Voluntariado en Estonia sobre medios de comunicación y creatividad (1 año)



1-10-15 to 30-09-16


Rõuge (Estonia)


We prefer volunteer 25-30 years old and female

Tasks and role of EVS

* Youth work in Rõuge municipality is one of the most active in Võru County. We have four different youth centres (Rõuge, Nursi, Viitina, Sänna), which are opened for youngsters almost every working days. Rõuge Youth Club as NGO organizes different projects and coordinates youth field cooperation in Võru County. In 2005 Rõuge Youth Council was established and they work as advisers for youthworkers and municpality governement in developing plans.
There is basic school with 160 students in Rõuge Municipality and kindergarten for 85 children. In the centre of municipality is health centre, the church, the culture centre, tourist information centre, open internet access point, post office and two shops.
There are more than 550 inhabitants aged 7 – 26 in this region. About 2300 inhabitants live in more than hundred villages. In the centre of municipality, there is a basic school, the health centre, the church, the culture centre, graveyards, tourist information centre, post office and shops. Rõuge is tourism region and during summertime there are lot of activities and visitors. Rõuge Youth Club organizes several events and projects for local people to activate local life. Rõuge is region with beautiful nature belonging into Haanja Nature Park. There are several lakes, beaches, hills and hiking and skiiing tracks. Environment protection and green energy are the keywords in this region.
Rõuge Youth Centre has different equipment for outdoor activities. Rõuge is not far from county centre Võru, there are several daily buses between Rõuge and Võru.
Voluntay activities will take place mostly in youthhouses and during summertime in youthcamps and youthprojects. All houses and activity places are high-quality and visitorfriendly. Local community is supportive and opened for new people

* EVS volunteers will be the partner for youtleaders and youthworker who are working in Rõuge Youth Centre and Rõuge Youth Club. Hosting organization will offer them opportunities to learn local culture and language, encourage them to be initiative and realize their ideas in youth field. During activities they willl learn teamwork and responsibility. During international work they have possibility to meet different cultures and develop their tolerance and knowledge about other cultures. We have planned for the next year different international and local activities and volunteer can diversify all planned activities with his ideas and experiences.
EVS volunteer will take part in youthwork everyday-life. Their role is to assist youthleaders and youthworkers, the main idea is to organize youth informationa activities, taking part in Rõuge Tv work, update website information, develop cooperation with youth council and activate their work. The volunteer will be involved in all kind of local daily youth activities. Volunteer will spend free time with youngsters, they can do different sports. The volunteer will help the youth workers to organize camps, bike trips, movie nights, dance parties etc. At the same time, he educates our youth with his country, culture, traditions, language, food etc. We live in Haanja Nature Park and in our municpality there will be different activities under green energy topics and all volunteer´s knowledge about environment would be very useful during the hiking tours and camps in nature. Depending on volunteer’s personal properties and hobbies, the circle of activities will widen.
Rõuge Youth Clubhas everyday contact with Rõuge Youth Centre and volunteer work is to take care of young people ( mostly the age 10-18) leisure time activities – organizing table tennis, pilliard tournaments, playing table games, organizing hiking trips and outdoor games, skatepark events, videonights, holiday activities. In cooperation with school volunteer is working in afterschool lessons with local teacher, playing games in sporthall or in outdoor 12:00 -15:00.
Volunteer is woring with youth centre hobby group work, mostly assisting Rõuge TV work. www.facebook.com/rougetv. Rõuge TV has their meetings everu Tuesday. Hosting organization is ready to open new hobby group work accoring to volunteer skills and will to get teacher experience.
During short-term service volunteers will take part in organizing special youthevents ( for example The Boat Race and Waterfestival in Rõuge, every summer. www.paadiralli.ee), youthcamps jn June or other actions.
* The volunteer should be able to take the initiative, be open minded, tolerant, interested in culture and sports, good socializer. According to our action environment, the EVS volunteer should be ready to organize and take active part in outdoor activities (hiking, camps, excursion, competitions). He/she should be able to organizing workshops of his or her interest. Volunteer may prepare his/her own project, youthleaders will give a lot of help for this work.
The recruitment process will start with uploading our project description to the databases, where potentially interested candidates can find our contacts. As we have many contacts in Europe and even beyond Europe, we will inform our partners about our project too, so they will spread our wish to find a volunteer.
In the end we will make the deliberated decision who will be the best and most appropriate candidate who is up to our all expectations.
The Sending Organization should be connected to youth work, have experience in international youth projects, be outgoing and willing to cooperate.

* Our organization is able host maximum three volunteers at the same time for long-term service and maximum 10 volunteers for short-term service. We are able to cooperate other NGOs and institutions to create activities, which will be useful for volunteers or for us. Three volunteers are maximum for who we are able to find good living conditions in our village for long time service.

* The EVS volunteer will be ensured safe and private place of residence. What is more, Rõuge is really safe region with small crime proportion. There is a possibility to talk to our local constable too, who will explain the situation in our region and how to behave in dangerous situations.
There are strong community relations in Rõuge region and according to volunteer needs and situations it is possible to involve different specialist to help volunteer. Volunteer apartment is in the same house where is the doctor and dentist and farmacy, which gives possibility for quick help for health problems. Nearest hospital is 13 km from Rõuge.
In order to prevent risks and crises, the volunteer will have a mentor, who will support him/her during the whole voluntary service, answer all the questions and solve the problems. It is important for a volunteer to have somebody to trust and rely on.
The basis of successful EVS service is direct and honest communication between volunteer and youthworker/youthleaders.
In our municipality there are 5 youthworkers who will help volunteers in their work and be able to solve all the problems. In the working place is internet access which gives voluteer possibility to be in contact with his/her family and friends.


Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

-the complited application form

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Creative TV Estonia“.

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