SVE en un jardin infantil en Francia


Le Petit HOME

Duration of the project

  • Start: 01/09/2015
  • End: 31/08/2016

The volunteer will mainly work within the childcare micro-center of Eleu-dit-Leauwette, a small town of 3000 inhabitants located 2 km away from Lens.


The main activity of volunteer within Le Petit HOME consists in accompanying children (6 weeks to 3 years old) in the micro-nursery of Eleu-dit-Leauwette. It is mostly about talking on a daily basis with the kids in their mother language. The everyday life is mainly in recreational activities, entertainment, motivational and educational games, reading, nursery rythmes, dances, stories. As part of this routine, the volunteer will always be paired with a member of the team. He/she may, if he/she wishes, to learn the gestures of routine tasks like for instance the changes or the preparation of meals. The arrival of a volunteer in the childcare of Eleu will be supported by a broad communication plan: designing and distributing bilingual flyers, meeting partners and organization of meetings with families. The involvement and contribution of the volunteer will be determining. The association, in full development, often organizes events: inaugurations, structures anniversary, Christmas and New Year, families’ animations. In addition, the memberships increase significantly therefore these events are more consistent and require more organization (authorization applications, design and production of invitations, communication, logistics implementation and supplier’s orders). The volunteer may find in these additional activities, if desired, the opportunity to discover other professional aspects and get involved.


We require criminal record check or an equivalent and compulsory vaccinations to work in contact with young children in a community. Regarding the volunteer’s profile Le Petit HOME would like to host someone who is: – Aged over 18 years old, – Showing a real interest for children (from 2 months to 3 years old) – Having previous experience of working on contact with children in the context of artistic or cultural activities, sports or other. The volunteer will have strong interpersonal skills and not be shy because most of its activity is based on communication with the public.

Deadline for applying: 01/03/2015

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS, jardin infantil, Francia«.


1st step : Send your CV and cover letter 2nd step : If you are selected you will need to complete a questionnaire. 3rd step : A skype interview

  • Contact person: Mission Locale de lAgglomération de LensLiévin
  • Organisation: Le Petit HOME
  • Location: Lens, France
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