SVE en centro juvenil Lindhaga, Suecia!




Volunteer profile: Volunteer should be 22-30 years old. We welcome young people with “fewer opportunities”, from all religions and sexual orientation.

Living arrangements: A shared apartment in Mölndal/Gothenburg. Or a rented room in a bigger apartment/house. The volunteers should be aware that the apartment is shared and they will need to manage this well.

Financials: Volunteers get a monthly payment around 330€ per month (including pocket money) that should cover food and leisure activities. Accommodation, local transport, international travel, visa is covered by the Erasmus+ programme.

Info for Sending organizations: Because of high living/project cost in Sweden the sending activity cost is around 177 € only, we apologize for this. The whole grant goes into the project and nothing is used for administration of the organization.


The youth centers in the City of Mölndal, Sweden have since 2009 been hosting and sending EVS- volunteers. In the youth centers we work with a strong focus on youth influence and empowerment for young people and the activities on the youth centers are based the young people’s own ideas and interest. The youth have the power over activity budget in the youth centers through a system called “Show me the money” where the young people can apply for money for own ideas and where the budget group consists of youngsters. The volunteers hosted in Mölndal need a strong motivation and good social skills in working with teenagers and together with youngsters hold and create activities. It as of great advantage if you have sport skills, artistic skills such as; art, music, film, theatre etc etc.


Send CV + 1 photo + Motivation letter. Your Motivation letter should include your personal motivation for working with young people in the Youth centers or the Eurodesk contact point and why you are interested in that particular project.

Deadline for applications May 29th, 2015.


Period: 10 September 2016 – 10 July 2016

Duration: 10 months

Placements: 1 placement at Lindhaga youth center, City of Molndal Sweden.

EI-number: Applicant is KEKS Eurodesk Mölndal (2013-SE-47) and the host organization is Lindhaga youth center (2013-SE-21)


Task for the volunteer in Lindhaga youth center

The volunteer coming to Lindhaga youth center will be a part of a unit of two youth centers and a community worker in “West Mölndal”. He/she will be able to experience a Swedish youth center and the way youth leaders in Mölndal work with teenagers in their spare time, how we engage young people on a voluntary basis in different projects. Apart from that the volunteer will be involved in the community work with the community worker connected to our unit. (Community work Bifrost) In comparison to a youth center the community worker works with all inhabitants of “Bifrost”, with people of all ages. Both have in common that they work with people of different cultural backgrounds.

Lindhaga youth center will move to a new facility by the end of the summer this year. The new building will offer a lot of possibilities for our visitors. We will have space for different group activities such as baking, dancing, theater, music and much more. At present Lindhaga youth center is in the starting phase for different group activities, a few mentioned are a photo-group, parkour-group and baking-group. All ideas come from our visitors, BUT there are no ready-made groups. So if you want to work here you have to have the social ability to motivate young people to engage themselves in different kinds of activities, events or group activities. In other words you have to be creative in attracting young people’s interests, need to be outgoing and possess the willingness to learn. Over the years we have noticed that a good way to get to know the teenagers is through sports.

We can offer you to be part of the daily life at a youth center, the possibility to lead young people in different group activities if they wish for it, experience different events and festivals by the end of spring 2016, being part of our daytime summer camp during early summer 2016 and working with the community worker.

Throughout your whole EVS-period you will also spend time in community work (Community work Bifrost). Here the tasks will contain of supervising a group of employed teenagers (2-3 people) working for Community work Bifrost. Their work tasks may include planning and hosting sport evenings for the local kids. It will also include helping out with a bicycle course starting in April 2016 (depending on the weather). The course is meant to be mostly for people who never before had the possibility to learn how to ride a bike. Visit us on Facebook; “Lindhaga Fritidsgård”.

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS Suecia Lindhaga youth center»

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