Voluntariado en Varsovia en proyecto de integración, educación y ciudadanía


Host Organization:

Innovation Institute Foundation


Name of the Project:

Integration and education for European citizenship”


Project lasts:

9 months

EVS service dates:

we are looking for a candidate from Spain for 12 months evs starting from January-February next year

Activities proposed to the volunteers:

  1. Integration meetings for migrants and Polish citizens.
  • Common cooking with recipes from different countries of migrants and volunteers

  • Common national games of countries of migrants and volunteers
  1. English and Spanish language courses for Polish citizens and migrants.
  2. Projects for Youth. Currently we run 3 projects for youth:
  • CLICK financed from Erasums plus, partnership with Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Vietnam. Project focus on addressing challenges in youth unemployment and entrepreneurship using ICT or software solutions. It will gather young people who will undergo ICT training and later on be divided into smaller groups to develop an ICT-based solution to the problem of their choosing.
  • Youth about Shell gas. Film competition for the best scenario about the shell gas. The authors of best scenarios take part in film workshops, the winner make a professional film based on his/her scenario.
  • Youth about Poland. Film competition for young Poles from USA. The authors of best scenarios about Poland take part in film workshops, the winners are invited to Poland to create a short movie about Poland.

Other projects for youth that we plan:

  • IT trainings about safety in Internet, publishing photos and films.

  • Consultancy for youth regarding job opportunities and EU projects, including European voluntary service
  • Games with no computer, tablet or smartphone

You can also see some short movies about what we do:
1. Events for children and youth in Arkadia – biggest shoping mall in Warsaw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvfEZo2coF0  Virtual race

2. current project – film about Warsaw («Youth about Warsaw» more about the project in attachment), below a link to street survey, this nice lady who ask questions about Warsaw is famous Polish actress, who also take part in the project
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=748KKAMoS7QFilm about Poland, project was financed form Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (making of)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz0laOTShDE
We will probably continue this project from March.

3. Many projects for migrants (trainings, integration events etc)

Documentary film about migrants from different countries who live in Poland and took part in our project.

4. Supporting young entrepreneurs
Visit of HRH Prince of Wales in Warsaw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tvs-Q7a1Mg  (after 1st minute, you can see also me in this film, because I was a director of Youth Business Piland program:)


Innovation Institute Foundation has very wide range of activates and experience in many different projects. Our projects are addressed to different target groups, including:

    1. Migrants.

    2. Seniors.

    3. Youth.
    4. NGOs volunteers and workers.


We are looking for a motived volunteer, who likes to work with youth and children. Minimum English level is required while we don’t speak spanish.

How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Poland Kaszkiel. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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