Project title: European VillagerS

Location: Bordány, Hungary

Application deadline: 16 February 2015

Start date: 01/03/2015

End date: 30/11/2015

Tasks of the volunteers:

Volunteer 1

– Giving helping hand to the village house in the different events, e.g. helping in the catering, supporting the club leaders (Mother – Baby club, Elderly club, folksong club, folkdance club, salsa club, etc.)

– Initiate workshops about their culture or field of interest for the local youth e.g. language clubs, movie club from their countries, dance club, sport club, cooking club, etc. The only limit is your creativity!

– Making different type of activities in the Biip, youth club e.g. preparing summer decoration, helping in the summer camps with children and kids, helping in the preparation of summer excursion, preparation process of Hungarian group to participate in youth exchanges in different countries;

– Supporting international youth work of the village e.g. giving logistical support during our youth exchanges, seminars, trainings, working with twin towns;

Volunteer 2

– Responsible for a variety of press/media related issues.

– Giving support for the regular media workers of the village house in editing the local newspaper

– Photo/video shooting on local public events such as celebrations, club gatherings, parties, sports events, etc.

– Giving assistance in Managing the website of BSK, the sport club of Bordány.

– Managing ‘BSK TV’ – Shooting and editing videos about the trainings and matches of the local football and handball teams, making interviews with the players and coaches and posting all the material to the website.

About hosting organization:

Our youth association, the Culture and Recreation Association, (Kulturális és Szabadidős Egyesület/KUSZA), founded in 1998, was registered as a public benefit organization from 1999. We are the only non-governmental youth organization in Bordány. In the association we gather more than 40 active, young members between the ages of 12 and 32.

The main aims of our organization: Gathering, coordinating, youth as a social layer of the community. Searching and wording their needs in Bordány and in the area. Organizing free time and entertaining programmes in the topics of sport, culture, tradition keeping, nature and environment protection. Improving the personal skills, abilities through trainings and seminars for the community development. We believe that expanding their knowledge through trainings that can help them to integrate into the European Union community.

Selection process:

Please send your CV and motivation letter  written in english to: with subject “EVS European VillagerS Hungría ”.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

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