Plaza de SVE en Alemania !


The work area for the volunteer will be the Kindergarten «Zwergennest» in Riepe.

This nursery school has a present capacity for taking care of 74children, gathered in four groups two of them of 17 children, one group of 25 children and one group of 10 children.

Besides we have a institution for the younger children of 15 children aged 1 to 3.


In our institution, the children aged 2 to 6 years are prepared for school attendance.

There are 12 employees working in the kindergarten every day. It is, in fact, a very young team, always open to new experiences and impressions.

Together with the children, we work on special subjects which are fixed each months, taking into consideration of the different seasons, festivities or special interests of the children.

The institution is under administrative responsibility of the municipality of Ihlow-therefore it has it’s fixed place in the life of the community as well as in village life.

The opening hours of the kindergarten are from 7.30 a.m.-1.00 p.m. In addition, we offer a special opening time until 2.00 p.m. subject to appointment, assuring the parents sufficient child care during their working hours.

On three days in the week we have an offer in the afternoon for the children.

On these days the childrens can stay from 2pm up to 3.30pm in the kindergarten. Here they work on different project themes .



Since 2006 our institution has become the accredition to be a host organisation.

Two international volunteers worked in our institution each for six months.

The volunteers assisted us in the work with  the children and realise their own ideas by offering activities and carrying through projects by using their language and creativity.

This enriches us and our work with the children.


Send your CV and motivation letter in inglish here:


Remember to write in the email that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges ES-2010-120 !

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