E-book del curso Erasmus+ sobre ciudadanía europea y derechos humanos


This e-booklet is the output of the training course for youth workers: “New Citizens of the World” (hereafter “Ne.Ci.Wo.”). The project took place in Palermo (Italy) from 18th to 25th July 2016 and was financed by Erasmus+, a program of the European Commission for training, education, youth and sport.

“Ne.Ci.Wo.” was implemented by LIFE and LIFE, an international non-profit organization with headquarter in Palermo, and involved four partner organizations from the Mediterranean Area: Asociacion Building Bridges (Spain), EUROCIRCLE (France), Volim Volontirati – «VoVo» (Croatia), Lëvizja Europiane në Shqipëri (Albania).

The main reason to involve Euro-Mediterranean countries is strongly connected to the project topics:

migration and citizenship. As it is well-known, nowadays the migration issue affects more and more the Euro-Mediterranean area provoking in the last period a real migration crisis. The EU responses to this crisis are very weak towards the territorial sovereignty of the member states and so more often inefficient and not well-coordinated.

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