SVE en una granja biodinámica en Holanda!


We are looking for 2 volunteers for a farm in an rural area of the Netherlands. The project already is approved. Urtica De Vijfsprong is a biodynamic farm. Besides cultivating vegetables and producing dairy products, De Vijfsprong’s main focus is assisting people who need help to participate in the labour process. De Vijfsprong works according to biodynamic farming methods. The basic principle is the balance between plants, animals, earth and cosmos. De Vijfsprong strives for sustainable farming that results in products for people and animals that preserve natural resources. The staff consists of people with psychosocial, sociotherapeutical and agricultural expertise and educational background. Urtica de Vijfsprong supports both people with psychiatric and psychological problems and people with mental and physical disabilities.

Hosting organisation:

Lava Legato


 Vorden, Netherlands


1/05/2015 – 30/01/2016




Volunteers will assist in various working areas on De Vijfsprong:

-farm (dairy cattle and agriculture)

-the vegetable garden

-the green house, dairy production (cheese, butter, yoghurt, curd)

-the ornamental garden (yard maintenance, forestry, floriculture)

-sales activities of the various products to different shops.

The volunteer will collaborate with the team leader, the entrepreneur, clients with a mental disability and people with mental problems. De Vijfsprong is a community of people in which cultural life, like music and drama plays an important part. The volunteer learns to work together with others in a wide variety of circumstances, related both to agriculture and the social aspects of the working environment.


1. willingness to do operational farm work.

2. willingness to cycles 6 km back and forth from the accommodation to the working place.

3. a professional attitude towards clients and staff from the farm.

4. willingness to live with a familiy (where volunteers have their own kitchen/shower facilities).

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS granja biodinámica».




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