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Tipo de trabajo

Furniture, kitchens or, for example, a musical instrument, can be sprayed completely or partially in any colour, (satin) gloss or two-component lacquer. The employer always advocates the partial preservation of the existing structure or wood grain. With the mixing cabinet than 1000 different colours can be made. This allows to develop and spray the color you want in-house.


Car is a must or bike. The employer offers cars which will cost the candidates 75,- per week which includes legal taxes for a company car. Also normal or electric bikes are available.

You must bring the following items with you:
1. A undamaged, legal and valid identity document (an EU Passport or ID Card).
2. Your bank card and international I-Ban and Bic Code.
3. Safety shoes and working clothes.
4. Sofi = BSN number (Dutch tax number) (when you have one, otherwise we arrange an appointment for you)
5. Your VCA-certificate. VCA Basic Safety English (B-VCA) (Only when you have one)

To apply for this job offer, you must send a CV template that includes the names, addresses and website of the companies where you have worked, maintaining a linear order from the most recent (top) to the oldest (bottom). We provide you with a https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hpde8y6kldz2zlsgb3a6t/Template-profile-1.docx?rlkey=vzoctbxo1km9qss4qcvlk5vo6&dl=0model in English here: 

The company will offer you:


  • Free accommodation paid by company
  • A single room
  • Shared cooking facilities / bathroom /WIFI
  • Registration at a Dutch health insurance company.
  • The Dutch tax office will automatically refund a part of this contribution to your bank account.

Tools required

Safety shoes

Starting date

As soon as possible.


Netherlands area leek (Groningen)

Possible Wages

40hrs weekly € 550/€575- after taxes or A1.


The offer includes free single room, max 30 min. drive from the work and with free health insurance. The actual wage depends on the skills and experience of the candidate.


Todos los gastos pagados

Solicita este trabajo

    Esta plaza sólo está abierta a ciudadan@s español@s o residentes legales en España.

    EDUCATION AND OTHER TRAINING COURSES. Title of qualification awarded:
    Training courses and masters, if any:

    CURRENT JOB. Please describe your current job:

    Foreign languages and level of competence: elementary (A1-A2) intermediate (B1-B2) advanced (C1), proficiency (C2):

    SPECIAL MEDICAL NEEDS. Do you have any specific medical needs (chronic illnesses and specific medicines, allergies, food intolerance, disability, etc.)? Please give details and/or attach documentation to this application:

    What are your hobbies?

    How would you describe yourself (values and weaknesses, roles of friends in your life, importance of school and job)?

    Please, describe your previous experiences in other countries and your contacts with people of other nationalities and cultures:

    Motivation letter in ENGLISH (only documents .doc, .docx, .pdf, .odt). Please describe in one single page your previous experiences as worker or volunteer (describe also the movements, the organizations and programmes you worked with, if any); Why would you like to take part in this job position (describe your expectations and what you think you may offer to the project)?; What would you like to learn from this project in terms of practical experience?; What are your plans for the future?; Have you ever taken part in any job? Where? When? For how long?; Which field of job would you like to work in? Why? Ver cómo se hace una carta de motivación

    Upload your CV in ENGLISH (please include your date of birth within the CV) (only documents .doc, .docx, .pdf, .odt)

    Mapa de experiencias de voluntari@s y becari@s YesEuropa
    Estudiar en otro país
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