Voluntariado en Holanda en varios proyectos educativos y asistenciales



Inmediately (duration 12 months)


Many locations in different projects in Netherlands


Rock solid is an coordinating, hosting and sending organization working a lot in the field of mental and physical disabilities, we work with Humanitas and Siza now and they have a lot of different locations and possibilities for volunteers to get to know the heath care system in the Netherlands providing possibilities for people with these disadvantages. They have a lot of living groups and working places. An own restaurant ran by clients of the organization. Office workers, management, ambulant workers, teaching etc. etc. The four volunteers will focus on learning the differences in the society regarding this work filed, next to that they will try motivating and activate local youngsters and clients from the organization to participate in national and international projects. Also they focus on improving the conditions in their own country step by step when they come back home. They will be actively involved in the different activities of Rock Solid (CO) as on local as regional level. The volunteer will also attend Dutch classes for foreigners, The duration of the activity is 12 month and will start inmediately. At Humanitas they work several month in different groups, At Siza they will be placed in one of the living groups and stay in that group for one year. These groups can be all kind of groups, can be also more heavy disabilities, so it is good if the volunteers are aware of that. New is that we now hope to have 12 volunteers in different projects, because also De Glind will be under my ngo with 4 volunteers there the volunteers will be hosted in that village. Lunteren however will be a little bit the centre of the projects, so traveling time to work by bike, bus or train will be around 25 minutes till 1 hour and 15 minutes. But from this place they can be part of different activities that we will organize together with the other volunteers. Also from here it will be quite easy to go out in the weekends and travel everywhere in the country. Aim is to give every volunteer an private room and bikes television and computer will be there in case anybody wants or needs it. For this deadline Rock Solid will also apply for 4 volunteers for 1 year for the Glind. Next to that we are planning to create a youth centre and we are also hoping to set up activities with and for the other volunteers (like language for language courses, or dance classes etc.) next to that part of their job will be sometimes to join me to schools and education centre’s and giving presentations there about the Erasmus+ program, EVS and Rock Solid.


Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Netherlands Rock Solid”

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