Voluntariado europeo Lituania en cuidado de niños


Name of the organisation: Blessed J. Matulaitis family help center. Day care center «Biciuliai» (it means Friends)

Place: VILNIUS, LITHUANIA, The Blessed Jurgis

Date : from the end of August 2018 till the end of July 2019.

Deadline: The selection of candidates we are planning till the 1st of July.

We need volunteers for these different target groups. You can choose one of 4:


1. A work in social center with 6-11 year children. Two day centers for children 6-11 year old, who live in very poor material conditions, have emotional and behavior problems, have learning problems, and need psychological help.
The main tasks for the volunteer who will make his EVS with children or young people are:
1. Helping with homework.
2. Participation in and helping to realize all the activities.
3. Organize / helping to organize/ day-activity with local volunteers or workers.
4. Camps and hikes.
5. Creative workshops for children (like handicrafts, theatre, sports, cooking, arts, teaching a foreign language, etc.)

The day center is for the children of the preschool age (from 3 to 7 years).  Two groups for children are working every working day and are constant. The pedagogic is based on catholic principles.

The main tasks of volunteers:

  • to look after the children (to help them to eat, to dress, to go outside)

  • to play with children

  • to create and participate in art projects with children

  • to participate in a group process where children are actively communicating

  • to participate in meetings with educators working in the group

  • to look after the common order (to put dishes to the dish washing-machine or to clean the room)



A work in social center with 12-18 year teenagers and youth. These activities are offering assistance to young people (12 to 18 years) from difficult social background. They have various difficulties: at school, behavior and emotional problems, psychological and life crises.

The main tasks for the volunteer who will make his EVS with teenagers are the same as children (see above).


3. A work in social center with adult persons with intellectual disabilities. „Open Community“.

Group dedicated to integrate and assist adult persons with intellectual disabilities and their families. Also there are organized educating and leisure activities.

The tasks for volunteer who will make his/her EVS with disabled people are:
1. To go with disabled people to the shop and help them to cook the lunch.
2. To participate with the workers in different activities (as candles, postcards, drawings, work with paper, making things from wood and so on) and assist disabled people.
3. To organize various workshops using personal skills.
4. To help disabled people to organize their free time in our centre.
5. To help the workers to organize one-day trips, camps and cultural events.
6. To communicate with our people and help them to become more self-confident and independent.


4. A work in the catholic kindergarten with 2-6 year kids. The only project not in social field. Catholic kindergarden/day center for the children of parish families, who want christian education for their kids.
The main tasks for the volunteer who will make his EVS with preschool age children:
1. To help teachers to prepare everything for activities, sleeping, eating, etc.
2. Look after kids: help them get dressed, when going out – dress up, help to eat, to make their beds etc.
3. Play with children. The playing is the main form of learning, comunicating and living for children, so it is very important to interact with them in playing.
4. Create and do different art activities (drawing, music, theatre, etc.)
5. To participate in the group activities with children. Encourage children to communicate and to cooperate by the personal example.
6. To participate in the planning meetings with other volunteers and teachers.

Impressions of EVS volunteer Elisa from Norway who was volunteering in Biciuliai:

«If you wish to work with children then this is a good choice. All dough you have to be very patient, especially in the beginning. It is not only difficult for you to adapt to the situation, but also for the children. Because of this it might be an advance to have some experience from working with children thinking about the fact that it might help you to understand them more, but it is not something that you need to have. What you need is to be open minded, and willing to try to see things from the children’s point of view.

The language difficulties do not make it any easier, but luckily the workers are very nice, and they help you on each step of the way. They are always friendly and supportive, and they make you feel like home. They also engage you in the work in a good way, and help you to understand the children. And when you finally connect with the children it is all worth it. They make you smile from the inside and out!»

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

[button color=»purple» link=»dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Application form[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Lituania Jurgita” .

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