Voluntariado Eslovaquia para trabajar con jóvenes


1 Plaza voluntariado Eslovaquia para jóvenes menores de 30 años con todos los gastos pagados por Erasmus+.



Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Fechas voluntariado Eslovaquia

We managed to postpone the start of the project, so project is now starting on 1st of March for the third volunteer. Call is open for all young people from programme countries (EU member countries) with the deadline for applications on 31st of January 2018

Fecha límite

31st of January 2018

Tareas voluntariado Eslovaquia

Taking part in the preparation and realization of our activities which are mostly based on organizing leisure time activities for young people: We would like to involve the EVS volunteers in various activities which we organize. In the beginning we will introduce our activities to the volunteers and it will be up to them where they want to get involved.

It will be chosen according to its abilities and skills. But we would encourage them to try to participate in activities in which they could develop and gain some new experiences and skills. The volunteers will be involved in the whole process of preparing and realizing the activity. Of course we will help them; we will work in a team. We will always explain how we plan on organizing the activities and we welcome their initiative and contribution with creative ideas and inputs.

We would especially like to involve the EVS volunteers in these activities:

• “Tea meetings“ – the EVS volunteers may contribute with ideas for the topics of these «tea meetings»; they create an invitations for our volunteers; prepare the office according to the needs for the individual meeting; preparing the material for the «tea meeting»; also we would be very happy when they would present their own country, culture and ideas.
• Trainings for our volunteers – due to their abilities, experiences and skills we would welcome her/his participation on our trainings which we organize for our future camp leaders; the EVS volunteers may help and support us with the organization of these activities like buying materials, preparation of the program etc. We would welcome the creativity and initiative of the volunteers.
• Becoming the co-leader on the workcamps in Slovakia – depending on the interest of the volunteers, they will be able to participate at one (eventually at several) international voluntary workcamps in Slovakia. They can put all the theoretical knowledge, which they will gain during the project, into practice in the direct contact with the group of young people from different cultures.
• Organizing events in cooperation with our partner organizations – the volunteers will create the program for the activities; prepare and help with realizing the activities; promoting the activities among our volunteers and motivate them to participate in these activities. The volunteers will also contribute with organizing reasonable free-time activities for people with disabilities.
• Promotion of voluntary work and EVS – promoting volunteering and concrete voluntary activities among youth is always important. That is why our EVS-volunteers will visit schools and run presentations and workshops mostly about volunteering. They will be also involved in our promotional team and dealing with our online media such as facebook, linkedin, twiter and INEX web page on daily basis.
• Participation on the workcamps abroad – if they are interested, the volunteers will be able to participate in an international voluntary workcamp abroad.
• Administrative work – we would like the EVS volunteers to help us with some administrative work like sorting and copying documents and other things. They will help a bit with shopping, going to the post office and work with our web-page and database. The EVS volunteers will communicate with our volunteers in order to inform them about our activities. The communication will be through mail, phone calls and directly when the volunteers visit us in the office.

The activities will be flexible and depend on the phase of the project. We will create a timetable for each individual volunteer fitting his/her skills, abilities and wishes. In case we organize the project and the volunteer is involved in, she/he is welcome to join the whole project and to help to run the activities. In case the amount of working hours is higher than usual, the volunteer will get alternative holidays.

Hosting organisation

International voluntary workcamps in Slovakia & abroad
 Trainings for campleaders & volunteers
 Regular “Tea meetings” about various topics
 Promotion of voluntary work
 Organizing events in cooperation with our partner organizations

Aspectos prácticos voluntariado Eslovaquia



Language course

Travelling in Bratislava


The EVS-volunteers will receive money for food together with the pocket money at the beginning of every month. They will manage the money on their own, and from these finances they will also buy their food. They will prepare food by themselves. There is a fully equipped kitchen in the flat, where they will be living.

The EVS-volunteers will be living together in an appropriately equipped flat only 5 minutes far from the Slovakia Office. This flat is situated near the city centre as well as all the important institutions are around. They can find there laundry facilities as well as fully equipped kitchen.

The EVS-volunteers will learn Slovak taking private Slovak lessons. Slovak language belongs to Slavic group of languages and it might seems as very difficult but on the other side a very beautiful

. Volunteers will have holidays during the project. The exact dates to be arranged after an agreement with the supervisor. They will have 2 days each month for holidays. So in the case of an 11-month project it will be 22 days of holiday.

Volunteers will use public transport in Bratislava (busses, trams, trolleybuses).

They will arrange the card for public transport together with their mentor. The mentor will also help them with the orientation in the public transportation system.


Are you….
• Responsible, flexible & tollerant ?
• Focused on working with youth?
• Creative & ready to take initiative?
• Pasionate about volunteering?
• Interested in workcamps?
• Positive & open-minded person?
• Coming from EU country?


Cómo solicitar este voluntariado Eslovaquia

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Slovakia Roma Dana. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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