Voluntariado europeo en Estambul (Turquía) en gestión y comunicación proyectos



Time: 2 August- 30 December 2016( 5 Months )


Istambul, Turkey

The tasks of the volunteers

– Developing projects that create dialogue opportunities with European youth and promote EU opportunities for Turkish/European youth;

– Creating a (web-)magazine related to Youth-Agenda’s Erasmus + activity, preparing promotion material that is relevant to the youth, writing reports and presenting it in articles for the targeted public in creative ways;

– Organizing meetings and activities that promote the programs of Agenda and Erasmus +, public (schools, universities, trainings) and private (one-to-one with interested individuals);

– Participating in, as teacher and/or organizer, youth camps and camp for young people with fewer opportunities implemented by Agenda (English speaking camp, EU project writing camp, Law camp, and others according to the ongoing granted projects).

-Write the EU project, Also they find international partner for the association’s project.

-EU Project should be about youth problem.


Project management, communication, Youth work, erasmus plus project , seminer, workshop about youth policy , websites design

About the organization:


Executive Committee has been in charge of searching for various issues suggested by plenary session, of determining youth problems and of coming up with suggestions for influential and lasting solutions and projects. Towards this objective, it could form working groups. A working group is formed on voluntary basis and composes of at least three individuals.

-All association’s member can write project

Sometimes we write projects with together

The volunteers who join our team, share their experience each other

Description of Hosting Organization

The Association  is established towards these objectives: Running workshops in social, cultural, political, educational and sportive fields; contributing to improve and strengthen collective activities of civil society and cooperating with the individuals and legal persons working in this fields;

Providing an active support for the improvement of youth politics; pioneering for the protection and the development of constitutional democratic rights of youth; providing a vision for cooperation and solidarity among youth; equipping the youth with unlimited resources and assistance in order to create progressive and modern masses who would conceive the ‘reality’ in national and global levels; forming professional unions and cooperation among youth and working together with related institutions in order to aid the employment of youth; achieving to realize cooperation, solidarity and affiliation among, both internal and external, youth and youth organizations for the purpose of national and global peace and of environmental and communal development.

voluntariado turquia
voluntariado turquia


The Volunteer will stay a Erasmus Student’s house in office in Youth and the volunteer will ive in Besitkas won’t be need use tranportaions The apartments’ rent and bills, paid to the owner by hosting organization.

Insurance and visa

Volunteers who comes for long term EVS have to obtain visa before they arrive in Turkey. Please check the visa regime of Turkish Government at Volunteers should prepare  and submitt the Euroepan Benefits Insurance together with their Sending Organisaiton before just after signing the Internal Agreement for EVS.

Financial conditions

Volunteer will have:

The financial support in form of Pocket money for the mobility period has a maximum amount of EUR 400(Each month 80 Eur)

The volunteer will get 4h/week of Turkish lesson by hosting or.

The volunteer will eat food in the office , for weekend ( 4 weeks total 30 Eur)

The volunteer should take her/him flight ticket firstly we will give to maximum 530 Euro (arrive/departure)


How to apply

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need CV and motivation letter in English:

Application form sending organisation Building Bridges (signed)

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Turkey Gundem Agenda. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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