Cursos verano danza en Letonia con becas Erasmus+


Solicita estas becas cursos verano para Letonia en un curso Erasmus+ con todos los gastos pagados de alojamiento , comida y transporte sobre danza, actividad física y educación.

Tienes más becas en Letonia a tu disposición en nuestra web.

Curso completo! Tienes más becas Erasmus+ aquí.

Fechas y lugar becas cursos verano en Letonia

1st – 9th July, 2017

Alūksne, Latvia


Sobre los cursos verano Letonia

The project is gathering participants that have already experienced the power of kinesthetic learning by participating in one of three international trainings that the team of trainers have provided during the last 3 years within Erasmus+ (in Poland, Estonia and Slovenia). We see it as a great value to work with the same people on the longer term (within several projects) instead of meeting them just once. This time we can focus the contents more on actual needs of participants that are related to their experiences of applying kinesthetic learning in practice and develop skills of introducing kinesthetic learning in youth work on the deeper level as well as use the potential of group to design and test some tools together.

(Re-)connection – through various movement exercises and conversations about so far experiences withusing kinesthetic learning with young people – what has been the good practices and what – the challenges. Past experience together will easily bring us to the place where we can help and inspire each other to also identify our learning needs in terms of further development in order to be able to use bodily learning more effectively in the youth work.

The process of creating a dance performance – this process will include workshops, laboratory on such themes as: creativity as a process and life style, not an objective; diversity as a resource or “Ugly is Beautiful”; my identity, self expression, Listening to the body; performing art as a form of social activism.

Together we will set the structure for improvised site specific dance performance which will be shared with the local young people, youth workers and others. We will use different specific places in town during the creative process.

Let’s be aware that the performance is the process, not the result. In this case – the performance will be only one part of the “whole party”. A learning tool.

Practicing with local youngsters – this is the process of training the skills to design and facilitate concrete kinesthetic learning activities to reach the learning outcomes in one of the 4 competency areas (mentioned during the dance performance). The invited local youngsters will be “a real life audience” but also the support from other participants and trainers will be there. Feedback and recommendations for improvement will be provided for each session.

Documenting the experiences from the training and coming up with concrete ideas on how to share the outcomes with wider audience of youth workers and also how to involve more young people in kinesthetic learning.

Enjoying – this process will be present all 8 days. Besides the laboratory and analyzing work, movement will be present early mornings through the “wake up” sessions where we all will share our ideas about what is the best way to get into the motion and late nights through the JAM sessions where free dancing together will allow us to continue our self reflection through movement, to build the trust towards ourselves and others, to sharpen the awareness towards myself with others.

What next? After the training every participant will be invited and asked to do some follow-up activity in own country regarding the topic, document it and share the methods and experience. It will be used to prepare a manual for other youth workers.

Presupuesto viaje y becas alojamiento y manutención de los cursos verano Erasmus+

Travel expenses are compensated up to 100%, based on the distance from the location of your sending NGO to the location of the project activity:

360€ total transport costs covered.

100 % Acommodation, food and program materials are covered by the grant of Erasmus+


Participant should be in Riga on 1st May (hopefully until 4 p.m.). We as organizers will pick up the participants and bring to Alūksne. It takes around 3 hours to get to Alūksne.


There is 1 proper airport in Latvia – RIGA AIRPORT. It is very close to Riga centre which is reachable by bus No. 22 (max 30 min, the ticket costs 2 EUR if bought in the bus and 1,15 if bought in the shop).

You can try to check also KAUNAS or VILNIUS AIRPORT in Lithuania as you can reach Riga quite easily by bus (around 20 EUR).

You can find direct buses here

Or not THAT DIRECT buses here or


If you wish you can try to reach Riga by bus. Check previous links for bus connections.

If you really want to spend some 4,15 hours in the bus to Alūksne (for some reason you are later or want to visit the amazing town before) you can check bus connections here

Participants from Estonia (if not coming by car) might go to Voru town as well and we can arrange a car to Alūksne.


No train option. Do not bother to look for that one

Please choose the cheapest travelling options (then we can have more and better food  )!


Alojamiento y manutención de las becas cursos verano en Letonia

We are staying in 3 places:

 13 people are staying in HOTEL “BENEVILLA” (2-3 per room). We will be the very first guests in this place as it is still in the creation process;

 9 people are staying in GUEST HOUSE “IERULLĒ” (4-5 per room)

 5 people are staying in HOLIDAY APARTMENT

All the basics (sheets, towels, bathroom, beds ) are included.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner (with few exceptions) will be held in HOTEL “BENEVILLA”.

Some special needs regarding food please express in application form.

Coffee breakes will be organized in the place of each workshop.

Places of workshops

We will move and express ourselves in various spots depending on weather etc.

The safe place will be Alūksne Cultural centre but there is a lot of green space around.

All of these places are located in the centre of Alūksne town, almost on the same street so it will take just few minutes for you to reach each other, food and workshops.

About Alūksne…

Nice place. Small town with ~8000 people. Aluksne lake is in the centre where people actually swim. Historical places. Planty of green space – parks, forests, meadows, squares. Calm and quite which means that there is no wild nightlife. But we are sure you will like it here!

Seguros cursos verano

Your own medicines + insurance (we encourage everyone to have Europe health card and/ or any other private insurance. We reccommend to hire cheap Erasmus+ insurance on

Some things for the intercultural evening, decide on your own:)

! Please let us know if you have some illness, physical limitations or/and use some medicine

Proceso selección para becas cursos verano Letonia

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «TC Dance Ilze Latvia.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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