Voluntariado animales en Rumanía: 2 plazas


Plazas voluntariado animales en Rumanía ya caducadas, pero tenemos más:

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Anímate a solicitar este voluntariado animales en protectora de animales de Rumanía con todos los gastos pagados.

Lugar voluntariado animales en Rumanía:

Arad, Romania
Arad is situated on the West part of Romania, 50 km far from Hungarian border, being the 13th  biggest city of Romania, with around 200.000 citizens. In the past Arad was called “little Vienna”  because the architecture from the center of the 2 cities were quite similar. The river that runs  through the city is called Mureș.


You can start in September until  January or February 2017

Objetivos voluntariado animales

Project aims to develop and increase key competencies of young people, to develop solidarity among young people, to promote active citizenship, social inclusion and volunteering and to strengthen transnational cooperation between European organizations in the field of youth.

The project’s objectives are:

– Developing transferable competencies for 10 volunteers, coming from the Turkey, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Denmark hosted within the framework of EVS youth mobility for 7 months;

– Developing solidarity among at least 400 young teenagers from Arad;

– Promoting active citizenship and volunteerism among at least 500 people in Arad minutes, mostly young people, during the 7 months of voluntary EVS

– Developing and strengthening transnational cooperation between European youth organizations

In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives it was designed a program of activities conducting to learning outcomes for volunteers and staff involved, as to increase the level of inclusion of disabled people and to raise awareness for all the youngsters involved. Within the project we will host 10 international volunteers, coming from 5 countries.

Tareas voluntariado animales

 The following activities will be done in Arad during the stages:A.1. Workshops activities within the animal shelter administered by municipality of Arad:- feeding the animals- walking the animals ….A.2. Workshops for promoting/facilitation transnational adoptions of dogs/cats from animal shelter of AradB. «RIN-TIN-TIN» club from Association – promoting the club’s activitiesC. “TEEN” club – Support workshops organized in Center for Minors AradD. „BREATH” club – Workshops to promote a healthy lifestyle in youth environment:E. Interact club of European languages and cultures (the states of origin of the EVS volunteers):F. Club of promoting Erasmus+ opportunities for the young people in AradWhen designing program activities we used non-formal education methods for your benefit and for other people involved in the activities in order to maximize the impact of the project in the life of the participants.


A. Entrepreneurial competencies (through involvement in all project components)

B. Social and civic skills (involvement in all project components)

C. Competence to learn how to learn (through involvement in all project components and development of Youthpass Certificates and Europass CV)

D. Intercultural competence (through networking continue with exponents of different cultures)

E. Digital competences

F. Mathematical competence facilitated by financial conversion, resources calculation

G. Pedagogical competences (basic) by organizing and operating interactive Clubs languages and cultures in Europe:

H. Special skills.

Perfil voluntariado animales

– Between 18-30 years old;

– Resident of the sending country;

– Interested in the theme of the project;

– Willing to participate in an non-formal intercultural experience;

– Having difficulties in choosing a career;

– Without employment options due to lack of practical experience;

– Needs experience in social actions;


Accommodation –2 persons/room, with access to a bathroom (common), a kitchen (common) and  other utilities.Meal – you will receive a monthly food allowance so you can arrange your own meals.Local Transportation – you will receive a monthly tram ticket valid on all tram lines.Internet – you will have access to internet.


It’s not necessary to take a big luggage, because you will have the possibility to wash your clothes. Take whatever you consider necessary. Bring your own:

– Towels; – Laptop (if you have one);

– Hair-dryer; – Medicine (if you are on a specific treatment).

– Clothes Iron;

Cómo llegar al voluntariado animales:

Your destination is the city of ARAD and you have several possibilities to get here:


– Situated 60 km from Arad;

– In case you arrive here a member of the association will be in the airport waiting for you and will take you to your accommodation place.


– Situated 260 km from Arad;

– In case you arrive here, a driver will wait for you and take you to Arad, to your accommodation place where one of the members of the association will wait for you. The driver is from a company specialized with airport transfers, so they are professionals.


– You also have the possibility to arrive to Arad by train.


– You can come to Arad by bus if you are traveling from countries such as: Spain, Italy, France, Germany etc.


– We do have an airport here but there is only one active flight: Milano Bergamo – Arad, twice/week.

Cómo solicitar esta plaza voluntariado animales

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Romania Rin Tin Tin.TU NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS» and sent to asociacionbb@gmail.com

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