Se buscan voluntarios para centro juvenil de República Checa en actividades culturales y educativas


Tenemos esta nueva oferta de voluntariado europeo en República Checa con todos los gastos pagados por el Programa Erasmus (ver informacion voluntariado europeo). Un proyecto es con jóvenes de la localidad.

También puedes ver otros proyectos donde se necesitan voluntarios en República Checa.

Sobre el proyecto



12 months (beginning 1st of SEPTEMBER 2017 – 31st of AUGUST 2018)

Number of volunteers serving together: 2

Countries:members of EU

Topic keywords:youth work, social work with gypsy minority, youth club, non-formal education

Sobre la organización

Civic association operates in South Bohemia region of Czech Republic since 1999, especially in working with children and young people (primary prevention programs, experiential learning, non-formal education, social services for children and youth, youth clubs). 

On the field of addiction is providing a social and therapeutics services( to drug users and their families). Educational activities (conferences, training courses and seminars for teachers,social workers, etc.).Prevent implements social services in the two clubs for children and youth. „Cross – Prevent NZDM“ in town Strakonice and „Station 17 – NZDM Prevent“ in town Blatná.

Clubs provide social services and non – formal education for children and adolescents from 12 years to 26 years. Its goals are to help the youngsters spend their leisure time meaningfully and provide social service and support in live difficult situations. Workers are preparing leisure time programs and provide support in the difficult period of adolescence. To each of youth club come approx.110 clients per year.

Volunteering in our organization is about working in youth clubs. It is focused mostly on youth with fewer opportunities, Romas and children on the street. It is about helping them, create and organize leisure time with meaningful activities, animation of some activities, supporting them, play with them and work on social services field. Volunteering here is also about helping with visibility in our NGO and our activities.

Papel de los voluntarios/as 

We are seeking volunteers who are active, creative, open- minded and motivated to work with youth and children.

Volunteers do not require previous experience with youth work or work in a non-profit organization, but the basis for us is their interest in this work. For us, it is also important, but not decisive, the usability of the volunteer in his region or in the sending organization after returning from EVS.

Volunteers require at least a basic knowledge of English, because most of our colleagues, employees, speak it. An important condition in the profile is the willingness to learn the Czech language, which will be a great advantage for volunteers in their later work with us.

The types of tasks will be as follows:

 Preparing and providing a leisure time activity for children in youth clubs in Strakonice and Blatná (together with our workers and one more volunteer)

 Support team of trainers during outdoor activities (maximum. once a month)

 Work on specific small projects of youth clubs. It means volunteers will work with our employees on proceeds activation projects for example open days in local museum, theatre, beneficial concert, presentation of work on some school and so on.

 Volunteers will help on promo and visibility of our organization – Volunteers will have an opportunity to help us with organizing and creating ideas of visibility and public relations field. We want to support effective presentation of our activities and NGO, so there are a lot of opportunities to do some changes, presentations, activities etc.

 At the end of the first volunteering period will “old”volunteers help to settle down to new coming volunteers. There is a time period of 2 months in the project, during this time will stay ‘”old” volunteers together with newcomers and help them to settle down.

They can hand over the experience. We believe it helps to prepare stabile work of EVS in our organization.

 Volunteers in their own project. We want to support concrete volunteers in creation and realization of their own projects.

 Volunteer in visibility of EVS. Volunteers will help with managing visibility of EVS and Erasmus + and youth clubs. They will organize presentation and meetings.

Qué aprenderás

What volunteers will learn and experience:

 Languages (develop English, start with Czech)

 Volunteer will experience work with youth, providing of social services, effect of non-formal education and experiential learning style in some activities which we are providing

 They will strengthen or learn how to work with youth, how organize things, how evaluate, how to provide reflection, how to work in team under supervision

 They develop their competencies in communication, planning-reflecting process, project’s thinking, and working on public relation field

 They will increase their awareness about Czech culture

 They will experience multicultural environment to live together with another volunteer from another country

 They will experience specific approach to the Roma’s ethnical minority in Czech Republic.

Cómo solicitar voluntariado europeo en República Checa

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

–  Curriculum Vitae with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

– Motivation letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Motivation letter Application form Building Bridges

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject “EVS CZ Vanova. YOUR SURNAME” to

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