Voluntariado europeo Grecia en centro discapacitados


Voluntariado europeo Grecia en centro discapacitados con todos los gastos pagados por Erasmus+, para jóvenes menores de 30 años de edad.

Project Title:


Project dates

September 1st, 2018 till June 30th, 2019 (10 months duration)

Who we are

“EIDIKI” CENTRE is a Day Care Center for mentally disabled persons. It was established on 1994 and in 2004 was moved to a new and hospitable place that offers all the necessary space and comforts for daily activities.

Working environment

The working place is located 3km far from Levadia city, capital of Viotia Prefecture. The working place is divided into 3 large rooms and an office. The Day Care Center is attached to the Chronically Diseases Infirmary building of the Holy Metropolis of Thiva& Levadia. Two rooms are used as activities playrooms and the third is the rest room.

Rooms facing the NW side and there is direct access to the backyard.

The Center operates same as school timetable from 08:00 to 15:00 weekdays only.

Activities finish everyday at 14:00 and there is administration work until 15:00. There are 2 official school holidays that the Day Care Center is not operating; during Christmas school holidays and during Greek Orthodox Easter school holidays. Half of these Holidays are counted official day-offs, unless agreed otherwise.


Volunteers accommodation will be in a multi-room rented apartment (1 person per room), with fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, hallway, common sitting room located in Levadia city.

Food is provided at the Center’s facilities cooked by professional cooks everyday and a food allowance is given for breakfast and extra food upon receipt.

Volunteers’ tasks

The proposed voluntary services in the Day Care Center for retarded persons include:

a) voluntary service with creative activities for the retarded persons such as handicrafts, painting, music, pottery, constructions, energizing games, table games, gardening, physical education, free time entertainment and accompanying them to their local transportations.

b) voluntary service on planning, organizing and implementing youth activities with similar youngsters from abroad in the frame of various European and World programmes for the creation of networks of voluntary organizations. Maintenance of the Center’s web-
page, design of a leaflet and organize an information/dissemination event for publicity.

Willing to prepare and organize an international youth exchanges with other similar groups from abroad.

So we are looking for volunteers that are:

– 18-30 years old;

– capable to create activities with simple materials by using their hands;

– skilled to provide physical education activities;

– open minded, in basics self-independent, responsible and with a strong motivation for international youth work and intercultural communication with mentally disabled persons;

– capable to help in preparing international youth exchanges and activities;

– motivated to learn basic Greek phrases in a short time;

– playing an musical instrument which will be mostly appreciated;

– interested in mental-health and (ideally) some experience/qualifications related to disability.;

– able to communicate in English.

Learning opportunities

Volunteers will learn how to apply practical techniques for all mentioned works and will acquire and share knowledge and skills in social services.

The role of volunteers is important because they will add important value to the activities of our Day Care Center, due to the new perspectives and opinions offered to our specialized personnel and apply to their daily tasks, while at the same time they learn new things by directly acquiring dexterities that will be recorded in the Youthpass at the end of their service. Moreover they will increase our knowledge, understanding and potential partners within the region the volunteer comes from. We are willing to host two international volunteers.


This project seeks funding by the EU ERASMUS+ Programme – European Voluntary Service and according to the rules accommodation and food will be provided by the organizers along with one return ticket according to the travel costs on the Guide of ERAMUS+ Programme. There is also pocket money

Working hours and days off:

7 working hours per day, 5 days per week Monday to Friday. (In some cases, to organize special events which require the presence of the EVS volunteers during the weekend that will be deducted from the week days, established by common agreement with the management team.) The volunteer will arrive at the Special Education Center installations at 08:00 and leave at 15:00. Within this time 60 minutes all together are allowed for branch and lunch.

Days off: According to the guidelines of the ERASMUS+ Programme, two(2) days off per month are allowed.

The 10 of these days off are to be chosen during the Christmas and Easter time where the “Special Education” Center is not working but the working days for the volunteer are counting. The rest 10 days off can be taken any time upon agreement with the management team.

The days off can be taken any time upon agreement with the Director of the Center.

Food and Accommodation: The volunteer will live in a flat accommodation, with separate bedrooms one for each volunteer, with shared kitchen, toilet and sitting room. Volunteers are responsible for keeping the flat clean and are also responsible to take care of the equipment inside the house (washing machine, TV, beds, tables, chairs etc).

In case of damage because of wilful negligence they may be asked to pay the repairing costs. We suggest carrying all personal cleaning staff.

Lunch and dinner will be prepared by professional cooks and provided on a daily base, 5 days a week at their working installations inside the Chronically Diseases Infirmary. Dinner will be packed as take away packet to consume it at home.

The time spent on lunch cannot exceed the 45 minutes.

Breakfast will be self-prepared at home. There will be an exceptional food allowance of 160 euro per month to cover breakfast costs and weekends food. Volunteer is obliged to submit a 160 euro food receipts for each month to cover the food allowance.

House/Flat Rules


– Bedsheets and towels: you will bring them to the Infirmary to be washed with your clothing.

– For your own clothing, you will use the washing machines at the Infirmary, if no washing machine is available at your flat.

– The best day to wash your clothes is Wednesday (this may change).


– Clean your room and your toilet by yourself. Cleaning material will be provided at the Infirmary, if not available at home.

– Organize yourselves to clean the common spaces.

– Keep the outside places clean and with no trash.


– Your personal garbage will be thrown by yourselves in the closest containers on your home street.


– Use freely the equipment in the kitchen.

– Maintain the kitchen and it’s equipment clean.


– Wireless internet is available in your personal devices. Check the EVS guide(provided on arrival) for more information.


– Hot water is available 24h. First turn on the electrical water heater, wait 15 minutes and turn it off. Then shower. DO NOT FORGET THE ELECTRIC WATER HEATER ON, IT IS DANGEROUS.


– You will be provided lunch and dinner at the Infirmary’s kitchen. You will take away dinner with you when you leave work.

– For weekends you will use the food allowance to buy or prepare your food. The food allowance is also for breakfast use.


– Heating system often come with auto switch on thermostat that regulates the use of the heater according the settings. In case there is no automatic system the volunteer can turn on the house heater. After a while, switch it off because it will still provide residual heat for around 2 hours.

– Always switch it off when you leave the house for safety reasons.


– Most light bulbs are energy saver.

– Do not waste energy and natural resources for no reason.


– You have neighbours that would appreciate that you keep the noise levels low.

– Avoid making noise after 23h00.


– No pets or animals are allowed in the flat.


– The electricity bills, the water bills and any other bill arriving at your flat you will deliver them to your coordinator.

Volunteer Allowance: The volunteer will receive a monthly allowance of € 100 (as pocket money), as established in the ERASMUS+ Programme Guide (2016 version) upon receipt.

Cómo solicitar este Voluntariado europeo Grecia en centro discapacitados

[box type=»note»]We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general ESC (European Solidarity Corps) or EVS (European Volunteer Service).

The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.[/box]

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

[button color=»purple» link=»https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83534036/Motivation%20letter%20EVS.doc» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Greece Xxeno Tender”.

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