Servicio Voluntario Europeo de medioambiente en Francia


Arles France

From 05/06/2017 to 04/06/2018

project description

The A Rocha team offers young people the opportunity to acquire competences in scientific studies of flora, fauna and ecosystems and to put this into practice by implementing projects for managing and protecting sensitive or threatened sites. Most of the EVSs will have their own study project, and will write up a report at the end under the supervision of A Rocha’s scientific specialist. EVSs can take part
in observation, follow-up or counting of species, taking samples and analyzing them, protecting biodiversity of the plots managed by A Rocha by planting hedges, creating ponds, removing invasive species, setting up nesting boxes or perches, etc. They will also show visitors round the centre or the experimental garden and participate in team logistics: meetings, helping prepare meals, etc We are looking for volunteers who have a real interest in protecting the environment. They will need to enjoy life in the country and the contact with the flora and fauna.


accommodation, food and transport arrangements

The volunteers are housed at the study centre, which is also the logistic base for the projects, the head office and the hub for running the life of the team. They share rooms (1 to 4 people of the same sex per room, depending on the number of people in the centre). Lunch and supper are eaten together during the week with the team and any other participants at fixed times. Breakfasts are self-service. The team members take turns at preparing the meals for the group. Special diets are catered for. The centre is no-smoking. Bikes are available for getting around.


training during the project

EVSs are under the daily responsability of the scientific director. There is also a monthly team debriefing meeting during which the EVSs talk about how things are going and what they feel they need.
French lessons lasting 90 minutes are offered weekly for those who need it by a teacher who comes in specially, and one hour weekly conversation lessons are offered in-house. The EVSs spend time regularly on personal language study.
A system of shared tutoring will be set up between the sending organization, the young person and us, to improve the process.

volunteer profile

We are looking for volunteers who have a real interest in protecting the environment. They will need to enjoy life in the country and the contact with the flora and fauna, which means sometimes putting up with difficult conditions, getting around by bike, the wind, dry heat, etc. The EVSs will have to show that they can take initiatives in the tasks they undertake and take them through to completion. They should not hesitate to ask for clarification or direction if necessary for their projects. A basic knowledge of French is an advantage for the volunteers, but not a necessity.


how to apply

Please download and  fill this documents:

Send us an email with your CV, our form and letter of motivation to «» with subject «EVS Camargue France. YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME»

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