Activitiy period: 15th of september 2015  untill  15 of july 2016 (10 months)

Number of Volunteers: 1

Location: PažagieniaiLithuania

Deadline: 20th of April 2015


Panevezio rajono Pazagieniu mokykla-darzelis

Pažagieniai School-Kindergarten was founded by Council of Panevėžys District Municipality in 1991. It’s a public school that provides education to children from 1 up to 10 years old. Three education programs are provided in the School; kindergarten, reception class (pre-school) and primary school programs.
A day-care and education is provided in three Kindergarten groups that are attended by 53 children. 2 kindergarten groups are attended by children of age from 1 to 4 year and the children who is 5/6 year attend a reception class. There are from 15 to 20 children per group. Children in the kindergarten groups can stay in the school from 7 a.m. till 6 p.m. There are 2 teachers who work in each group and they also have assistants (one per group). The kindergarten program is designed according to the principles of freedom, individual practice, experimentation and referring to family. There is an aspiration to develop and implement training modules, that are focused on the development of the child’s innate capacities, taking into account the common human and national values, natural and individual mental and physical processes in the kindergarten groups .
49 pupils age from 7 to 10 year attend 4 School primary classes. Primary education program is approved by Ministry of Education and Science and designed for four years. Usually pupils start their lessons at 8.30 a.m. and stay at School untill 2 p.m. An extended day- care group for 7-8 year old pupils is available in the School, too. The group works up to 4.30 p.m.
There are 102 children in total in the School -Kindergarten this year.
There are 30 employees working in the School -Kindergarten every day. We have 15 teachers; 4 of them work in primary classes and 5 teachers work with reception class and kindergarten groups, but we also have teachers of English, Music, Sport and Dance who have part time job in our school. We appreciate Speech therapist who helps children with learning difficulties. Health-care specialist also works here and school provides catering service, too.
There are located 7 groups’ rooms, washing rooms, small gym and a conference room as well as the kitchen in the building of 2 floors. Outside around the building there is a playground with several climbing frames, sandboxes etc. The children have a lot of space for moving activities, experiments and investigating nature.
Pažagieniai School-Kindergarten has a vision to become a modern organization that provides a high quality educational programs for children. We consider our mission to help the family raising children jointly developing a mutually acceptable family-school model of cooperation that encourages children to lead productive lives, to give them moral and social maturity basics and provide qualified pre-school and primary education in safe and creative environment.
School philosophy is based on believing that each and every child is unique, deserves a great attention and ultimate love. The task of all community is to help revealing the individual child’s ability and to create a safe and healthy environment for ones learning.
Pažagieniai School community looks for different ways how to help kids to express themselves and provide extra curricular activities where kids are taught singing, crafts, theatre, dancing and sports.

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS Lituania kindergarten”

The deadline to apply is on 20th of April.

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