Voluntariado europeo en Bulgaria sobre artes visuales


Te traemos este interesante voluntariado europeo en Bulgaria de la mano de uno de nuestros mejores socios en Bulgaria con un proyecto sobre festival cultural en Plovdiv. En años anteriores ya hemos enviado voluntarios y actualmente tenemos ya varios en Bulgaria.

Lee la experiencia de César como Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Sliven

Lee la experiencia de Antonio como Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Sliven

project dates

Topics in the project: Creativity and culture; Health and Welfare; Gender Equality / Equal Opportunities
Implementation period: 29.08.2017 – 24.02.2018

Deadline 11th August

Venue: c. Plovdiv Bulgaria

Participants we need will be four young volunteers only by Spanish nationality and over 21 years of age.
We are look for young people who possess talent, knowledge, skills and / or capacity in the visual arts; photography; stage design and pre-press ready the; Musicians exciting and to create music; young people interested and developing in the vast field of digital technologies; Designers of clothing and / or costumes; those who is interested and / or involved in dance theater and contemporary dance techniques as a way for wordless communication.

Project location

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

ROLES AND TASKS OF The volunteer

 Take part of the activity with non profit purposes;
 Be aware of the importance of the project for himself/ herself and the local community;
 Understand that the European Voluntary Service is an experience of intercultural learning;
 Take part in the activity, by developing the activities with responsibility;
 Participate actively in all requested meetings with the sending and receiving organization; Respect the rules and working methods of the receiving organization;
 Take part in all trainings: pre-departure, on-arrival, final evaluation – if it is possible;
 Have free board, lodging, and local transport (when necessary for the activity) during the entire EVS period;
 Have a Bulgarian language lessons (non-formal);
 Have support from the sending and receiving organization. There is a mentor that will accompany the volunteer;
 Get all support from the workers and volunteers of the receiving organization regarding the development of the project;
 Participate in the evaluation meetings;
 Have support before (preparation), during and after (return home) the EVS activity from all involved partners.


The main activities of all volunteers will be carried out in Plovdiv – theater hall HEND, located on 18, „Ruski“ Blvd. and the dance hall of Art formation – Dance Mania/ Plovdiv, located on 29 „Philippe Makedonski“ Str.

Their commitment to joint activities will be flexible in line with both the regular work of the team and the dynamics of unplanned new engagements that inevitably follow.

1. Language Support – Bulgarian Language Organized by the Coordinator for the period August 2017 – February 2018.
2. Creative workshop: Creation of decors, dolls, costumes, requisites for theatrical productions in the period from September 2017 to February 2018 – collaboration with stage designer, director and main team.

3. Theater service:
3.1 Participation in the preparations for the respective weekly repertoire and meeting of the spectators in the period from September 2017 to February 2018 – the management and assistance of the mentor together with the main team;
3.2 Stage acquainted with lighting and sound equipment, safe and attractive work with lighting and sound system from September 2017 to February 2018 – from the management and assistance of the mentor, together with the main team;
4. Assistant Administration:
4.1 Creation, production and distribution of printed, photo and video materials related to the repertoire and theater events from September 2017 to February 2018 under the guidance of the mentor;

4.2 Helping to maintain the image of the theater and its social vision on the Internet from September 2017 to February 2018 from the guidance and co-operation of the mentor;

4.3 Discussions and discussion of strategies to find and establish contacts with artists and cultural institutions from cities and volunteer countries between September 2017 and February 2018 under the guidance and co operation of the mentor
5. Creative exchange:

5.1 We will create together open doors: "The Sharps World", to which each volunteer will be able to express himself in front of an audience through his chosen art, will have the opportunity to tell about the state, the place where he lives, the people there and their traditions, Creativity and Cultural Heritage – October 4, 2017, with the support and support of the Hand's team.

5.2 We will create an event with the volunteers on the subject: "Theater Hand and Plovdiv through my eyes" –on December 13th with the support and support of the HAND team.

5.3 We will create an event with the volunteers on the theme "I will bring you home" – November 2 with the help of the HAND team. The volunteers will have the opportunity to freely present in their own way the impressions and feelings they will find after their stay in Bulgaria – February 21, 2018. With the help and support of the Hend team.
5.4 Dance-performance performances – personal expression and creative dialogue with other dancers and choreographers in "Dance Mania" Art Festival – Plovdiv and participation in creative activities with children and young people aged between 4 and 18 years. – from September 2017 to February 2018
6. Physical and mental health and balance:

6.1 Visits to various cultural, national-historical, sporting events;

6.2 Visits of historical and natural facilities;

6.3 Physical stimulation and toning, assimilation of modern dance techniques of movement – work at Dance Mania – Plovdiv with a professional pedagogue twice a week in the period from September 2017 to February 2018
7. Workshops – weekly team meetings to analyze the work done, schedule new tasks and deadlines, update current engagements related to team performances, current issues and problem solving with all of the team in the form of Discussions and brainstorming – in the period from September 2017 to February 2018, the management and co-operation of the mentor, coordinator and mentor.

Payment arrangements

The NGO  Society is responsible for opening a bank account in BGN of theach volunteer at the start date of the mobility. On this bank account will be transferred to Pocket money per one volunteer – EUR 90 = BGN 176,39 for 31 days and Money for food per one volunteer – BGN 235,18 / per month = 120Euro/ per month. by the 10th day of each month of mobility.
Bus/ Flight tickets will be purchased by sending organization (if it is possible) or by volunteer. The maximum travel amount for volunteers from their home town to Plovdiv – Bulgaria is 360.00 EUR for all travel expenses from their home town to Plovdiv, Bulgaria and vice versa. The host organization will pay the travel costs after receiving all the original documents – invoices, tickets, boarding passes, receipts, etc. If travel costs are more than the receiving organization on the trip, the participant will pay the difference.


The financial support in form of Individual Support/pocket money for the mobility period has a minimum amount of EUR 90 = BGN 176,39 for 31 days per one /1/ participant.
The participant shall receive a financial support from EU funds for 31 days. The total amount for the mobility period shall be determined by multiplying the number of days/months of the mobility with the rate applicable per day/month for the receiving country concerned. In case of incomplete months, the financial support is calculated by multiplying the number of days in the incomplete month with 1/30 of
the unit cost per month.

The reimbursement of costs incurred in connection with special needs, when applicable, shall be based on the documentation such as invoices, receipts etc. provided by the participant.
The financial support may not be used to cover similar costs already funded by European Union funds.


Accommodation and Meals:
Accommodation will be in dwellings near the „Hand“ Theater Hall located in the central part of Plovdiv. The volunteers will be accommodated in a furnished apartment / s with adjoining kitchen, bathroom, toilet.

Each volunteer is responsible for:

• Cleaning your clothes
• Maintaining cleanliness both in the room in which it lives and in common rooms
• cleaning and maintaining the integrity of furniture, electrical equipment, utensils.

The volunteer must not make a loud noise in the dwelling from 14:00 to 16:00 and from 22:00 to 08:00.

Volunteers must pay a deposit of 50 euros on arrival at the host organization to be used in the event of damage caused by negligence to pay the cost of repair or purchase of a new one. Until the end of the project nothing is broken or missing, the deposit will be returned to the voluntary participants.

Near the Theater Hall, there are bus stops and regular public transport to both the other neighborhoods, as well as to the bus and train stations in the city.

Upon arrival they will be thoroughly familiar with the rules of safety and internal order in the Theatrical Hall by the mentor.
They will receive instructions for safe navigation on Bulgarian roads and transport networks, each having a map of Plovdiv and Bulgaria.
Each volunteer will be provided with a local mobile operator's map with bargains to allow for a 24-hour contact with both the mentor and every member of the team.

The food allowance is provided at BGN 235,18 / per month = 120Euro/ per month.

The total transport between Spain and Bulgaria in both directions is EUR 360.

Routes from Spain will be reimbursed in full upon arrival of the project coordinator volunteers against tickets submitted, with the exception of sums that exceed the rate for the appropriate distance in one direction. Tickets needed for their return in the opposite direction will be purchased and provided by the host organization.

They will be informed by the sender about the mandatory issue of a free European health insurance card as well as additional health insurance.
They will be instructed in detail on their arrival by the mentor on safe working conditions at the workplace and will be introduced into the work process step by step to their interests, talents and abilities.

They will be assigned a youth mentor for better, close communication and shared interests.

Working time, weekends, rest:
5 days a week, a minimum of 35 hours a week, a maximum of 40 working hours a week; Two consecutive weekdays per week and 2 days off per month; Two consecutive weekdays per week taking into account the schedule of the activity of the Hand Theatre – Plovdiv.
The participant is entitled to 12 Days leave, which can take 2 every month or all at once during your stay. If you leave them at the end of your stay, you can leave with the appropriate number of days earlier. Vacation period and weekly rest days will be agreed between the organization and the participant.
Language support:
Society will provide Bulgarian language lessons (non-formal), during the EVS.

How to apply


We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Turn Plovdiv. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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