Etiqueta: sve alemania

Jul 18
Se buscan voluntarios/as para un castillo-residencia en Alemania

Voluntariado en Alemania con todos los gastos pagados por el programa Erasmus+ de viaje, alojamiento, comida, transporte y dinero bolsillo en un castillo-residencia. Lugar y fechas Castle Rieneck is an international education and community centre of the Christian scouts union  Build as a guest house it is able to host groups throughout the year […]

May 07
SVE Alemania con discapacitados (escuela, fútbol, trabajo social)

sve alemania con todos los gastos pagados para trabajar con discapacitados en varios proyectos (por favor elegir uno). Como alternativa tienes estas otras plazas (atención con las fechas límite): Voluntariado en una guardería en Lituania Voluntariado europeo con niños en Eslovenia Voluntariado en Irlanda Voluntariado europeo en Bélgica en medio ambiente Topic: Education Lugar SVE […]

Jul 09
Trabajar en Alemania con discapacitados con el SVE

Te informamos que buscamos candidad@s para trabajar en Alemania con discapacitados en un proyecto europeo que acaba de abrirse de nuevo la solicitud de voluntariado europeo Alemania, en este proyecto que ofrece varias plazas y ámbitos de actuación. Si quieres ver más ofertas en ese país, busca aquí voluntariados y becas Erasmus+ en  la sección Becas […]

Feb 13
Servicio Voluntariado Europeo en Stuttgart – Alemania

Te ofrecemos 1 plaza para servicio voluntario europeo Alemania en un centro proyectos europeos  ¡Anímate a solicitarlo! Introducción al Servicio Voluntario Europeo Alemania Do you want to spend a year abroad and gain new experience? Möchtest du ein Jahr im Ausland verbringen und neue Erfahrung machen? Do you want to improve your German and meet new people? Möchtest […]

Feb 12
SVE en Alemania!

“Together Strong for Environmental Protection and International understanding” HOSTING ORGANISATION: “Gruene Schule grenzenlos” e.V. DEADLINE: 20th March 2015  DURATION OF EVS: October 2015 – Sept 2016 (12 months) MAIN TOPICS: Youth + Environment + Non-formal education + Culture + Media … LOCATION: Erzgebirge Mountains in Saxony (East Germany); a small village with 800 inhabitants (nearest […]

Feb 08
URGENTE: 2 Plazas de SVE en una residencia para discapacitados en Alemania

Franziskus Heiligenbronn – Assisted Living for the Disabled Project start September 2015, duration 12 months Description of the organisation The foundation St. Franziskus Heiligenbronn is an ecclesiastical foundation under public law. It performs a charitable mission based on christian-catholic principles, in particular for people of all ages with impaired senses, elderly people in need of […]

Feb 08
URGENTE: SVE como un auxiliar en el sector de trabajo social, Alemania

St. Franziskus Heiligenbronn – Employment and Occupation Start of the Project: September 2015, duration 12 months Description of the organisation The foundation St. Franziskus Heiligenbronn is an ecclesiastical foundation under public law. It performs a charitable mission based on christian-catholic principles, in particular for people of all ages with impaired senses, elderly people in need […]

Feb 08
URGENTE: Buscamos 2 auxiliares para un SVE en una escuela para discapacitados en Alemania

St. Franziskus Heiligenbronn – School for the Disabled Start of the Project: September 2015, duration 11 months Description of the organisation The foundation St. Franziskus Heiligenbronn is an ecclesiastical foundation under public law. It performs a charitable mission based on christian-catholic principles, in particular for people of all ages with impaired senses, elderly people in […]

Feb 08
URGENTE: 2 Plazas de SVE en la asistencia de los descapacidades en Schramberg, Alemania.

Sheltered Workshop and Assisted Living for the Disabled   Start of the Project: September 2015, duration 12 months   Description of the organisation The «Lebenshilfe in the County of Rottweil gGmbH» conducts exemplary integration and support for mentally, physically or severely disabled people through manifold and ambitious employment opportunities and individual caregiving and therapeutical assistance. […]

Feb 07
URGENTE: 2 Plazas de SVE en un hostal en la reserva natural en la Selva Negra en Alemania

Naturfreundehaus Radofzell Start of the Project: June 2015, duration 9 to 12 months   Organisation topics Education through sport and outdoor activities Environment and climate change Description of the organisation The NaturFreundehaus Bodensee is a hotel (150 beds) with a restaurant and many leisure facilities. Our guests are many families with a lot of children […]

Ene 21
EVS en Alemania sobre educación

Deadline: February 28, 2015 Location: Germany Are you interested in helping people with special needs? Would you like to spend 12 months living and working in a foreign country, experiencing a new culture and getting to know the mindset, work ethic and social structure of Germany? If so, here is your chance!The Friends of Waldorf […]
