Servicio voluntariado Italia (Cremona) en ayuntamiento de Italia


Te ofrecemos este servicio voluntariado italia en uno de las mejores organizaciones de acogida de Italia a la que hemos enviado varios voluntarios.

Lee la experiencia de Maria Luisa en este SVE en Cremona


Cremona, Italy

The project » NOBODY – NO BOrders Divide Youth – « will include 2 volunteer (male or female at least 21 years old) who will spend her/his EVS for 12 months in our organisation from july 2018 to june 2019, even if the project is open to male or female candidates we will prefere, for gender balance, a male volunteer.

DEADLINE for send candidatures 5 February 2018

Please specify in your e mail’s object what place you prefer (Educational Policies Department or Intercultural Centre)


The Projects and Resources Office was born from the necessity of the Administration to obtain regional, national and European grants. The office cooperates with all the Sectors of the Municipality and supports the creation of local, European and international partnerships to participate to several calls for proposals.

The office has the following functions: search and dissemination of information concerning the open calls for proposals and the possibilities to join a partnership, support to the presentation of project ideas for different calls for proposals, establishment of territorial partnerships assistance for managing and accounting projects, keeping contacts and establishing relationships with the Financing Institutions, constant updating of the database containing information about all the Municipality’s projects, training sessions for the municipality’s employees about the project cycle management, disseminating information and raising awareness about regulations, policies and programs of the European Union, translation, interpretation and language teaching for volunteers of the national civic service and of the European Voluntary Service.


The office is also in charge with Italian National Civic Service (about 90 volunteers) and Youth Guarantee Projects (30 volunteers) and others participation projects.

Projects and Resources’ Office – Activities of the European Voluntary Service

Dissemination of information about the opportunities for young people and associations of the Third Sector (i.e.: Youth Guarantee Plan, Erasmus + Youth in Action Program, Youth Exchanges, European Voluntary Service, Mobility of youth workers, Program Europe for citizens, calls for proposals of Lombardy Region, calls for proposals of private foundations etc.)


 Monitoring the Official Journal of the European Union, of the Italian State, of Lombardy Region;
 Monitoring institutional websites to search opportunities;
 Participation to info-days about programs and calls for proposal;
 Drafting and dissemination of leaflets, brochures etc.
 Social networking to disseminate information
 Identification of themes that can be interesting for the local community, also on the basis of the proposals coming from the services on the territory, from the organizations of the civil society and from the citizens;
 Search of documents about programs, calls for proposals, forms and guides for project’s planning;
 International partner-search;
 Support in projects dedicated to youth participation and active citizenship with a particular focus on people with refugee status or with less opportunities to improve their social and civic skills and competences
 Support to groups of young people in planning projects and in participating to European and national partnerships; support in filling the requested forms and in funding the necessary co-funding resources;
 Selection of partnership proposals from other countries;
 Support to Italian national service
Organization of events with other services on the territory: Europe Day, Voluntary Day Event, Day of Intercultural Dialogue, seminars and conferences, info days about regional, national and European programs (in particular for youth and associations)

 Drafting and dissemination of leaflets and brochures about themes that are interesting for the local community, the associations of voluntary work and the beneficiaries of the project;
 Some specific themes will be deeply analysed: international mobility, training opportunities at European level (active citizenship, education, voluntary work, local development, environment, refugees issues etc.)
 Searching the information necessary to satisfy the needs and to spur the analysis through different information sources;
 Organizing this information and drafting materials for dissemination;
 Participation to the organization of events;
 Participation to moments of evaluation of the impact on the local community of the information activities;
 Reports on the activities;
 Participation to working groups specifically dedicated to information materials’ drafting
 Participate with other volunteers (European and Italian) in activities connected with information and communication of mobility opportunities for young people

The project aims at offering the volunteer the opportunity to work together with the professional staff to know how to prepare a project, to managed it, to establish and maintain contacts with all partners.


to be actively involved in the proposed activities

to provide personal information to the Coordinating/Receiving Organization and Sending Organization

to be on time when she has meetings with coordinating/sending/receiving organisations

to respect the discipline imposed by the receiving organisation, its working hours, the rules in force (policy, privacy etc.)

to participate in linguistic preparation (OLS online linguistic support and other local courses provided by our personal teacher)

to be in contact by e-mail, telephone or meeting with the involved partner organisations

to receive normal living conditions for an effective service

to receive trainings as planned in the EVS cycle and for the purpose of her activities and the project

to receive a task related support

to receive support from her mentor, Coordinating Organisation, Receiving Organisation,

Sending organisation and National Agency to be familiar with the requirements of the EVS as described in the EVS info kit to participate in the evaluation cycle of the project to receive Youthpass certificate

to collect pictures, videos or other multimedia production of her activities (all those production remain property and copyright of the Municipality of Cremona and any different use from the project aims/purpose is forbidden without specific authorisation) the participant is bound to secrecy about all data, facts and aspects she/he gets to know during her work , also after her EVS according with the rules of the organisation.


Accommodation will be provided in a single room with two beds in a shared apartment with other participants (female). It is located next to the historic city-centre, close to the working seat (10 minutes on foot) and to the railway station.

The flat, located on the first floor of an historic building, is a big open space of about 28 square metres with modern living-room furniture, a sofa bed, two single beds, a wall equipped to cook, table, chairs, washing machine and a set of saucepans; in another small room there is a small wardrobe.

There is also a bathroom, with bath tub/shower and toilet; the house has two big windows.

There is internet connection and bed sheets. It is next to the supermarket, chemist’s shop and other kinds of stores.

Every volunteer will receive a personal bike to move in town. Volunteer will receive each month a pocket money of 115 euro.

Working time is 36 hours per week. In case there is more work during the week end or working time not scheduled, the participant can be compensated with free days.

The participant has 18 days holidays for his 9 months voluntary service ( 2 days per month,) which has to be planned in the beginning of the service according to the annual plan of the activities.


Peaceful and friendly town in the north of Italy, nearby to Milan, Cremona is the capital city of the same Province in Lombardy; the city has 72000 nhabitants.

Young people population (14-35 years old) is made up of 15.000 people, that is the 21% of the inhabitants. The town lies on the river Po, in the hearth of the Po valley and its economy is mainly connected to agriculture.

Cremona is also an important historical town, founded more than 2000 years ago by Romans, is rich of monuments from Medieval to Baroque and Neoclassical period. Cremona has old musical tradition: here were born and worked the families of the world’s most famous luthiers, or stringed instrument makers (Amati, Stradivari, Guarneri) and from Cremona are two of the most important musician of XVII century: Ponchielli and Monteverdi.

About European and international dimension in town there is a great number of people ( young strangers), especially connected with the local international school for luthiers.

Also there are several EVS ex volunteer (Italians that had a evs experience abroad and European who have decide, after their Evs year, to remain in Cremona for study or for work) all them are still connected.


voluntariado italia
voluntariado italia




How to apply

You must have been registered in European Solidarity Corps so please indicate in your contact evidence of your number of registration (candidates that are not registered in ESC will not considered)

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

[button color=»purple» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: «EVS Italia Massimo. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» or «EVS Italia Massimo Cremona EUMOBILITY. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to

  • Saira
    10 marzo, 2018 at 9:11 pm

    Buon giorno, scusa, ancora poso inviare la mia solicitudine per queste programa?

    Grazie mile

  • admin
    11 marzo, 2018 at 8:59 am

    Hola Saira, el plazo ya ha pasado, lo sentimos, pero tienes otros proyectos en Italia: suerte!

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