Theme 1: Access for disadvantaged
Theme 2: Environment and climate changing

The project:
We mainly propose the EVS volunteer to accompany, support and help our technical trainers in organizing and holding the trainings of agriculture and gardening. Taking part in this project, the volunteer will learn about the techniques of preparation of soils, seeding and plantations but s/he will also acquire skills in working with disabled and disadvantaged people. The volunteer will be completely integrated in our team; s/he will mainly support us in the organisation of the trainings but also in the implementation and promotion of playful activities as journeys, games, outdoor activities and cultural events for the users of our center.
The volunteer will take part in our educational meeting; s/he will help us in the evaluation of our trainees’ development. The aim of his/her presence in our center is to offer our people the possibility to open themselves to another culture, another dimension.

He/she is expected to help us in improving the group cohesion, bringing new ideas and working actively for a stronger inclusion of disabled people. To reach this goal he/she will be warmly encouraged to collaborate with the other young people who volunteer in CBB’ projects focused on the topic of disabled peopleinclusion as well.
During the project the volunteer will receive all the support needed: he/she will have a mentor who will help him/her in opening a bank account, finding a French course, enroll him/herself to the city hall and he/she will have of course also a technical support during the work.

Profile of the volunteer:
Our project is open to anybody motivated by volunteering and who wishes to be involved in our organisation, regardless to their nationality, religion, believes, diploma, professional experience. Because our public doesn’t speak any other language than French, we require that the volunteer as some basic skills in communicating in French. We expect the volunteer to be open to the difference and ready to build an atmosphere of confidence and security with the beneficiaries; be ready to involve him/herself in the several tasks we do with them; be able to work together with the staff; be interested in the topic of disabled people inclusion; agree with our philosophy of equality and openness to the difference; willing to listen, communicate and care about the young adults with disabilities.CAUTION: the volunteer will have to provide a certificate of good conduct (CGC) related with the work with disabled people.


All information: click 

Project period:
EVS activity will start on 01/02/2015 for duration of 12 months

Send CV and motivation letter: till 15 of September !!!

Remember to write in the email that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges ES-2010-120 !

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