Seguimos con ofertas para un voluntariado corta duración universidad de Portugal con una oferta SVE muy especial. Se trata de la oportunidad de pasar 2 meses en Portugal en un proyecto de educación y concienciación del voluntariado. ¿Quieres ser tú uno de ellos? ¡Sigue leyendo!


Fechas voluntariado

Oct 2018 to Dec 2018 (2 months)



Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga Portugal


Organización acogida voluntariado en universidad

Founded in 1973,  is one of the most important and prestigious universities in Portugal.
We are looking for 2 volunteers to participate in the initiatives developed by the Resource Center for Cooperation and Development (CRCD) that promotes activities in areas related to the Education for Development, Global Citizenship, Cooperation for Development, particularly in the field of education, involving the academic community as well as NGOs and private sector.
Main activities:

1) To interact with NGO’s;

2) To participate in the search and preparation of funding applications from organisations specialising in Education for Development, Education for Global Citizenship and development cooperation;

3) To interact with student groups to co-organise relevant awareness and information actions on cooperation and development issues, with particular relevance to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Proyecto voluntariado

The volunteer will participate in the intercultural learning project “Active Culture” (please check out what Active Culture )

– The volunteer will participate in writing and creating an intercultural application for Stuttgart and surrounding. For some inspiration please check out our previous projects

– The volunteer will be responsible to work closely with refugees. Every week a group of volunteer, together with the EVS volunteer, visit different refugee homes where they make different kind of small projects for and with children (aged 6-12)

– The volunteer will participate in different seminars in the weekends (pedagogical and first aid course).  After attending the seminars she/he will be prepared for leading the camps in the summer and winter holidays

– Taking part in organizing and supporting youth camps: At the end of her/his project the volunteer will take part in a youth camp. She/he should help in preparation, realization and evaluation of the youth camp and work together with other youngsters.

– Taking part in organizing and supporting seminars: The volunteer will help during the preparation and realization of our seminars, be responsible for the materials & stuff for the seminars. (we have two cellars full with material and stuff:D)

– Support the Jugendwerk Team in the office (almost every day you will help in the office: answering emails, driving somewhere, going shopping, being responsible for the stuff what we use for the camps, seminars and other events)

– Consultation and information for youngsters about Europe: In the frame of our international youth work, the volunteer will collect and create information/material about mobility in Europe for European youngsters. (The volunteer will also participate in our informal meetings about our international youth work)

– The volunteer has the possibility to create posters/flyers/banners, be responsible for updating our homepage, for Instagram account of the organization etc.

– Taking part in international and intercultural learning projects together with our international volunteer working group.

– Creation and realization of own projects: Depending on the interests and abilities of the volunteer she/he will have the opportunity to develop a project by herself/himself. New ideas are always welcome!

Actividades voluntariado corta duración universidad

The project foresees two main activities:
1) To contribute to the development, implementation and visibility of initiatives in the area of Cooperation for Development in the Resource Center for Cooperation and Development (CRCD) of the Institute of Education of the University of Minho, taking into account the following national and international frameworks:
 Sustainable Development Agenda 2030
 Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
 Global Partnership for Education and Global Campaign for Education
 International initiative “Education Cannot Wait”

Main activities:
 To get involved in the participation of programs and projects framed in the strategic areas mentioned above;
 To give support to all practical tasks related with the development and cooperation of joint research projects with special emphasis on Lusophone contexts;
 To help organise and participate in relevant events, such as conferences, seminars, forums, symposiums, cultural events, in order to promote knowledge and debate on the issues of development and cooperation;
 To help with the preparation of training activities, particularly in education issues for global citizenship and development cooperation, aimed at the academic community and other interested parties;
 To help with the communication with strategic partners, such as NGOs, the local community and other relevant stakeholders in order to enlarge the network and partnerships.

2) To support the  Peer Tutoring Programme on the development of initiatives related to the promotion of a healthy integration of new students in the academic and local environment. By participating in this project, the volunteer can also learn and develop his own personal and social skills and interact with the different stakeholders associated with the program.
Main activities:
 Organisation of events/training sessions on specific themes related to the development of interpersonal skills;
 Participation and support the organisation of events related to the integration of new students in the academic and local community;

Collection, treatment and analysis of relevant data concerning the improvement of academic, social, personal and professional skills;
 Preparation of dissemination material.

Requisitos voluntariado corta duración universidad

The project is open to all young people aged between 18 and 30 years that would like to carry out an international volunteer service at us.

The selection process will follow the principles of independence and equity and will totally respect all ethnic/religious groups, sexual orientation or political opinion.

A set of clear and transparent criteria for internal evaluation will be implemented and will take into consideration the gender balance. We welcome volunteers from different cultural backgrounds (including different ethnicities and religions) in order to introduce new realities nationally and abroad.

We believe it would also be important to present this volunteers to different lifestyles/realities in order to start breaking down walls created all over the word. We would like to receive university level volunteers that belong to different cultural and ethnic groups.

Interested candidates will apply to an open and transparent call by submitting an application according to the requirements. Applications will be assessed by a team of evaluators composed by institutional and department coordinators. The sending institution will support the volunteers with the application process and contact with hosting organisation. The hosting organisation will prepare the call description of tasks to be performed by the volunteers and will be responsible for the evaluation and
final selection of volunteers.
The main criteria for the internal evaluation of volunteers’ applications will be the motivation, based
on the motivational letter. Data on activities, knowledge and skills, based on the candidate’s CV, will
also be taken into consideration. It is highly advisable that interviews with the candidates take place
either in person or using the skype.
As the activities to be performed by the volunteers required a certain level of maturity, we will be
looking mainly for participants aged between 20 and 30 years of age.

Preferential Profile:
1) Eligible areas of education: Education or related fields; Social Sciences; Development Studies; African Studies
2) Experience in academic context
3) Good ability to work in an international environment and good interpersonal skills
4) Ability to work in groups and good communication and interaction skills
5) Good command of the English language, both written and spoken
6) Knowledge of MS Office applications

Alojamiento voluntariado corta duración universidad

The 2 volunteers will have the opportunity of choosing between staying at the University Halls of Residence or sharing a flat. In any case accommodation will be paid for.
Food tickets will be provided for them to have their meals at the canteen.
Concerning transportation, Braga is a city where everything is within walking distance. Still, the public transportation system is very accessible and very regular. The volunteers will have access to direct transportation from the residences. Bus service generally runs between 07.00 and 21.00hrs.


A supervisor will be appointed in order to follow-up the volunteers. During the activity, the supervisor should meet on a weekly basis with the volunteers. The first meetings will mainly address the needs and expectations of the volunteers. The follow-up meetings will address the progress, the main learning outcomes at professional and personal level.
The standard week of the volunteers will have a minimum of 30 hours, including the frequency of a Portuguese Language Course offered by UMinho to the volunteers for the period of their stay, twice a week.

Once the participants are selected, the involved partners will assist them with all relevant issues that us, as Coordinator, needs to make sure that all participants receive the EVS Info Kit and have an European Insurance Card.
The sending institutions will help the volunteers with the main following activities:
 To establish contact with the hosting organisation;
 To ensure access to on-line linguistic preparation;
 To ensure participation in pre-departure Training sessions provided by the National Agency or SALTO Centres.
The hosting institution will help the volunteers with the main following activities:
 To help with visa/legal issues, travel and accommodation arrangements, insurance issues,
language courses;
 To prepare a comprehensive orientation programme, activity plan;
 To organise preparatory meetings;
 To identify a mentor and a supervisor.

Concerning practical aspects, such as accommodation and food, all volunteers will be given the option to stay at the student residences of UMinho and can benefit from all existing infrastructures, namely access to the canteens located at the residences and at the University campus, at very good prices. The main advantage is to be part of a student environment that will greatly help the integration process.

Concerning transportation, Braga is a city where everything is within walking distance. Still, the transportation system is very accessible and very regular. The volunteers will have access to direct transportation from the residences to the campus and vice-versa. There are local buses around the city and immediate suburbs. Bus service generally runs between 07.00 and 21.00hrs. There are some late buses, in particular between the railway station and the University campus.

Concerning cost of living, Braga is considered to be one of the cheapest cities to live in Portugal, has a low cost of living compared to other Portuguese cities such as Porto and Lisbon, and very affordable compared to other European cities. The pocket money foreseen within this project should be more than enough for the personal expenses of the volunteer.

Volunteers will receive their pocket money in two instalments, in the beginning of the working month.
Food tickets will be provided for them to have their meals at the canteen and accommodation will also be paid for, or if the volunteers prefer to stay in the private sector, the correspondent amount will be added to the pocket money.
The standard week of the volunteers will have a minimum of 30 hours, including the frequency of a Portuguese Language Course offered by us to all volunteers for the period of their stay, twice a week.

Cómo solicitar ser uno de los voluntariado corta duración universidad

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

Required documents:
1) Motivation letter
2) CV
3) Certificate of language skills

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Portugal Minho. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to

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