Voluntariado europeo en Luxemburgo en participación juvenil



Luxembourg, Luxembourg-City

Type of activity :

Individual EVS, long term, 10 months, working at the National Youth Council of Luxembourg (NGO)

Project language:

German, French, English

Beginning of the service:

The service on the project will start in the month of September 2016

What a volunteers should be able to:

 working in a multicultural environment

 working with young people

 working in a team, good communication skills

 having good computer skills (MS Word, Excel). Knowledge of internet applications, social media and image editing will be considered as an advantage

 presenting the ability to do a content research and write short articles

 presenting good language skills, French and/or German preferred (in Luxembourg most of the work will be done in one of these two languages)


hosting organisation is the umbrella organisation of youth organisations in Luxembourg, working with youth aged from 12-35 years. The CGJL has 28 member organisations, which are active in a great variety of different areas in the youth sector. The hosting organisationis an organisation of, for and by young people and gives youngsters the opportunity to voice their opinions and to raise common concerns.

Thehosting organisation is a privileged discussion partner towards the government and other official actors in decision- making and can as such do active lobbying for the opinions and interests of the luxembourgish youth.

We think that it is very important that young people keep voicing their perspectives and we want to make sure that they are heard and understood. One of the main objectives of thehosting organisation is to increase participation of youth in society and in democratic life. To sustain this, thehosting organisation offers different thematic activities. In our eyes all participation is based on accurate information. This is why we try to give young people the opportunity to discuss specific subjects with experts and politicians.

Aware of the importance of intercultural exchange, which gives the opportunity to learn from other cultures and countries and to discover new perspectives, the hosting organisation puts, besides its work on national level, a lot of weight on the work with and for young people on European and international level. In the past years we’ve developed a variety of projects within different european programs and we see them as an important tool for our work.

In 2006 we first decided to start hosting two volunteers during the «All different – All equal» campaign, launched by the Council of Europe and coordinated in close partnership of the National Youth Service (SNJ) and thehosting organisation. This experience has helped us to improve and adapt the concept of our EVS- activities. Since that experience we have been hosting a volunteer every year.

We strongly believe that hosting volunteers from other countries contributes to the learning process of our organisation and to the development of new ideas and perspectives. The experiences we’ve had so far, not only affected the professional life of the staff of the CGJL, but have also touched it on a personal level.

Being the umbrella organisation of the Luxembourgish youth organisations, we would also like to act as a role model for our members by sharing our positive EVS-experience with them. We hope it gives them the taste and the necessary reassurance, to think about hosting an EVS as an interesting opportunity for their own organisation.

Thehosting organisation is a non-governmental organisation, lead by an executive board and run by a fulltime staff of 6 employees: a director/coordinator, a secretary, an administrative person and three project officers. The director and one of the project officers in charge of the project “Youth Parliament” will be in charge of closely framing the volunteer throughout the activity.

The role and the tasks of the volunteer:

The volunteer will be an active part of the CGJL-team. His or her tasks will include:

– Involvement in activities like Youth Convention, Youth Parliament, City Rallye,…

– Presence at meetings, meeting reports;

– Participation in the detailed planning of events

– Organisation, logistical support and implementation of workshops;

– Promotion and presentation of the event and of the work of the participants in Youth Centers etc.;

– In some cases: managing the online tools to promote the projects;

– Managing the inscriptions of the participants of the different events;

– Regular contacts with the project partners, experts and moderators;

– Public relations;

– Preparation of the events;

– Presence on the days of the events themselves (presence, reception, frame experts and youngsters…);

– Project documentation (photos, interviews, film…);

– Contribution to the CGJL and the Youth Parliament website: the volunteer’s own EVS column; articles for newsletters; research documents etc.

– Active involvement in the follow up of the results and the lobbying process

As described above a lot of tasks are organizational ones, on which the volunteer will be, in a second phase, working on mostly independently in the office of thehosting organisation. Most of the work is done in French and/or German, so that it is important for the volunteer to be a good/fluent user in at least one of these two languages. The volunteer will receive his/her tasks from the coordinator and the project officer in charge, who will be framing the young person throughout the putting into practise of his/her mission.

Another project officer and a secretary are present to give the youngster additional support..

Project description: “Spaces for youth participation”

The «Spaces for youth participation» project aims at encouraging participation of young people in society, by empowering them and by offering them spaces and the necessary support (information, contact with experts etc.). It offers young people the opportunity to get information and to voice their opinions, ideas, perspectives and needs, in a dialogue with other youngsters, experts and political representatives. The themes of the project are defined on the basis of the actual demand and needs of young people on previous activities and may therefore vary.

Within the project one volunteer will be working up to 10 months on the activity. The volunteer will work on the overall activities ofhosting organisation, but mainly will be involved in the organisation of the “Youth Convention”, planned for November 2016, and several activities of the “Youth Parliament” throughout the EVS, two structures which are closely linked one to another, mainly by their goal: active involvement of young people in democratic life. As mentioned before,hosting organisation also offers activities like City Rallye, a kind of “citizen rallye” which gives the opportunity to young people to discover specific societal topics by taking part in a day-long adventure in Luxembourg-City.

On the next page you will find a detailed description of the Youth Convention and the Youth Parliament.


Working hours:

The volunteer will work five days a week, Monday through Friday with a two-day weekend. The working time per day will be 6 hours. The volunteer might occasionally have to work on weekends, due to the activities of the Youth Parliament. The working hours also include the duration of one language course.

The volunteer will benefit from 2 days of leave per month of service. This does not include the official holidays in Luxembourg. Overtime work will be added to the leave. The volunteer can take days off in approval with his supervisor. The work place will be the office of thehosting organisation in Luxembourg-City.

Accommodation and practical arrangements:

The volunteer will be accommodated in the recently built headquarters of one ofhosting organisation’s member organisations named FNEL (scout movement) in Luxembourg-Cents in the heart of the country. This modern meeting and conference centre is managed by FNEL and the volunteer will be sharing the volunteer appartments on the building together with young people doing an EVS in Luxembourg.

He/she will have his/her own room, but will have to share the bathroom, the kitchen and the living room.

The FNEL-Headquarters in general has good connections to public transport (bus and train), it takes 15 minutes by bus to get to the Central Station in Luxembourg-City.

The volunteer will get food and pocket money, paid on his/her own Luxembourgish bank account at the beginning of every month, which he/she will have to manage independently. As soon as language courses are available, the volunteer will be able to choose one language: German, French or Luxembourgish and he/she will be participating in one of the selected courses.

The volunteer will also receive a so called “Jumbo Card”, which guarantees free use of national transportation (buses and trains) throughout the whole EVS.

How to apply

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Luxemburg Mike. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbb@gmail.com

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