About the project:

We expect the volunteer to take an active part into the staff work. S/he will support and  accompany the young adults with disabilities during their work. S/he will facilitate their  investments in the tasks realization.

For example:

– During the envelope labeling at the youth center, the volunteer will be with the group, check the work done, suggest some improvement if needed, keep the good atmosphere during the work;
– During the meal cooking at “Clair et net”, the volunteer will support the youngsters in the different tasks required: check the youngster have all the material needed before starting the work, try to find a task for all of them…
With the support of other workers, the volunteer will play a big role in the maintenance of a good relationship with the different partners, the youngsters and the staff of service
S/he will:
– Create a social link with the youngsters;
– Share his/her knowledge with the youngsters in order to help them to accomplish their tasks (computer skills, cooking skills…);
– Give the opportunity to the youngsters to open themselves at the world around them;
– Raise awareness about volunteering among youngsters and partners;
– Be a resource of new ideas, new points of view about the way of working…;
– Be a support, somebody who listens to the youngsters.

Activities the volunteer could participate in or create:

– To think up and develop a project with the youngsters (try cooking recipes, cultivate chicories in caves…);
– To actively participate in the educational staff meetings;
– To suggest some changes in order to improve Renforts, willing to evolve constantly;
– To take initiative;
The volunteer’s activities can be adapted according to his/her skills and wills.
During the first weeks, s/he will meet the different partners and will be introduced to the
several tasks dealt by the youngsters. Then, according with the agenda of the staff and

his/her preferences and skills, s/he will have the opportunity to choose what activities and
planning fit him/her the best.

Profile of volunteer:

Our project is open to anybody motivated by volunteering and who wishes to be involved in our organisation, regardless to their nationality, religion, believing, diploma, professional experience. Because our public doesn’t speak any other language than French, we require that the volunteer already is able to communicate a bit in our language before starting the service. We expect the volunteer to be open to the difference and ready to build an atmosphere of  confidence and security with the youngsters; be ready to involve him/herself in the several tasks we do with them; be able to work together with the staff; be interested in the topic of disabled people inclusion; agree with our philosophy of equality and openness to the difference; willing to listen, communicate and care about the young adults with disabilities.
CAUTION: the volunteer will have to provide a certificate of good conduct (CGC) related with the work with disabled people.

All information: click 

Project period:
EVS activity will start on 01/02/2015 for duration of 12 months


Send CV and motivation letter: evs@compagnonsbatisseurs.be till 15 of September !!!

Remember to write in the email that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges ES-2010-120 !

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