SVE en Praga, República Checa


Name of the project: Your Chance!

Location: Prague, The Czech Republic

Application deadline: 25/01/2015

Start date: 01/04/2015

End date: 30/03/2016

Tasks of the volunteer:

Station of scientists – You will help with animal care (breeding, cleaning etc.). You will start with small animals (such as rodents) and based on your previous experience and learning during your EVS project, you can also help with bigger ones (such as ponies etc.)
You will also assist on free-time courses for children (6 – 15 years old) and help with organising and promoting our events for public (such as competitions, exhibitions etc.)

Station of technicians – You will assist in pre-school centre (children 3 – 6 years) and during activities for children (courses – music, dance, painting, technical courses… based on your skills and preferences)

Host organization description:

The House of Children and Youth of the capital Prague (in Czech “Dům dětí a mládeže hl. m. Prahy, currently referred to also as “DDM hl. m. Prahy” or “DDM HMP”) is the biggest and the longest existing fully open free time centre in Prague founded in 1950. It offers interest education – our aim is fulfilling leisure time of our clients by offering free time activities for children, students, adults and also seniors. The organisation is founded by the Capital City of Prague.

One volunteer will work in one of the departments of our organisation – Station of scientists (Stanice přírodovědců). This station offers broad possibilities of science and breeding-orientated forms of hobbies and creates real oasis in the centre of the city.

The second volunteer will work at Station of technicians (Stanice techniků). The station offers technical courses (free time activities) for children as well as dance courses, music courses, painting etc.

Application process:

Please add your CV, motivation letter specified to our project (what you can offer to our organisation) and explain why you are a young person with fewer possibilities.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS Prague Your choice” .

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