Voluntariado europeo escuelas de Polonia con todo pagado por el programa Erasmus+ para jóvenes menores de 30 años de edad.

Tienes más ofertas de Servicio Voluntario Europeo para Polonia.


Project title

Wings of change


Project dates: March 2018 – January 2019


The activity last for 12 months and is situated within Tricity and surroundings (Tricity=Trójmiasto – Gdynia, Sopot, Gdańsk) area, which
is quite famous because of its tourist facilities. The volunteer will be based in the one placement however there is a plan to visit for 1-2
days other placements in order to see the others project and maybe find new ideas.

There are 9 EVS volunteers all together however they live in 3 separate flats. In each flat are tree rooms where 3 volunteers stay so that
each volunteer has got their own bedroom and shared kitchen, bathroom with other EVS volunteers. The flats are situated quite close to
the means of transport. The volunteers are getting ticket for the transport to get from the flat to the workplace. Apart from pocket money,
they are getting also money for food each month.

During working time the volunteer is not allowed to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes.

Working hours

Is a center where children, youth are coming after the school in order not to stay on the street doing nothing. Work from Mon-
Fri, sometimes Saturday, Sunday. In this situation volunteer is getting one day free in the week.
Mon 13:00 –
Tue 12:00 –
12:00 –
Thr 13:00 –
Fri 11:00 –
Working hours might be a bit change depends on Polish class and are different in summer/winter holidays. 

Target group

Youth in age 5 -14year old
– from difficult backgrounds, were families having problems with alcohol, drugs addiction, poverty, prison, unemployment, violence, illiteracy, often incapacity of life,
– being in families were are many children in a small flats where is no conditions to learn, sleep, have fun etc.
– having problems in learning,
– in general not speaking in English,
– having emotional problems, problems with communication,
– often hyperactive, sometimes aggressive.

Above description might seem to be scary but they are good children who need attention, positive attention not the one which they often have at school. There, they are perceived as people without any chances to live in a “good way”. However our years of experience show that those children and youth is a group are very active, they know what is team. They are willing to act, play together etc. We see the results of the therapy, of our work if only those children get the chance, if you believe in them they are able to act and create something good. They just need attention of other person, good warm words.

Tasks of volunteers

We would like the volunteer to join the workshop team, show his/her presence, make impact on the place, that the workplace feels that has got an EVS volunteer! J

Proposed activities in the workplace:
1. Foreign languages lessons for people once/twice a week,

1. National days of my country:
– preparation of big poster with basic words in my language,
– my national dishes, cooking activities,
– what do you know about my country? – presentation about history, traditions + quiz.

2. During summer/winter holidays join the camps with children/youth as a guardian and activities arranger.

3. Using such equipment like: camera, microphone, voice recorder make an interview with local community about:
– Who is volunteer? Is he/she needed?
– Other themes to choose.

4. The volunteer is encourage to make a movie or photo exhibition about EVS, about her/his EVS experience in Poland.

– Help with homework of children/youth such as English language, math, geographic etc.,
– Follow the activities which are organized by the youth leader,
– Propose own activities which can be organized with the youth leader such as cooking, art, sports activities etc.,
– Play games with children, youth,
– Help in daily duties such as cleaning, washing etc.
– Participation in any other additional activities proposed by the EVS coordinator, for example visit in the school with a presentation.

We are also open for volunteers’ ideas. If you would like to propose your own activity – go ahead!

Following stations:
November 2017  Arrival to Poland,
 Intensive Polish course,
 Adaptation, integration
 Introducing to the workplace
 The first weeks is a time for adapting, getting to know observing each others,
asking questions. The leader is showing what to do.
December 2017  Christmas preparation in the workplace

 Christmas fair
 Christmas Eve meetings (Wigilia)
 International Volunteer’s Day
January 2018  EVS on-arrival training,

 First evaluation meeting and questionnaire, EVS coordinator + volunteers,
 Evaluation conversation with EVS coordinator about how the volunteer find
in a workplace, what is his/her idea for being here etc.
 Work in a place
 Introducing the prepared earlier activity plan and discussion with leader.
 The leader can share his observation about the volunteer.

February 2018

 Work in a place
 Carnival Ball in the workplace – overnight in the place
 Participation in the winter holidays in the workplace, camps
 Carnival Ball for Volunteers of Caritas
 Second evaluation meeting and questionnaire, EVS coordinator + volunteers

March-April 2018  Work in a place

 Easter preparation in the workplace
 Easter fair
 Easter meetings (Wielkanoc)
May-June 2018  Work in the place

 Second evaluation meeting and questionnaire, EVS coordinator + volunteers
 Participation in the preparation for Summer Fest for children and youth in the work
July-August 2018  Work in a place

 Summer activities in the workplace, sometimes overnight in the workplace,
 Participation in summer camps in the mountains, lake
 EVS Farewells and departures

September 2018  Work in a place

 Preparation and implementation of charity fundraising activity of Caritas

October 2018  Work in a place
 Take part in various activities
 EVS Firewells and departures

Hosting organisation

Hosting organisation is Caritas

 Profile of volunteers

– likes to work with children and youth and who knows how to get in touch with them (or not be afraid of them),
– likes to discover new things, open-minded,
– active, taking initiative, creative
– communicative,
– responsible, able to deal with often hyperactive youth,
– such interests as sport, music, dance or any other kind of passion with which volunteer can infect young people are very

How to apply

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

 [button color=»green2″ link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form and motivation letter[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Poland Caritas Gvantsa. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

  • Ana
    11 julio, 2016 at 11:50 pm

    No me queda claro cuántas horas del voluntariado son cada día.
    Y, ¿es de lunes a viernes?

  • Yes Europa
    11 julio, 2016 at 11:59 pm

    Hola, normalmente son entre 30 y 35 horas semanales, y de lunes a viernes, esta es solo una aproximación. en el caso de ser entrevistada podrías preguntarlo por detalles si te parece. suerte!

  • Samantha
    31 octubre, 2017 at 10:40 pm

    Buenas tardes estoy interesada en el voluntariado, quisiera saber: la entrevista cómo la solicito y es en qué idioma. Además qué papeles debo presentar ?

  • Yes Europa
    1 noviembre, 2017 at 10:54 am

    Hola, nos tienes que enviar los documentos que se indican aquí en esta web, por favor míralo bien. Y la entrevista será en inglés

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