Voluntariado en radio y comunicación en Bulgaria


Si te apasiona la comunicación y te gustaría ganar experiencia en una radio, así como trabajando con otros jóvenes, solicita ya este voluntariado en radio y comunicación en Bulgaria.

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Fechas y lugar del voluntariado en radio

Dates: 1/10/2018 – 30/6/2019.

Place: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.

Sobre el proyecto

This project is aimed at training process and the ways in which the media and the arts can get closer to the young people through non-formal education methodology. The concrete project is proceeded from that the school education does not fully satisfy the needs of young people for alternative learning and in particular does not develop freely their communication and artistic skills and doesn’t give the opportunity to explore the nowadays social topics and problems.

Major milestone in the development of the project is part of the team of the hosting organization and the volunteers involved in it to take a short training course to work on methods of non-formal education, on line media and theater, which will increase the capacity of the organization’s work and the volunteers in it.

Part of the project refers to a project carried out by the hosting organization. In this regard, volunteers will enrich the work of the Radio Forum with cultural topics, social issues and educational opportunities from their background. They will become part of the radio team and will get some journalistic skills. This Online platform will be developed by the volunteers experience and they would help to establish long term partnerships with local youth and partner organizations. The idea of this web radio platform is to increase the active citizenship and political and European awareness of the young people involved in it, while getting them closer to the journalistic work. The participants will develop their sensitivity on the important issues and topics of the nowadays life in this very variable world.

Other part of this project activity is Forum Theatre. This is a field research of important issues concerning public and seeking their solutions, that could be used also in the radio work. This theater is an attractive method of promoting public debate on issues that target group has identified as important. Since this is a forum people can get involved in the construction of scenarios by changing the actions and reactions of the characters in the play. Anyone can come up on stage and experiment with their point of view and personal attitude to problem situations shown.

Cultural diversity is a priority enshrined in this project and program «Erasmus +». During the voluntary service repeatedly as a creative process during weekly meetings the volunteers will be able to show the culture, art, history and language in treir countries – during also the forum theater meetings. This will expand the horizons of the target group of the project from the local community and will allow for bilateral cultural exchanges with it.

In the project will participate six EVS volunteers from different Programme and/or partner countries. There will be two mobilities in that proect: 3 people for 9 months (1st of October 2018 – 30th of June 2019) and 3 people for 12 months (1st of May 2019 -30th of April 2020).

Tareas durante el voluntariado

– preparing and leading broadcasts by interests in English /or also other languages if they have interest

– leading every day morning show

– doing musical playlists by interests;

– making field and web surveys to different topics that we can use in the radio and social theater;

– preparing weekly radio show;

– working in the social theater field with local youngsters;

– writing articles about the activities and/or by interests and filling a project dairy;

– making photos and presenting their cultures;

– sharing and promoting the project among the other volunteers and the local community

– support the organization while preparing summer festival in the mountains in the middle of July.

Participants must be able to communicate in English and must be aged 18 to 30 years old.

Información práctica

All the travel costs to the place of implementation of the project are covered by the ERASMUS+.

Individual support is 4,00 per volunteer per day also on a single rate /about 240 lv per month/

Bulgarian language courses – Online Language Support OLS

Money for food is 210 lv per person per month

Money for SIM card 10 lv per person per month

Accommodation will be in a shared flat in the city center or nearby /all the expenses: water, electricity, internet are covered by the organizational support money/. If the flat is not in the city center we will provide cards for public transport!

Insurance for the volunteers will be made by the sending organization, according to the rules of the ERASMUS + program and it will cover all the medical care in the hosting country.

Proceso de selección para el voluntariado en radio

We will study carefully all applications and selected candidates will be invited for a Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the upcoming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with Skype username included.

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest in the project and the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

[button color=»brown» link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Motivation letter and application form[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject “EVS Bulgaria, Rosen. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME”

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