SVE para 10 meses en Lituania!



15 August 2015 to 14 August 2016


Our organization is non-profit association working with disadvantage children and teenagers, majority of them are from social risk families. We are established since 1992 year and have developed lots of different social activities basically for the most weak our city society members, children who usually  are not able to look after themselves and are living in a very difficult situations. So our target group are disadvantage children and teenagers from social risk, from poor families age 7-16.
The main aim of our activities is to give support for the children and protect their rights. Our objective – effective primary prevention  empowering the parents to care after their children in a positive way and to solve the problems children meet while growing in social risk families.
In 2002 association has founded a center of big variety social services called Family Home. Every year our association is implementing activities and providing support for the children in Children day care centre. There they can get food in charitable canteen, play and stay in safe environment. Family strengthening programme organizes and provides individual and group activities for  parents and their children in order to develop and strengthen social, parental skills, get knowledge about children care, their needs. Our centre also provide charity (foodstuff, clothing, home ware, etc).  Our centre activities are financed basically through projects and charity activities as well as city municipality support. The centre is open 5 days a week. In summer is organized summer day camp for the children. Children come to the center after the school and during the school holidays. Children are offered a wide variety of different afterschool activities. During each day we have around 25 visitors.
In the same building beside Charitable canteen, Children day care center, Family support service, SOS children works with women and gives a special support for them in Women crisis centre. This women crisis center is the only one in Panevezys, which  offer temporary shelter for the mothers with children. In total there work 15 volunteers, two social educators, two consultant, one psychologist, lawyer and administration, in total 8 employes.



Our association ‘SOS children» Panevezys branch is willing to start activities hosting not just local but also European volunteers. We are organizing different everyday indoor and outdoor activities with and for the children from social risk families and we have experience that volunteers not just support us in our centre activities but also give strong positive effect and empower children to develop their skills and to motivate them. We have been promoting voluntary idea already more than 20 years as a very effective method of education for different age volunteers. Our experiences show us that we should continue doing it because of the results. We are sure that volunteers can make good impact for our children in children day care center. We did not take part in EVS programme before but we cooperate with some coordinating organizations in Panevezys city and we invite time by time volunteers to came in our centre and make some intercultural activities. We had a good opportunity to see how children are interested and motivated to learn foreign language in order to communicate with foreign volunteers. We believe that participation in European voluntary is a way to increase the role of voluntary, developing our institution, personal competence and skills.
We believe the volunteer service it self gives young people the opportunity to develop skills, get to know different cultures, enrich their life experience, enlarge possibilities to find the job in the future. Taking part in European voluntary service activities we would like to involve young people in social issues. We believe that international contacts and activities give comprehensive development, new contacts, friendship, education and experiences for all actors (organization, local community, volunteers, customers).


Panevezys is the 5th of the biggest cities in Lithuania situated in the north of Lithuania in the midway of 2 capitals Riga and Vilnius. There are good connection of public transport, quite big variety and  possibilities for cultural and leisure activities inside the city. The cultural and leisure life is quite rich here. There are 2 drama theatres, one puppet and one music theatre, two cinema theatres and community cultural centre.  Here is also one branch of Kaunas technology university. More information about the city you can find on the city web site
The SOS children centre ‘Family Home’ is situated in Panevezys city. The two flour building is renovated with safe and comfortable environment. The centre has the yard surrounded by fence. In summer time centre workers are organizing activities outside, they play outdoor games, make picnics together with children. In the yard there are outdoor fitness equipment, swings, trampoline, grow the vegetables in their own garden. Inside the building the SOS children centre premises are situated in the first flour. There is a hall, rest and activities room where children spent their day, take part in different activities after school or during holidays.
Volunteers will work in Panevezys city in SOS children centre having there different activities with children. The volunteers will have possibility to enter local community life through taking part in various activities inside the centre. Inside the centre volunteers will have to fallow common regulations and rules, such as non-smoking, no using alcohol,  ect.
Volunteers will live in Panevezys city, sharing flat with other volunteers. The SOS children centre volunteers will reach by public transport.


During the voluntary service volunteers will experience the work with disadvantage children. Volunteers will  work together with professional worker and will be asked to give their contribution in organizing creative, educational after school activities. The main tasks of volunteers will be – to support children, organize and spend time together in different everyday activities in the centre. We would like to host volunteers who wants to work with children, are tolerant, patient,  creative and responsible.
Volunteer’s working hours are 6-7 hours per day. Description of the typical day activities of the Centre in which volunteer can take part (optional).:
The activities for volunteers should start at 11 a.m. and finished at 6 p.m.
10:30 – 12:00- together with staff members to plan and prepare material, equipment  for the day activities.
12:00 – 13:00 – to assist workers and local volunteers in charitable canteen where usually the children eat their lunch.
13:00 – 15:45- to help children in their everyday indoor and outdoor activities, creative workshops and activities together with social educator, to visit theater to go for excursions and walk, to help prepare school homework.
15:45 – 16:15- afternoon tea
16:15 – 17:00 – organise volunteers proposed activities such as intercultural club, where volunteers will present different cultural, traditional things, handicrafts, music, organise other interactive, artistic, sport, foreign language learning activities. this activities volunteers will be asked to organize not earlier then 3 months after the start of volunteering and with the assistance of the centre worker.
17:00 – 17:30 – cleaning, managing premises after day activities.
On holidays volunteers will take part in organization of excursions for children, organize camps, festivals, events. Volunteer will have possibility to go to another places in Lithuania, enjoy sightseeing, cultural activities etc.
Volunteers will have 2 days off during the week. When volunteer will arrive he/she will introduce with all mentioned Centre activities and will make own working plan. Our staff members are open for volunteers’ proposals regards everyday activities. the first months volunteers will have Lithuanian language course and will be introduced with Centre activities.


[button size=medium style=less_round color=blue align=none url=]Timetable activities[/button]


Volunteers will live in a flat in the city with other volunteers. The place is safe not far away from the city centre. From the flat to volunteering place volunteers will go using a public transport. Volunteers will be introduced with information about safety in work, about work care service and all emergency numbers. When they will have activities outside the Centre they will go together with the stuff. At the beginning volunteers will be introduced with the city environment, leisure and cultural activities with the help of local volunteers. With the hosting organization stuff they will arrange how to organise lunch brake and their own working place.


Male or female volunteer, age over 18, any religion, interested firstly in the relationship with the children, secondly in the workshop activities and thirdly in support other people working with disadvantage children. Volunteers should be motivated to learn, patient, dynamic, flexible, positive, curious, respectful, sensitive, creative and responsible.
Volunteers will be asked to send us motivation letter and their CV. We would like to host volunteers who like work with children and who like to help other people, is active and creative. We would like  to cooperate with sending organizations while preparing volunteers to the project activities. Our volunteers have to be prepared and informed about our project and Centre, have to know project environment. During selection phase and preparation phase we will keep in touch not only with sending organizations but also with volunteers. We will appreciate if volunteer could have some similar work, work with children in social field, experience (such as volunteer is from big family, from rural areas, took part in some social activities and ect.)
The project is open especially for volunteers with less opportunities.

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS Lituania SOS children”

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