Voluntariado en Rumanía sobre nuevas tecnologías



Sighisoara / Romania


2 persons / association from Building Bridges Association


5 months  – 1 March 2016 – 1 August 2017


31 January 2016

Topic of the project

Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education

Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy)

Project objectives

1. Developing those transversal competences useful for labor market integration

2. Developing an integrated program of local empowerment, with the active participation of at least 90 young

people in Sighisoara / RO.

Volunteers profile

young people who fall in the category “Neither in education employment or training – NEET

AGE of the participants: 18 – 30

At least 2 persons with fewer opportunities facing economical obstacles

Activities E-Sighisoara

  1. E-Sighisoara»

( a) e-promoting historic buildings in Sighisoara (mainly medieval historic area) by Wikipedia (and, if necessary, by attaching QR codes), in English and in their native languages EVS volunteers

(b) e-promoting positive opportunities for spending free time and voluntary transnational by Wikitravel, in English and in their native languages EVS volunteers

(c) e-promoting interculturalism Sighisoara by making video-interviews / video collages inspired initiatives «6 billion Others» and «Humans of New York«

EXAMPLES OF EXPERIMENTAL METHODS: experiments photo & video (including specific solutions programs for data processing photo / video / audio) simulation actions journalism (investigation report, interview etc.) e-
collage, web-admin & design, workshops e-creation etc.

2. «Erasmus 4 Sighisoara – actions to promote volunteer opportunities transnational EVS among young people in Sighisoara and organizations accredited in the Program Countries and Partner Countries.

EXAMPLES OF EXPERIMENTAL METHODS: public events interactive to promote opportunities E + («open cafe», «living library» intercultural evenings, workshops «lateral-thinking» / «mind-map», e-campaigns, «Creative Writing» «e-escape» e-posters, brochures etc email

3. «Green Sighisoara»

( a) developing a recycling campaign to promote selective and pollution abatement green spaces with household waste

(b) development of e-polluted interactive maps of green areas in the city of Sighisoara and its proximity.

EXAMPLES OF EXPERIMENTAL METHODS: development of selective recycling demonstration workshops, street actions of distributing trash bags for selective collection; «interactive e-map» (including photo-video presentations of places polluted with domestic waste «shares polluted cleaning public spaces with household waste and Posting of the importance of protecting the natural resource indicators, flash-mobs etc

4. «Sighisoara multilingual

– Interactive workshops Foreign Language (lb native volunteers) and non-formal exploration of European


EXAMPLES OF EXPERIMENTAL METHODS: drawing, karaoke, role play, interactive presentations, quizzes, “d-
puzzle», «dixit» etc.

We anticipate that the impact of «a la longue» TCS will be charged in essence social and professional circumstances in which the 8 EVS volunteers will act as responsible individuals with initiative and learning acquired intercultural. The results opening stage will appreciate that the nature to help young people overcome the specific difficulties NEET category in terms of:

– improving the transition to the labor market

– motivation to continue learning by doing

Travel conditions

Spain– 360 Euro / person


will be provided in a youth hostel or rented apartment from Sighisoara.

During the stage the EVS volunteers will live in the center of Sighisoara city, in a big and shared house with other EVS volunteers on other projects of our association. If the volunteers will have any special personal needs concerning the accommodation please let me know as soon as possible in order to analyze the situation and check the available opportunities. The city is not so big you will be walking to get to the office, at the medical cabinet or at the place where you will organize the activities. From your house to the office is like 3 minutes walking

 The accommodation place will have all the necessary elements, bedrooms, bathrooms, equipped kitchen with everything necessary for preparing your food and free Wi-Fi. We will provide you with 1 round of bed sheets, pillow and blankets but please bring your own towels and everything that you consider that you will need specific for your stay here.

Sighisoara is located in the historic region of Transylvania. Central Sighișoara has preserved in an exemplary way the features of a small medieval fortified city. It has been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Each year, an International Medieval Festival takes place in the old citadel in July – August.

Access to internet

the volunteers will have access free to wireless internet at the place where they will be accommodated and at the headquarters of the receiving organization.

Food allowance

For food the volunteers will receive 100 Euro/person/month.

Monthly allowance will be 60 Euro/person/month.

Pocket money

will be signed with every EVS volunteer and will include the learning process plan and some administrative aspects at least one month before the starting of the voluntary stage

What to bring

We suggest you to bring with you your laptop, warm clothes, an unlock mobile phone in case you want it to be able to buy for yourself a Romanian sim card, towels, traditional stuff from your country (food, sweets, presentation movies, etc.), special medicine if you need.

Working hours, days off and holidays

The volunteers will work 5-7 hours/day, 5 days/week. They will have the week-ends free and extra 2 days holiday after working 30 days.


The communication language will be English, a good level of English will be useful but it will not be mandatory.

For helping you we will do our best in order that you have English lessons weekly.

Romania has this kind of power socket.

Learning agreement

will be signed with every EVS volunteer and will include the learning process plan and some administrative aspects at least one month before the starting of the voluntary stage

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

  • A special letter “My best friend”- describe your best friend in max.1500 words.

You will have to send this documents to your sending association and after they will check the eligibility of your application they will send your personal details to us. You will have a Skype interview with me and if everything will go fine you will be selected as our EVS volunteer for TCS project.

Attention !!!

A Learning Agreement will be signed with each EVS volunteer and will include the learning process plan and some administrative aspects at least one month before the starting of the voluntary stage.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS TRansilvanian Youth Service”

Voluntari@s en Rumanía para trabajar con niños a través del arte

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