Voluntariado europeo en Portugal en actividades culturales y animación


Nueva oferta de trabajo voluntario europeo en Portugal con jóvenes en una organización de acogida de Agueda, esta vez de la mano de una organización que trabaja estrechamente con jóvenes , incluyendo como siempre en el SVE todos los gastos pagados


Duration of the Stage: 11 months (October 2016 – July, 2017)

actividades voluntariado europeo portugal
actividades voluntariado europeo portugal


Agueda, Portugal


a) Promote intercultural dialogue and tolerance within our community, mostly with young people (target-group: 13-18);

b) Sensitizing youth to their European citizenship;

c) Empower volunteers and help them develop an entrepreneurial attitude;

d) Promote the acquisition of skills and knowledge in volunteers that are essential for an active European citizenship;

e) Promote non formal learning in the development of essential competences;

Description of Volunteering Activities (October, 2016 – July, 2017):

1. Culture @ Águeda – Intervention in the community:

a) Intervention with young people from our community in a structured environment (Club of Europe, in Schools of the region), with the support of a youth worker/teacher, to promote intercultural competences and tolerance by means of non-formal education;

b) Promoting events related to their national culture, European festive days, such as Intercultural day and EU day, for instance;

2. Ideas Lab – Individual tasks related to personal and professional development of volunteers:

a) Training and continuous technical support in terms of turning ideas into actions: how to build a project that addresses needs and local potential, search for partners and write applications;


1. Profile of Volunteer:

We want to welcome volunteers (aged 20 or above) who are…

a) Interested in contacting with the Portuguese culture and that are motivated to establish an intercultural dialogue ;

b) Willing to develop skills in project management and the promotion of youth activities;

c) Motivated to develop activities with other young people in the context of non- formal education;

d) Willing to learn Portuguese language and culture;

Good level of English is essential!

2. Selection Process (June – August, 2016):

1st Step: Each sending organization should give visibility of this Volunteering opportunity and gather applications (June, 2016);

2nd Step: Each sending organization interview the potential volunteers and discuss with them their motivation to participate in this project (June and July, 2016);

3rd Step: Each sending organization present to Psientífica their selection. As hosting and coordinating organization, we would like to perform a skype interview to all potential participants, in order to understand their motivation and profile in being part of this project. As they are going to spend a lot of time with young people from our community, we would like to understand how responsible and committed to the project they are. In case we understand that the profile of the selected volunteer does not comply with the learning potential of the project, we reserve the right to ask the sending organization to present another volunteer.

In this project, we are going to host 4 volunteers from EU countries – Poland, Spain, Italy and Germany – , aged above 20 years old. In selection, sending organizations should ensure gender balance (2 girls and 2 boys). We should give priority to youth with fewer opportunities in the selection process. If possible, at least one of the volunteers should have driver’s license, in case we manage to rent a car for the group to reach the schools and explore the surroundings on their free time.


15th August 2016

How to apply

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need CV and motivation letter in English:

Application form sending organisation Building Bridges (signed)

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Portugal CDJ. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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