Spanish lessons with seniors:
Presentation of Spain in the kindergarten (ppt)
Related to psychology:
Then we will put it into practice. We can do this in two ways: firstly, we can show pictures or videos of different emotions. The children will try to say how the person in the picture or video is feeling.
Expressing emotions (10 minutes):
We will place different cards in a basket with a face that represents a basic emotion. We will circulate and each child will draw one card and then they will have to try to name these emotions. As well as this, we will ask you to tell us what makes you feel that way (for example, sad or happy).
That would be the first lesson. Later, knowing how children react, we will introduce more topics.
We will place different cards in a basket with a face that represents a basic emotion. We will circulate and each child will draw one card and then they will have to try to name these emotions. As well as this, we will ask you to tell us what makes you feel that way (for example, sad or happy).
Customs in Spain:
We will propose different ideas to adapt to the age of the children so that it is not too difficult for them.
If the children like it, we could also do it with other holidays, such as Carnival, Las Fallas, San Fermin …
Music crafts:
Frecuence: We made activity one time, in July.
Description: We prepare some activities for children between 8 and 12 years old. The main activity was divided in three different parts: cultural, ecological and sportive part.
The job offer consists in a full time job as a support worker in the company “Simon Community”, doing work with homeless people. This company operates in Ireland.
Un billete de Ida y Vuelta
Aprenderás el idioma del país
Cantidad fija al mes para tus gastos
La casa y los gastos los cubre el programa
Seguro gratis accidentes y responsabilidad civil
Tendrás una cantidad para comida y gastos corrientes
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