Voluntariado en Polonia en varias actividades diferentes

The project  will begin in 2016 (beginning) and it is meant for volunteers who want to get involved in voluntary of our Baptist Church in Zielona Góra for local community.

Volunteer’s period of stay : 5 months, (3 volunteers from Europe )


The types of activities that are offered:

This kind of service is typical involve in mission of the church. We can offer several activities to choose:

– Cooperation in organizing a conference – Christian Music Review, Days of the Bible, a conference for families, youth, other thematic conferences. Assistance in planning and organizing at both levels the logistics and factual knowledge.

Charitable Service – Assistance in distributing food to people in need, collection and giving out clothes, help in organizing charity events for children such as Children’s Day or Samaritan’s Purse. Help at the organizational level. Planning and realization of the program at events e.g. running games and activities for children.

– Participation in thematic and discussion biblical meetings, preparation and holding a discussion about problems.

– Broadcasts on Radio – volunteers will learn how to prepare an interview, a 10-minute broadcast.

Music service – if a volunteer has appropriate skills – involvement in a church music group, which means a volunteer must attend rehearsals, music group meetings, and performances at church.

Administrative Service – assistance in utility works of the church together with the youth from the church.

„ICE” for youth & „ICE-kids” – work in a group preparing meetings of the club, both ICE youth and ICE-kids – together with the team responsible for the actions of the club the main responsibilities are: planning meetings, program, workshops, discussions, at the final stage of the project – being a leader of the group which prepares the meetings.

– Participation in the preparation of youth exchange projects with groups from Europe. Volunteers will learn the basic principles of the Youth in Action programme and acquire the necessary knowledge to prepare a youth exchange application.

– (FDC) Film Discussion Club – participation in a film club for young people, support and running the club.

– Gym – participation in sport activities in a gymnasium. Classes hold for teens and children and young people involved in the project. Preparation of classes. Fun & Games. Sport’s games.

– Picnic – participation in different activities at weekends / some kind of meetings for men, women, families,  i.e. bicycle rides or walking trips, breakfast, dinners, etc..

„Elder brother – elder sister” – a program hold mainly for the children from foster families. Visiting the children registered for the project and getting involved in a child’s life by helping with their homework / if possible / Going out together to the cinema, theater, museum.

Day-care Room – to help organize afternoon classes in a day-care center – running various workshops.

Newsletter – getting involved in „editing” of a monthly magazine. Assistance in the preparation, writing articles and giving an account of your voluntary service in the newsletter.

Website – writing a „blog” of the project – in the „blog” a volunteer will give his/her account of the experiences of the voluntary work. The blog for volunteers will be set up at the beginning ofthe project.

– Sommer Camp
for children and youth – both out-of-town camps.

– Volunteers will run workshops in various fields for participants of different age groups. Workshops will be prepared together with volunteers using their talents and capabilities. Activities will be based on cooperation with the leader running the class.

The list of workshops that may be at camp is open and depends on the kind of the workshop leaders we get for the camp. It can be a drama workshop or music, singing, language workshop /English, German or the native language of the volunteers/.

Examples of typical tasks:

– Preparation of a plan for the camp in the leaders’ team, setting the work plan.

– Preparation of materials for the workshops.

– Help with a workshop, and running workshops at the camp.

– Preparation of the games, some fun to stimulate children and youth.

– Running a workshop on your own or with the leader.

– Help in preparing a festivity for the local community as for day camps. Running all arranged activities at the festivity /games, sports, performances, etc./

We provide: 

  • Mentor – is responsible for providing personal support to the volunteer(s).
  • Task-related support –  offers supervision and guidance to the volunteer(s) through experienced staff.
  • Personal support
  • EVS Training and Evaluation cycle and language support /course of polish ~70 hours /
  • Accommodation and food – we are providing suitable accommodation and meals (or a food allowance, covering also the holiday period) to the volunteer(s).
  • Local transport
  • Allowance – we are giving the due allowance to the volunteer(s) on a monthly basis: 85 Euro.

How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Poland baptysci. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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