Youth Club Active NGO / Noorteklubi Active MTÜ

Duration: 6 February 2016 – 6 January 2017

Description of organisation:

The Youth Club Active is a very young organization which was created with help of the Youth Centre Vihasoo which is working since 1994 in the field of youth in Estonia, Tallinn. Active club was created in Vihasoo Centre 6 years ago. All activities which were made in local and international levels made the members of that club. On last year 2012 were decided to do the Youth Club Active as an independent NGO who gained a big experience in work in the youth field from partner organization. In our organization (NGO Youth club Active) we have approximately 50 youth workers and year by year the amount of our members is growing. We have a youth who are working with children, know languages and ready to try their selves in youth work in other countries. That is why was born the idea to do the organization which will work especially in frames of Youth in Action programme and mostly in Action 2, do the EVS projects and be as a sending and hosting organization. With the very deep cooperation and support from Vihasoo youth centre we are full of energy to achieve our aims.
Organization Youth Club Active working in the same office as Youth Centre Vihasoo. We are renting rooms in Lasnamae Hobby school and have enough space for organizing there different activities. The main activities or topics are making the effective involvement in: youth cultures (theatre, music, dance, and art), organizing workshops and entertainments for youngsters (forum-theatre, juggling or different types of games), media and communication – intercultural learning through international projects, especially with the Youth in Action programme (Youth Exchanges, Training courses, EVS). Often our activities are in cooperation with municipalities or cultural, social, volunteer organizations.
We can offer to volunteer work in our organization, be active member, and be a part of youth club activities and projects. The main thing is that Youth Club Active and Centre Vihasoo cooperating very close, here are working the same people and in a lot of times is organized mixed projects. We have very clear structure of work which can easily explain to volunteer and give him help feel free of realizing his or her ideas in our organization.

Motivation and EVS experience

The Youth Club Active is the young organization but the leaders of that club are a long period of time (more than 10 years) international youth workers in Youth Center Vihasoo and have a big experience in Programme Youth in Action (approximately 5 years). Mostly the experience based on Action 1 and Action 3, but according to that experience was gathered a huge data base of different partners from programme countries (European countries) and neighbor countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia). With help of youth center Vihasoo was opened the new organization NGO Youth Club Active (MTÜ Noorteklubi Active) which we would like to do as a hosting and sending organization and mostly work in Action 2: do the EVS projects with cooperation with huge youth Vihasoo organization. We have a big work in a youth field and would like to see volunteers in our organization. By one leader of Youth Club Active Darja Djatsenko was gained the courses about Action 2 in Bonn/Germany. It was a special training course which named “NEWCOMER in EVS? No venture, no gain!” – for people who would like to work with volunteers and do EVS projects. The most relevant information was taken there and now we are full of energy to get the accreditation for possibility to do the EVS projects in our organization. We put crosses in gaps that we would like to play roles as hosting and sending organizations. For hosting volunteers we have all special services and people who already would like to come to our organization and be volunteers. It happened because of good reputation which we made during participation and organization of previous different projects in programme YiA. As a sending organization we can send a lot of people who really want to do EVS projects. We have approximately in our club 50 youth workers who are able to work with youth and would like to try their selves in other countries. We have a special field of work and know what to do and how to do it.

Project Environment

* Hosting organization is Youth Center Vihasoo who is the 20 years on the youth field, organization which have a big area of work with youth and children. As a coordinating organization Youth Club Active have very good partners with whom we work and who can be a potential hosting organization for volunteers. What is more, Vihasoo have a big experience about 8 years of hosting volunteer through the summer period in the camp. Now they sphere of work is bigger and they are ready to host volunteers through whole year.
dcooperationAs a hosting organization Vihasoo provided work in Tallinn, because our youth organization located in capital of Estonia, in Lasnamae (address Võru-11). The biggest part of the volunteer work will be in Tallinn in youth centre Vihasoo and Youth Club Active (there are located in the one centre) and sometimes work will be in the second territory of organization Vihasoo – suburban camp Vihasoo. The suburban camp located in the Tammisepa village. There will be organized children camps and international projects (youth exchanges and training courses in frames of YiA programme). The volunteer will have all services for work in thesecamp territory also.
In the Tallinn we offer to volunteer live next to the work place (in Lasnamae region) in the flat with two rooms. The flat will be oriented for two volunteers. They will have possibility to use the common kitchen and bath but separated rooms. Wi-Fi will be also provided in the flat services. In the accommodation will be everything organized for leaving (furniture, kitchen stuff, bad linen, dish and TV) On the work place in Tallinn, in the office will be offered all relevant services. (For example: computer, work place, equipment and stuff for work, Wi-Fi connection, printer, scanner and etc.) For spending the free time in the office we have the cinema options, board game collection, kitchen for cooking and rooms where is possible to organize some activities). In our centre we have possibility to study Estonian or Russian languages.
Sometimes to volunteer will be offered to participate in local projects which can take place in different part of Estonia or abroad. The environment of the work is the youth field. Work with children and youth in different levels. Organization of projects, events, entertainments, courses, workshops, performances for them.
The Youth Center Vihasoo and Youth club Active working with youth and children with mixed cultural diversities. We have Russian community’s residents and Estonian community residents. Children and youth can use two languages at least. The volunteer have to be ready to meet with two different languages, cultures and with children who are from two communities but are all the Estonian inhabitants.

* Our organization with cooperation with Youth Centre Vihasoo have a clear view of what can do the volunteers in our organization s and what we can offer to them:
We can offer:
– Provide suitable accommodation and meals (covering also the holiday period) to the volunteer
– Mentor (the person who will be responsible for providing personal support and support during the EVS project
– learning/Youthpass process to the volunteer
– Appropriate timetable to work
– Work in Tallinn, capital of Estonian. Our youth centre is located in Tallinn and here will be the biggest part of volunteer work. Also volunteer will have chance to organize different events in partner youth organizations. In our organization volunteer will get the special work, place in office.
– Task-related support (offers supervision and guidance to the volunteer through experienced staff)
– Friendly and qualitative colleges at the work place
– Local transport (ensuring that means of local transport are available for the volunteer.
Personal support (provides personal support and support during the learning/Youthpass process to volunteer(s)
– gives the volunteer(s) the opportunity to integrate into the local community, to meet other young people, to socialise, to participate in leisure activities, etc.
– encourages contact with other EVS volunteers whenever possible.
– Possibility to develop himself in different local and international courses which according to work with children and youth
– We are ready technically support our volunteers. We have all relevant stuff in organization territory. (computer, printer, scan, photo camera, Wi-Fi)
– Local language courses (Estonian) or according to work with Russian children Russian language. Depends on volunteer wish. In our youth centre we have two possibilities.
– Organization and coordination different projects
– Excursions around Estonia, especially Tallinn
– Supporting of volunteer initiative (ideas which he or she would like to realize), volunteer will have area of creation and realization
– Possibility to organize his or her workshop for children and youth
– Concrete target group with whom volunteer will have possibility to work
– Pocket money which will provided by project fixed sum in Estonia, Tallinn
– The service of our youth organization include coffee breaks, seminar room, private place in office and Wi-Fi
• what will be the role of EVS volunteers in the Host Organisation,
• Work with youth and children in our organization 6 hours per day 5 days in week (organization and participation in projects, courses, events, entertainers)
• Have own workshop for children and youth (according to volunteer interests and abilities, could be musical guitar workshop, language workshop, dance workshop and etc.)
• Be active participant in projects and events which are provided by our organization
• Work in urban and suburban camps with children from 7-15 years old
• Develop himself and participate in suitable projects which can help in his/her work with youth
• Follow our cultural rules and rules from our organization
• the activities in which the volunteers could be involved and the activities the volunteers could create in your organisation. Please give examples of typical activities/tasks for the volunteers.
– Organize and lead workshops in Youth centre Vihasoo (depends on volunteer skills and knowledge, could be language courses, juggling, theatre, dance, music, art, journalist, digital and etc).
– Participation in local projects for children
– Entertainments, events for children (concerts, games, competitions, holidays, vocation)
– Work in urban and suburban camps (during the children vocation in all-weather seasons)
– Cooperation with other partner local youth organizations

* We would like to cooperate with sending organization who is working in the youth field. Our youth centre is looking for the reliable, motivating, active sending organization that is ready to support their volunteers in each step of their work. We are waiting the initiative volunteer who is open and friendly to children and youth. Volunteer have to be ready to work with our target group, do not afraid of children and more or less understand their behaviour. Better if the volunteer will own basic level of English and if the volunteer will be more than 18 years old because of work with children. Under this age in Estonian law it is not allowed work with youth and children.

* Maximum three. We are planning mostly two but it will depend on how much work we will have to offer for volunteers.

* 1. First of all we will coordinate each project where we will host or send the volunteers. Our objective is to organize, host and inform all volunteers about each aspect in different projects. We are ready to answer for all questions from our partners (as sending organization or from volunteer directly) that to prevent misunderstanding and organize every EVS project in a good way.
Moreover, insurance is necessary for our side. In case of health problems volunteers will take the medical aid. In our organization we have our own doctor who can help in all complicated situations or if will be the very terrible situation our professional doctor will have contact with ambulance.
For preventing the misunderstanding with local culture we will prepare the list of some laws of the Estonian republic which volunteer first of all have to should know that to pretend his self.
2.Transport and accommodation logistics:
We will meet and pick up the volunteers on arrival day in Tallinn and will accompany to the venue where will be his or her accommodation. Also we will departure our volunteers in the necessary day. We will pick up volunteers to the work place at the beginning of his or her EVS project that volunteer have to use to do it then alone.
The accommodation will be located in Tallinn next to the organization that to do the comfort to volunteers. It will be more safety.
Conditions of accommodation, a food, and places for work and activity will answer norms of hygiene and safety.
The practical arrangements for the implementation of the Activity (food, lodging, transports, etc.)
The service of our youth organization include coffee breaks, seminar room, private place in office and Wi-Fi.
3. Technical support
We are ready technically support our volunteers. We have all relevant stuff in organization territory. (computer, printer, scan, photo camera, Wi-Fi)
4. Preparation:
With sending organization we will cooperate at the beginning of the project. Preparation is very relevant for us to make for volunteer the EVS project easier from the first steps. We will send the Info_Pack where will be written everything what have to expect the volunteer before coming to Tallinn and to work. The same information we will repeat the first month of work to volunteers that to make his location in Tallinn more comfortable and to be used to live in our rules.
In the Info_Pack will consist the most relevant information and also additional:
– accommodation + photos,
– food which we will provided (Estonian typical food)
– work – responsibilities, timetable, what is better to expect + some preparation tasks
– Some laws of the Estonian republic which volunteer first of all have to should know that to pretend his self.
– What we will provide as a hosting organization (local language courses, participation in different projects – developing, holidays, excursions)
• how you will prevent risks and crises,
The risk and crises we will prevent with deep work with volunteer. Volunteer will have a work with mentor and supervisor who will control his behaviour, check his feelings and know about his/her mood. As a hosting organization we will pay attention that the volunteer will have possibility to contact with two helpers 24 hours per day that to be sure that he or she is in safe and people are ready to help him or her every minute.
The hosting organization Vihasoo and Active will contact with sending organization that to give them feedback about volunteer condition or problems wish can arisen
• how – in the case of EVS volunteers aged 16 or 17 – you ensure appropriate supervision, protection and safety.
We are planning to host volunteers who are older than 18 years old. It is mostly because of the area where work our organization. By Estonian laws it is forbidden to work with youth and children if you are under 18 years old alone. We are very worrying about this fact and would like to see the volunteers older than18 years old who can take responsibilities work with children and youth. In our organization all youth workers under the 18 years are just helpers to leaders and leaders take responsibility older than 18 years old.


Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS Estonia Youth Club ”


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