Voluntariado en guardería de Polonia para 2016



  • Start: 01/02/2016
  • End: 31/07/2016


Łódź, Poland


25th September 2015


The hosting organsation of this vacance is in Łódź.

Łódź is the third largest city in Poland, it is located in the centre part of our country. There is an airport, railway station and bus station nearby the city centre. Łódź is an important academic and cultural centre full of different kinds of musical, theatrical, literary, art and movie events.

Our kindergarten is located in detached building in one of the most calm and green districts of the city. On the area owned by our kindergarten, there is a garden for children with a lot of playground equipment for children, hill and place for running and playing football.

Our kindergarten cooperates with Primary School, local Library, Community Centre, WHO.


The main purposes of our kindergarten are:
– the development of children`s creativity through: art, music, theatre ect.,
– upbringing children in an atmosphere based on the values, where all children feel respected, appreciated, understood and safe,
– the promotion of sustainable and healthy attitudes among children and their relatives,
– organizing events, plays and workshops with the active participation of children (sometimes together with thier parents) for invited guests
– making children aware that they are members of Polish community but at the same time – making them aware of the fact they are also inhabitants of United Europe,
– fostering interest in intercultural and international dialogue

Our staff have a lot of experience in working with children. The kindergarten is opened from Monday to Friday from 6.00 till 17.00 . During the day there are classes planned and provided by the teachers, as well as some parts inspired and undertaken by children. In the afternoon, children participate in extra activities such as: English, dancing, football, gymnastics, rhythm classes, creative thinking, music concerts, theatrical performances ect. Children often take part in educational walks and excursions to theatres, cinemas, museums, playgrounds. They present their skills and abilities in competitions, theatrical festivals etc. The kindergarten organizes many events for children`s families as well as the local community. The group, which will host a volunteer is formed form children aged 5 and 6 years – they are happy and curious.

Possible tasks proposed to volunteers include but are not limited to: – creating stories, games and different ways to entertain children using volunteer’s creativity; learning (observation, discussion) about the art of teaching – the teachers are professionals and are willing to share their teaching methods ect.; preparing and then – using at work things to play / educate children, for example: drawings, games, toys, workshops and many others; preparing acting classes showing to children how the faces and body language can express almost everything; recording videos (about the life in a kindergarten of other topic proposed by the volunteer and disussed with the kindergarten representatives); showing volunteer’s culture in a creative way (presentations, music, dances, kindergarten plays ect.); organising music/art classes, workshops or sessions – according to volunteers interests and talents; community management – one of the teachers is running kindergarten’s facebook page – volunteer could support this process by taking photos during the events provided in the kindergarten and taking care of the promotional aspects.


We would like to host a Volunteer who likes to work and cooperate with children. A perfect candindate should be open-minded, creative and motivated. This person should be able to work with a group as well as work on his / her own. Artistic skills and interest in the fields of: music, art, theatre, photography are highly welcome buy it is not a necessity will be an additional value.

How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges” and you should add our EVS accreditation 2014-1-ES02-KA110-004967, Jose Lara Coordinator and our e-mail contact.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Poland Katarzyna Kindergarten 126. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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