Experiencia del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad

Experiencia ayudando a personas sin hogar en Cork, Irlanda

«I feel really grateful, lucky and happy. I am taking with me much more than I had ever expected»
Proyectos europeos
Becarios Erasmus
Socios internacionales

Mi experiencia

When I decided to become a volunteer with the ESC some people though I was crazy. I had been working as a nurse for five years and I had a full time job in a nice hospital. However, from my point of view being able to go abroad again and give some of my knowledge and experience to a NGO could be an exciting experience. 

Having been an ESC volunteer with Cork Simon Community actually gave me the opportunity to work with homeless people. I worked in a really inspiring project called Housing First. Since the very first day I felt welcomed and always listened to. They always took my opinion into account and made me feel valued and important for the team. I learnt so much from every member of the team but I especially learnt from the service users. Engaging with them and building meaningful relationships with them has been such as unique experience.  Learning about trauma, addiction, resilience is something that had an impact on me also from a professional point of view. After this year with them, I truly I feel not only a better person but also a better nurse.

I also have to mention the great role that both organization played in my whole experience. I feel so supported before, during and after the project.

Of course, my experience as a volunteer was beyond going to work every morning. Having lived with other volunteers from other part of Europe has been wonderful. Getting to meet people with different cultural background, little by little by sharing a day-to-day was unique. I met people this year that I know I will always keep in touch with. Besides, living in a different city from one year gave me the opportunity to meet both locals and other people that were living in the city. It was great to be able to connect with people from all over the world by speaking English. 

Finally, I would like to mention the fact of living in Ireland. The cultural exchange has also been a really exciting part. To both enjoy the culture and learn about it while living there was one of the best part.

Today, one year later, I feel really grateful, lucky and happy. I am taking with me much more than I had ever expected. Cork, Ireland, Simon Community and all the beautiful people I met will always have a special place in my heart.

¿Qué incluyen nuestras plazas?


Un billete de Ida y Vuelta

Curso idiomas

Aprenderás el idioma del país

Dinero bolsillo

Cantidad fija al mes para tus gastos

Alojamiento y gastos casa

La casa y los gastos los cubre el programa


Seguro gratis accidentes y responsabilidad civil


Tendrás una cantidad para comida y gastos corrientes

Pide tu plaza

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