¡Ya hemos enviado gente a Hungríal! Lee sus experiencia aquí

Dates: 10 months / June 2018- March 2019

Ormánság, Hungary


Our project focusing on a European problem. In most of European rural areas the number of young people decreasing as consequence of negative trend in demographic growth. Young people move to urban areas to live, going to work in other countries, or living behind their country forever.

One possible solution could be by time for this problem the active participation of youngsters in rural development programs. To achieve this goal we should start programs to ensure pro-active co-operation of young people in rural areas and promote
the advantages of rural lifestyle.

Our priority is to raise awareness to the Greenway method which can be applied across regions with similar features in Europe, for creating closer local communities and an environmentally and economically more sustainable society, promoting a healthy lifestyle and sport.

Our project is dedicated to create high quality printed and electronic publications, information leaflets, calendars, postcards, newspaper articles, blog entries, photos and short films that focus on the cultural and natural values of the area through foreign volunteers eyes with all positive and negative aspects.

Sustainable organisation will receive 6 volunteers for 10 months from Poland, Greece and Spain to join the organization's daily activities to ensure community development, sustainability and green thinking. Ormánság is a geographically and economically
disadvantaged area with high number of unemployment and migration of young people. Our previous EVS volunteers told that very similar problems exists in many places in Europe so we focus on a European problem in the project.

Project description:

We are looking for and offering universal solution for that problems together with EVS volunteers and pro-acitve local young people using the Greenway as alternative rural development method. In our project the "faces of the greenway" will be the local population, local producer, guest house owners, tour guides, NGO's who will work together with video, photo and social media experts plus EVS volunteers.

Our main goal is to pay attention on the Greenway method which is usable in different places in Europe to support economically and environmentally sustainable society, community development, healthy lifestyle and sport, mobility of young people and their local identity.

The goal is to bring Europe, the European culture and values, the European youngsters to the Ormánság to help the local disadvantaged youngsters see the world through their eyes. During the project the volunteers take part in different activities (listed below).

The receiving organization focuses on the learning process of the volunteers also and at the end of the project we mention all the results in the Youthpass. The learning process and self development process of the volunteers are supported by the EVS coordinator, director of the NGO and the mentor. Professional experts support the volunteers own project proposal during the service to have a long distance result after the volunteers return home. On return to their home countries, the volunteers can help the work of the sending organization, spread the opportunities of the EVS project, express their own experience at open events.

In the Ormánság we help the better understanding of common European awareness, cultural and language varieties in direct and indirect ways.

Learning Hungarian:


classes at the University on Tuesdays at 6 o’clock and FB communities with good resources, check uploded files:

Magyarul tanulsz? Are you learning Hungarian?

Learn Hungarian – Tanuljunk magyarul


About Hungary: http://gotohungary.com/

Currency: Hungarian Forint

Language: Hungarian

Aim of the project:

The main goal of the project is:
– to discover the benefit of rural lifestyle,
– save and promote natural and cultural heritage.,
– enhance local identity of young people through proactive participation in wide range of creative programs.
– to promote the project topics and result in Europe wide with the help of final products such calendar, photo exhibition, blog page, newspaper
– upheld the European values and spread opportunities through active citizenship, intercultural learning, work in human and minority rights issues, freedom of geographical and social mobilities,
– information sharing and Erasmus + opportunities for youngsters.

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

– CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”.

[button color=»orange» link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil2″]Application form[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Timea hungary“.

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