Voluntariado de 2 meses en Hungría sobre deportes



1st February 2016 – 30th March 2016: 10 volunteers (2 from Poland; 2 from Spain; 2 from Romania; 2 from Slovenia; 2 from Estonia)Location


Our project takes place in Debrecen in the North-Plain region.


25 January

Description of organisation

Fresh Oxygen Foundation was founded by amateur runners in 2004 just to run together and discuss about this topic. The interesting was more and more and we „had to” organize a foot race – it’s called Oxygen Cup Forest Foot Race. It’s from October to March, one day in a month for amateur and professioanal runners. This year we start the 9th series. 500-600 runner comes to our foot race to be together, to develop its power. It’s not a qualification race, it’s a meeting point for people who considers the importance of the same values and has the same interest.

What are these values? Respect each other. Fair attitude. Honesty. Volunteering. Cooperation for a common aim. Why did we write it here? Because you will meet with this attitude during your EVS service. And we would like if you have similar thinking like ours. What is the project? Our project takes place in Debrecen in the North-Plain region. During the one year project we host 10-10 European volunteers from 5 countries (Poland, Estonia, Romania, Spain, Slovenia) for 2-2 months in two turns.

The aims are that the volunteers meet with the cultural diversity, learn tolerance, feel the social togetherness. Besides develop the labor market and the personal competencies, the language knowledge, build new contacts. Our goal to impact to the local community, promote the importance of healthy lifestyle and the running – as sport and hobby – and also the importance of interculturalism and the European identity.


1) Promotional activities: Activities what can help to reach the project aims and the promotion of Erasmus+ program (taking photos, making videos, writing blogs, Facebook updates…).

2) Program organizing activities: Planning, realizing and post producting actvities of the foot races and the closing ceremony (it’s just in the second tour in March). And volunteers can realize their own project what fits to their competencies.

3) Presentation in schools: Volunteers do presentations and other activities in English in local high schools where they can show and promote for example the healthy lifestyle, the interculturalism and the national sports in interactive way, use non-formal methods. During the project our aim to involve the local community, the youth and cooperate with the EVS volunteers.

[button size=medium style=less_round color=red align=none url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Vy9pbU9kqiSmMydGVncTdieXhYdUlqb0FVSDVFcGhrOWhJ/view?usp=sharing]Weekly plan[/button]

Other important information

1) Working hours: 30-35 hours per week included the language classes.

2) Free days: Normally the weekends (Saturdays, Sundays) are free. But as the foot race is on Saturday (once a month) volunteers have to work, but of course they can take off these plus hours.

3) Holiday: Volunteers get 2 days per month for holiday.

4) Food: Volunteers get 4,5 EUR per day (of course for weekends and holidays, too) and they can cook or order as they want.

5) Accommodation: You will live in a guest house in a 2-3 beds room (it depends on the gender ratio). Kitchen, bathroom and washing possibilities are available.

6) Local transport: You can get a monthly ticket for all means of transport (bus, tram, trolleybus).

7) Hungarian language classes: Hungarian volunteers will provide you Hungarian language lessons. 8) Communication: You can call our staff for free.

Travel costs:

  • Spain: 360 EUR per person


You should be: – 17-30 years old, – open, – interested in other cultures, healthy lifestyle, sports and – active. That’s all. But! – if you can speak in Hungarian or – you are good at taking pictures or videos or – you have some experiences making presentations or – you really love sports, healthy lifestyle … you are welcome! Your place is in our team!

Disadvantaged background is important. Unemployment, living in a small town, living in a poor family

IMPORTANT! After this short term EVS you can go to an other EVS service which is max. 10 months long.

Selection process

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the middle of September.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Hungary Short Fresh Race”.

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