/bus ticket (with clear mark how much you have paid).and the boarding cards and/or tickets.
The invoice should be addressed to yourself, or your organisation.
If you receive an electronic ticket, please print out a copy also for us and send both the invoice and the ticket via email
You should be aware that if the total amount of your travel expenses exceeds the travel expenses budget limit (Erasmus+ programme travel expenses’ reimbursement rules) as indicated in the chart above, then the additional amount of your travel expenses shall be paid by you.
When you arrive in the country you are expected to submit all original boarding passes and tickets to the project coordinator (without original boarding pass, we will not be able to reimburse the participants). After we receive all boarding passes, receipts/invoices and tickets, and after you fill out the e-form of the mobility tool (e-report) which is going to be sent to your email address, then approximately one month later, the total amount of your travel expenses will be transferred to their bank accounts.
For this reason, please send us via email your bank account details after sending your tickets:
– name of the bank account holder
– name of the bank
– BIC/SWIFT code
– IBAN number
When you depart from here and you travel back to your home city, please save all the original train and bus tickets or any other tickets of your return and send them via post

LUGAR intercambios

Luz Saint-Sauveur
The municipality is in the Hautes-Pyrénées County, in the southwest of France near the pilgrimage city of Lourdes. It is close to the most beautiful natural marvels of the Pyrenees Mountains: the Midi Peak, the Gavarnie circus, the Bridge of Spain, the Néouvielle natural park, the Pyrenees national park with its numerous lakes….

A territory which, by its beauty and its diversity, presents a real historical, architectural and environmental interest.

Alojamiento becas intercambios

You will be accommodated in a public building with all the spaces for our necessities (kitchen, toilets…). We ask to all the participants to take part actively in the everyday life organisation.

Don’t forget to bring with you:
 Sleeping bag/blankets.
 Good shoes for rain and hiking.
 Comfortable and winter’s clothes. (Luz is at 750 meters of altitude).

To remember: We will offer you a place to put your valuables, but if they are not essential, please do not bring them. You are fully responsible for all your belongings.

Do not hesitate to bring specialties from home, photos, games, music instruments….

Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and be reimbursed once back home. We also reccommend

Travel green: Every year a lot of people participate in the Erasmus+: we can’t ignore the negative impact on the environment occurring from

As flying is the most polluting means of transport, we encourage volunteers to look for alternatives.

Other much cleaner means provide unforgettable experiences: meet people & see the earth passing by!

Here are some more sustainable ways of travelling to your project – let’s reduce our carbon footprint!

Lugar de encuentro

Wednesday 8th of November At 17.40 pm In the bus station of Luz Saint-Sauveur


Suggested itinerary.
TGV Paris Montparnasse 7:52am Lourdes 2.57pm
Bus Lourdes 4.50pm Pierrefitte Nestalas 5.20pm
Bus Pierrefitte Nestalas 5.20pm Luz Saint- Sauveur 5.40 pm


Bus Luz-Saint-Sauveur 7.30am Pierrefitte Nestalas 7.50am
Bus Pierrefitte Nestalas 7.50am Lourdes 8.20am
TGV Lourdes 9.23am Paris Montparnasse 2.10pm

Proceso selección para las becas intercambios para las becas Erasmus en Francia

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “YE France Marion.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME“We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities.

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

[button color=»purple» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form[/button]

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB
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