Se buscan voluntarios en actividades educativas y para trabajar con refugiados en Letonia


Te traemos este interesante servicio voluntariado europeo en Letonia de la mano de uno de un ayuntamiento letón que gestiona varios centros y actividades para la comunidad local. En años anteriores ya hemos enviado voluntarios y actualmente tenemos ya varios en Letonia y esta plaza está todo cubierto.

Fechas y lugar del servicio voluntariado europeo en Letonia

Long Term EVS (1 year)
Beginning of the activities: 02.10.2017
End of the activities 28.09.2018
Venue: Ropazi

About Municipality of Ropazi
Municipality of Ropazi is responsible for the whole Ropazi region. Ropazi district is a typical peri-urban region. The total area is 326,4 km2. The number of inhabitants is 7 673 in the whole region, among them 890 young people age 13-25. Ropazi district consists of relatively small, all together 19 villages. Biggest villages are Ropazi, Silakrogs, Zakumuiza, Mucenieki, Tumsupe and Kakciems. A large part of the population have jobs in Ropazi, in the capital city Riga and other, neighbouring cities, for example – Sigulda and Ogre. Also youngsters use different services, e.g., education, in Riga and other cities. That’s way it is important to develop youngsters skills, involve them into decision making and improve the formal and non-formal education in their own district in order to foster their belonging to the region.

In Latvia, there is only one asylum seekers reception centre “Mucenieki” which is located in the administrative territory of our municipality. The municipality is actively involved in dealing with the issues of integration of asylum seekers and refugees. We believe that it is equally important to provide not only the legal framework and the possibility for refugees to start a fulfilling life in local society, but also to prepare and work with the local community. Integration is at least a two-way process which includes willingness of refugees to adapt to culture and traditions of the local community, as well as willingness of local community to accept refugees.
Ropazi website:

 Proyecto servicio voluntariado europeo en Letonia

The project BE ACTIVE CREATIVE; is a long-term European volunteering project where in a Ropaži 2 volunteers in 12 months will learn new skills and competencies and will make different local youngster daily life by organizing different creative activities.

The project aims:

• To promote youth participation in Ropaži county social life and organize sports and creative activities for local inhabitants by giving a chance to all involved people achieve a new knowledge and skills.
• To provide positive attitude towards volunteering work in the local community.

The EVS volunteers will develop the following activities:
1) work with local youth by organizing and conducting thematically afternoon and sports activities, sharing their knowledge and experience.
2) participants will be organizing and participating practical workshops BE ACTIVE &CREATIVE’’.
3) participants will be organizing and participating in Ropaži municipality cultural events including traditional celebrations and everybody who has involved will learn new skills in non-formal education classes.
4) participants will take part in multifunctional centres, include center “Mucenieki” events in which participate local inhabitants and also asylum seekers.
5) public events to promote volunteering and Erasmus + opportunities.
In result of project local people especially youngsters, will gain a positive experience about EVS, will get to know the Spanish and the Italian culture and language, will get intercultural communication skills, which contribute a greater youngster interests and involvement district social activities and also in future this allow youngsters more involved in EVS activities.
Volunteers will get to know latvian culture and history, will learn the basics of latvian language, will learn how to plan their time, develop leadership skills and learn arrange thematic events and sports activities.

Servicio voluntariado europeo en Letonia perfil

Volunteer’s profile
Volunteers that we are looking for should believe in and enjoy working with and for young people. We are looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated, self-reliant, responsible, tolerant and open-minded volunteers, who fulfil the following criteria:
• aged 21 – 29
• high or intermediate knowledge of English
• experience in youth work
• have experience and able to organise activities for youth
• willing to participate in the social and community life
• open-minded to different religions
• like art and photography
• can play some kind of musical instrument
• like outdoor activities, sports and camping
To be preferable driving licence

Otros aspectos a tener en cuenta

Venue, Living and Volunteering conditions
Accommodation: rented separate room in an apartment (in Ropazi). You will live in the apartment with other EVS volunteer.
Food: volunteer will receive monthly payment for food and according to Latvian accountancy legislation volunteers will have to collect stamped receipts for food.
Public catering: in village of Ropazi there are two cafes (Veja ligzda; and Pie Jana;) and school canteen; in village of Zakumuiza there are two cafes (Waldenrode; and;Mezares), school canteen and pizza PICA MIMI on call.
Transport: public transport for work reasons is paid. Municipality also has electric car that is available for use (when matched timely). In summer time bicycles are available for use.

Pocket money: be given to volunteers in the beginning of each month. Pocket money can be transferred to volunteer's bank account.

If needed, a financial help will be asked from the municipality. The previous experience shows that the municipality of Ropazi is really supportive to help volunteers and local youngsters with the financial aspect.

Timetable: The volunteers will work between 5-7 hours/day, 5 days/week. They will have the week-ends free and extra 2 days holiday after every 30 working days. In summer, due to school holidays the timetable can change a little.

Cómo solicitar el servicio voluntariado europeo en Letonia

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

– Application form (signed)

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Latvia Ropazi. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to

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