Voluntariado europeo social en Sliven (Bulgaria) en actividades educativas y de concienciación


Te traemos este interesante voluntariado europeo social de la mano de una organización que trabaja con jóvenes en el ámbito de la educación y concienciación, con un proyecto sobre prevención de enfermedades sexuales en comunidades locales. En años anteriores ya hemos enviado voluntarios y actualmente tenemos ya uno allí y en breve se incorpora otro en agosto.

Experiencias de nuestros voluntarios allí

Mira la entrevista a Dani en su voluntariado europeo en este proyecto

Lee la experiencia de César como Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Sliven

Lee la experiencia de Antonio como Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Sliven

project dates

10 months starting in October

Project location

Sliven, Bulgaria

project description

Thirst is a regional youth organization working in the region of Sliven.


Description of the Role and Tasks of the Volunteer:


On overtime 10 years executes program activities related to volunteering, education and non-formal education among young people with risky behaviors. More than five years the organization works component 7 of the Programme «Prevention and Control of HIV / AIDS,» the Ministry of Health and works with young people on peer education methods. In terms of experience, we believe that the problem of HIV / AIDS and sexually transmitted infections among young people, especially those with risk behavior, drug users and offering sexual services is up to date and growing – slowly but steadily. In Bulgaria in the second decade of the 21st century, unfortunately, we continue to witness the serious problems of intimate personal lives of young people, especially among minorities and rural residents.


There is a dangerous and irresponsible behavior in sexual intercourse among adolescents, leading to unwanted pregnancies and abortions, uncontrollably sexually transmitted diseases and infections. All this in turn causes a dramatic impact on the private lives of young people, sometimes with irreversible negative results – poor health, infertility, depression and others. Young people with risky behavior than the threat of diseases often face discrimination, harassment by peers and family fall into the trap of social exclusion. Just in this case is very important and useful work of the European Voluntary Service, which encourages youth participation in democratic life in Europe by creating conditions for social integration, promoting ownership and providing a platform for their abilities and skills.


The aim of this project is to help young people with risky behaviors, as they allow for communication and social environment where they will be accepted without discrimination, to encourage the emergence of a new type of social relations eliminating any form of discrimination insulation. The project foresees the participation of volunteers in two streams – long-term and short-term European Voluntary Service. Through the activities of the two streams of volunteers aim to increase the involvement of young people on issues related to HIV / AIDS through distributed unconventional and interesting way messages about safe sexual intercourse and creating attitudes of responsible behavior and healthy choices of life. Activities will be implemented by various forms to help young people to look more seriously and depth of the dangers of immature sexual behavior and to integrate into the project.
Successfully implemented, the project will reduce the number of young people with risky behaviors and realized their compliance with health standards and rules that will enrich their social competence.

Through the project activities will refresh the team of multipliers to expand its powers on limiting risky sexual behavior. Also, the project aims at preparing young people to protect themselves from diseases and risks to be motivated towards a healthy lifestyle, to provide them with adequate information on problems affecting their physical, mental and social health. The project «School health of young people» will build specific knowledge, skills and attitudes for conscious and responsible choices regarding sexual intercourse, both at EVS volunteers and with local youths. This project will support young people in the process of their development, to stimulate in them respect and self-confidence to help them make sound, responsible and informed decisions.

Volunteers will participate in the organization of events on the occasion of Anti – AIDS campaigns, meetings and discussions in initiatives with creative nature which express a personal opinion and position on sexual maturation, contraception, HIV / AIDS, addictions.
On the other hand we aim to give voice to their issues, especially the issue of stigma that carry AIDS, drug users, sex workers, gay and transgender and other groups at risk youths.

Volunteers will have the task to provide good social practices from their countries whose legislation more broadly protect and assist young people with risky sexual and social behavior. Will be conducted trainings peer. Possibly we will be looking for ways to introduce these practices in the organization’s activities in cooperation with local authorities and through joint participation of volunteers to promote the fundamental values of the community – equality and respect for all people regardless of their social level and individual development.


 To attend workshops, meetings, seminars

 To attend the On-Arrival Training

 To create some documentaries/presentations regarding cultural events

 To create some documentaries/presentations on local events regarding youth

 To develop outdoor activities

 To develop alternative activities of spending free time for youth

 To create of a presentation about EVS activities

 To assist young students in their courses

 To developing and implementing activities for children

 To participate in language courses.

Besides all these, the volunteer is encouraged to come with new ideas, youth initiative, youth exchanges, or other kind of projects which can be suitable with hosting organization.


 training during the project

pre-departure training provided by Building Bridges

on-arrival training
mid-term training
trainings privided by coordinating oranisation

Other details


 WORKING HOURS: The volunteers will work a maximum of 6 hours per day.

 HOLIDAYS: The volunteers will have two consecutive days off per week, and also two days’ holiday per month.

 FOOD: The volunteers will receive a monthly budget for their food.

 ACCOMMODATION: They will be accommodated in a house for volunteers or separate  floor of the house only for volunteers. They will have their own room or a personal place in the shared room with other volunteer. They will need to share kitchen and bathroom with other volunteers.

 LANGUAGE SUPPORT: The volunteers will receive Language classes.

 TRAINING AND SUPPORT: There will be organized training and support for the volunteers for each of their activities if the volunteers feel need for it.

 LOCAL TRANSPORT: The volunteers may come to work in foot or used their monthly budget to buy transports pass.

How to apply

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Bulgaria Thirst Sexual Education. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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