Becas verano Bulgaria sobre inclusión social


Becas verano Bulgaria para sobre inclusión social con becas Erasmus de alojamiento, manutención y viaje cubiertos por el programa Erasmus+.


Mira más becas en Bulgaria en nuestra web.

Fechas y lugar de las becas verano Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria

Name: “Youth Work for Shaping an Inclusive Society”
Dates of the training: 11.07.2018 – 20.07.2018

Dates for travel: 10.07.2018 (arrival) и 21.07.2018 (departure)

Please note that the organizers will not provide any additional accommodation outside the dates of the exchange! If you wish to travel on other dates than the dates of the exchange, please take contact with the organizers before purchasing your tickets!
Please plan your trip carefully: in case your travel dates are different than the ones above mentioned, the organizers might not be able to reimburse you!!

This training course is for participants from Erasmus+ partner countries as follows: Bulgaria, Spain, Italy Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey, Lithuania and Greece.
Working language: English


As a member state of the European Union, Bulgaria is part of the common European efforts to create a working and modern vision for a social Europe, taking into account the challenges in the areas of poverty, marginalization and social exclusion.

Considering the increasingly serious social exclusion of entire groups of the population, there is a pressing need to train people to cope adequately with the challenges faced by socially excluded groups.

Therefore, the training of youth workers, mentors, psychologists, teachers and educators in the implementation of techniques to reduce barriers to social inclusion and the promotion of respect for human rights and merits is the main objective of the “Youth Work for Shaping an Inclusive Society” regardless of social status, religion, gender and race.

In addition, it aims to increase the qualifications of youth workers for the development, participation and management of programs and projects, as well as communication and media campaigns that would support the promotion of social inclusion.

Social inclusion favors the process of integration into society by providing access to the opportunities and resources needed for the full participation of individuals in the economic, social and cultural life of the country in which they live.

As this is also one of the objectives of the EU Sustainable Growth Strategy, through the training methods foreseen during the implementation of the
project proposal, we will enable young people to work in it.

Participants will develop professionalism and work ethics, to increase their capacity and skills in their work with marginalized and socially excluded
communities in terms of risk assessment, conflict management, effective problem solving. Participants will be provided with an adapted training program with a balance between theoretical and practical activities and formal and informal
learning methods.

As a form of training, methods will be selected to promote active participation. The use of appropriate ICT is also envisaged during the
implementation of mobility activities.

As part of the criteria for sustainable and qualitative implementation of the activities envisaged in the project proposal, the qualification level of the teaching and facilitation team is the same.

The trainers will be selected according to their experience in a practical environment, according to their knowledge of the field, as well as their participation in various initiatives, projects and activities related to social inclusion.

The project will also attract teachers and facilitators who have a clear view of the situation in Bulgaria and Europe regarding the non-observance of horizontal principles and basic human rights as well as with experience in working with socially excluded persons of all ages. The team will be selected in such a way that it has a great deal of knowledge, flexibility in teaching, methods and concepts of  innovative teaching by imposing professional standards that participants will adopt in their working practices and daily work. The training methodology to be set up is mainly non-formal learning, and this will require a high level of engagement and participation by all attending representatives of organizations involved in the project.

It will focus on «learning through experience» and «learning by doing» to focus on practical seminars, individual experiences, workshops and
 For the project, each partner will send 3 participants (no age limits)
 The national groups should have both male and female participants.

Participantes becas verano Bulgaria

You as a participant will:

 Learn more about yourself
 Learn how to collaborate with young people
 Learn which are the youth worker competences
 Learn how to listen actively, ask powerful questions, communicate directly and create awareness
 Learn how to help the young people, develop projects and initiatives
 Gain skills to motivate and support young people, leadership skills
 Exchange experience with other people employed in the youth sector
 Discuss challenges there are for you in your work with young people
 Learn how to empower young people and your colleagues using the methods of the informal learning.

Your profile as a participant:
 You are employed in the youth sector or are working with young people
 You are trainer, educator, social worker or volunteer
 You are facilitator of non-formal learning
 You want to learn new working non-formal techniques in your work with young people
 You are ready to use the new competences further after the training in your own professional area
 You have your own motivation and strong arguments to participate in the training course
 You have willingness to spread the results of the training and to promote what you have learned in your community
 You have a sufficient level of English as a working language – basic knowledge
 You are committed to being active during the whole process of the training –
preparation before, the course itself and evaluation afterwards

The goal of the selection process is also to ensure a diverse group of participants – people working in a variety of sectors, which will bring different experience to the project.

Certificado becas verano Bulgaria

As this youth workers exchange is based on the principles of non-formal education, all participants will be able to get a Youthpass certificate after the

Youthpass is a part of the European Commission recognition of non-formal learning. It confirms the participation in the training course emphasizing the learning process and individual reflection about new competences that the participants gained during the project. The participants have the possibility to describe what they have done in the project and which skills and competences they have acquired.


Sobre la ciudad: Sofia


Capital and largest city: Sofia
Official languages: Bulgarian
Official script: Cyrillic
Currency: Lev (BGN)
1.956 BGN = 1 EUR
Time zone: EET (UTC+2)
Summer (DST): EEST (UTC+3)
Drives on the: right
Calling code: +359

Bulgaria is located in Southeast Europe, in the northeast part of the Balkan Peninsula. It is situated closer to the Equator than the pole. It falls within the southern part of the temperate climate zone with subtropical influence.

Its location on the transition line between two climate zones influences the climate, soils, vegetation and animal species. All of them are characterized by great diversity. The country’s geographic position angle of sunlight that falls on the country, making the country predominantly sunny.

Expect high temperatures, bright sunny days and warm evenings throughout Bulgaria during high season. The Black Sea coast, especially, is at its busiest and most expensive at this time.


Participants will be reimbursed up to the limit of the Erasmus+ financial policy– 360 euro.
The reimbursement would be done through a bank transfer after the main activities when all participants would acomplish the tasks of dissemination the project results and follow up activities.


Reembolso viajes

We would like to encourage participants to buy travel tickets as soon as possible to enjoy economical prices. Please do not buy travel tickets until your participation has been approved by us. All the travel costs will be reimbursed the earliest 3 months after the end of the training course/youth exchange.
Please note that the process of reimbursement will be carried out directly with the applicant organizations and not with the individual participants. We kindly remind all participants to keep the original tickets, invoices and BOARDING PASSES.

Seguros becas verano Bulgaria

Health insurance will NOT be provided or reimbursed by the mobility organisers. All participants are required to purchase health insurance individually. If you live in an EU country and use a national health insurance system there, please apply for a FREE European Health Insurance Card:
We suggest that you buy an insurance for travelling, the INSURANCE IS NOT MANDATORY, but it is recommended buying it. Best insurance for Erasmus is

Qué llevar a Sofia

Cultural Evening: Please arrange with your country leader and participants to bring some gastronomic specialties (food and/or drinks) from your country. It is also strongly recommended to prepare and bring some material showing your country/region/city, and the traditional (or modern) music and dances.
Comfortable clothes: Make sure to bring comfortable clothes – prepare for both warm and rainy weather, for the temperatures in July in Sofia may vary.

Proceso selección para becas verano Bulgaria

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this activity.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «TC Bulgaria Tzveta.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

[button color=»orange2″ link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application Form YesEuropa[/button]

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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