project dates
From 01/07/2017 to 30/06/2018
project location
ŠULTYSOVA 518, 27401 SLANÝ Czech Republic
project description
#awesomeopportunity #becomeourEVS #1year #experience #yes
We are youth organization focused on youth between 15-30, we organize local events such are language clubs, movie nights, intercultural evenings, we also organize school workshops and most importantly we focus on Erasmus+ (YE,EVS)
-PLACE OF STAY SLANÝ cca 30km from capital city Prague (Might be 30-40 mins by bus), You will stay with another already chosen volunteer from Georgia Robo, We are easy going 3 female workers
•Going to local schools to do presentations about your country, to attend language clubs as well, the main goal is to rise the awareness of multiculturism in our local community (you would be visiting the schools 2 times per week proximately)
•Leading your own language club at our organization for local people to come (no need for some teaching skills, it will be very non formal more like talking and funny explaining, showing videos etc)
accommodation, food and transport arrangements
You will live in a flat 3+1 . They are large rooms, each of you will have your own room + living room you will share. Apart from bathroom, toilet and kitchen (very well equipped) you also have a balcony with a view on the city and Billa (Shopping mall nearby). You will have the basic furniture in your rooms, sofa in a living room. From your flat it might také around 15 minutes to get to work.
There is also public transport bus No1 that you can také from the bus stop opposite ICM and in front of Billa that is opposite your appartment.
training during the project
Volunteer will have great support from all workers from our organization + plus mental support by mentor that will be dedicated to him/her. We will have regular meetings to check whether everything is going okay for both sides. As we want to receive feedbacks and also evaluate regularly. There will be also a language support for learning Czech language. There will be super personal development along with other kinds of skills related to youth work and generally working with youth on social media and in connection with Erasmus+ and local community.
volunteer profile
We want anyone who is interested in our project and is older than 18 years old and can speak at least communicative level of English 🙂
how to apply
Please download and fill this documents: https://www.dropbox
Send us an email with your CV, our form and letter of motivation to «» with subject «EVS CZ Nerudova. YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME»
additional information
Slaný is a small town but there are a lot of actions organized by cultural centers in Slaný and you will also have the chance to take part in some of those actions. In summer time every Friday there is a concert taking place at the square; Czech bands are playing rock/jazz/blues and if sometimes you will find yourselves wanting to do something else the good news is that Prague is really neaar is just 28km so you can just take the bus for 42crowns which is like 1.55 euro and in 30 minutes you can be there.Prague is an amazing city and you can always find something to do.
LolaSol Brisk
8 mayo, 2017 at 11:11 amWhat’s the limit date to apply? Cheers!
Yes Europa
8 mayo, 2017 at 10:07 pmgracias por el contacto, cuanto antes mejor, ya que el plazo está abierto y se quedan las plazas para los que lo consigan
un saludo
Núria del Cerro Bernabeu
18 mayo, 2017 at 1:37 pmHola! siguen quedando plazas? gracias!!
Yes Europa
19 mayo, 2017 at 2:33 pmHola, ya quedan menos, mejor es que solicites otras abiertas, escríbenos y te enviamos plazas, suerte!
Yes Europa
23 mayo, 2017 at 9:51 amHola, no , lo sentimos, pero escríbenos a para enviarte un listado actualizado de plazas, te esperamos!
José Antonio
24 mayo, 2017 at 1:37 ambuenas! Os dejo mi correo para ver si podeís enviarme un listado con plazas disponibles para poder hacer un voluntariado en la republica checa. Muchas gracias
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