Te ofrecemos un voluntariado Francia rural en un proyecto con una organización muy experimentada con una amplia experiencia en SVE y Erasmus+.


Europe is looking forward to your contribution! Help develop the cultural openness of young people and participate in their learning of citizenship and tolerance. Support their curiosity on intercultural aspects and encourage them to discover Europe! Become a volunteer in the training center for teenagers and young people in the lovely town of Bernay en Champagne !

Fechas voluntariado Francia rural

EVS project (10 months)

FROM : 20th august 2018 END : 15h july 2019 / 11 months


Proyecto voluntariado Francia rural

The volunteer will work full time with the team of the MFR from Monday to Friday, during the day, on a weekly bases of 30 hours/a week. Sometimes, they might be asked to take part in gatherings with the student that are organized in the evening. From time to time, the volunteer will have the opportunity to work in Le Mans with the other EVS volunteers in order to build a common project. The main missions for the volunteer will be: 1. European cultural openness 2. Educational and pedagogical mission 3. Joint project with the 6 volunteers in the 6 training centers…

Actividades voluntariado Francia rural

The MFR in figures: 440 MFR in France, 70 000 pupil, apprentices or trainees and more than 600 MFR abroad (in 30 other countries). The MFR from Bernay en Champagne welcomes 275 youth, studying two fields: Social and care-based jobs / agricultural education, from age 14 to 25. They all have one week in the MFR and one week in traineeships.

– Two orientation classes, to get a first diploma and discover working environment. Student have one week in MFR, one week in traineeship. T

raineeships are mainly in agricultural field.

– A professional baccalaureate degree in 3 years called “CGEA” (conduct and management of a farm).

– A professional degree in 2 years called “Careers in agriculture”.

– One class for the last year of the professional baccalaureate degree about social and care-based jobs (the first 2 years are in another MFR nearby)

– One higher education diploma called ESF “social and family economy”.

– One higher education diploma called ACSE “Analysis and management of operating strategies”.


The volunteer will work full time with the team of the MFR from Monday to Friday, during the day, on a weekly bases of 30 hours/a week. Sometimes, they might be asked to take part in gatherings with the student that are organized in the evening. From time to time, the volunteer will have the opportunity to work in Le Mans with the other EVS volunteers in order to build a common project. The main missions for the volunteer will be:

1. European cultural openness At various times during the pupils’ training evening gatherings, lunch time, breaks, study time etc.), the volunteer will set up activities meant to promote discovery, exchange and cultural approach of countries. They can be presentations of volunteer’s country (through photos, videos, arts, national cuisine etc.). The volunteer is also expected to help prepare young people for European mobility.

2. Educational and pedagogical mission As a full member of the team, the volunteer will participate in the activities lead by the members of the teaching team, will lead activities in the MFR, and will enable communication (via videos, booklets, Facebook, interviews). The volunteer will have the opportunity to talk about his/her mission or country during other events organized outside the MFR. The volunteer might participate in some school trips, study visit… In France or abroad !

3. Joint project with the 6 volunteers in the 6 training centers … The volunteer will participate in a joint project around the European elections coming in May 2019, in order to raise awareness among new voters. They might also participle in the Europe’s Day organized in Le Mans by the House of Europe. As such, he will regularly meet the other volunteers in Le Mans.

Contexto voluntariado francia rural

This EVS project will involve 6 EVS volunteers from 6 different European countries. Each one of them will volunteer in one of the 6 local training centers for teenagers from the area of Sarthe, France. The local training centers  Bernay  welcomes 275 youth, studying two fields: Social and care-based jobs / agricultural education, from age 14 to 25. They all have one week it and one week in traineeships.

voluntariado francia rural
voluntariado francia rural


This EVS project will involve 6 EVS volunteers from 6 different European countries. Each one of them will volunteer in one of the 6 local training centers for teenagers from the area of Sarthe, France. The local training centers are called: the “Maisons familiales rurales” or MFR (literary translated as the “rural family houses”). The volunteer will be hosted in one of the 6 Maisons; in the town of Bernay en Champagne. Volunteers will be regarded as full members of their team and will be included in the daily work of each center. They will have an opportunity to use and improve their own abilities: volunteers will develop their sense of initiative, gain skills and get new knowledges through organizing and realizing different activities for the MFR (workshops, courses, individual support, sports, games, plays, presentations, lectures). During the project, the volunteer will mainly be in touch with the young people that are hosted in the MFR, but not only. He will be encouraged to submit and implement his own project, with possibilities of partnership with other local organizations. The volunteer will act as an ambassador of his country, and thus will try to promote values such as diversity and intercultural actions. The purpose of the French is to develop a global approach of education, by using strictly formal, non-formal and informal learnings. Their practices are based on the training system which mixes training and work. In other words, a rhythm that allows the pupils to share between a period of study/training at the MFR and a period of work in a farm, /association or companies.


Perfil voluntarios voluntariado francia rural

Living in Spain, being motivated, between 18 and 30 years old, driving license required, interested in youth work, education, europe and intercultural topics.

The MFR is located on rural area so the volunteer should have a driving license and be ready to drive every working days to reach the training center (up to 1 hour for a one-way trip: train + car). Candidates should be motivated, ready to work in a team, flexible, creative, openminded, pro-active, dynamic, communicative, and interested in working with teenagers and young people. Previous experiences in teaching and/or youth leisure activities are welcome. Abilities for music, sports, handcrafts, dances, arts, and multimedia would also be a plus. The future volunteer should bring in her/his own ideas into the project and be prepared to create, plan and execute her/his own projects during his/her time as a volunteer.

Becas Erasmus+

Accommodation, pocket and food money, social protection, local transportation covered by the Erasmus+ programme. International round trip to EVS location provided.

Europe is looking forward to your contribution! Help develop the cultural openness of young people and participate in their learning of citizenship and tolerance. Support their curiosity on intercultural aspects and encourage them to discover Europe! Become a volunteer in the training center for teenagers and young people in the lovely town of Bernay-en-Champagne!

To reach Bernay, the MFR will provide a car to the volunteer so that he can drive from Le Mans to Bernay (25 kilometers). The volunteer can also organize car-sharing with the volunteer from the MFR of Coulans which is near.

ACCOMODATION The volunteer will be accommodated in Le Mans, with the other 5 volunteers taking part in this project. They will a house next to the train station in Le Mans, not far from the city center. Each volunteer will have his own room in this big house, and they’ll all share the common parts. There is a garden, the house is fully furnished, and was renovated last year. Accommodation and transportation fees are under the responsibility of the host organization. Money will be given to the volunteer every month to cover food expenses, as such as pocket money. Insurance will be contracted by the host organization for the volunteer.


This project is coordinated by us. You will mainly be in touch with us during the application process, and in the beginning of your EVS to settle in Le Mans. All administrative and financial terms of the projects are organized.

How to apply

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

[button color=»purple» link=»https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83534036/Motivation%20letter%20EVS.doc» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS France Sarthe Eline. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

  • Peter Tosh
    3 diciembre, 2016 at 2:36 pm

    Buenas Tardes me gustaria postularme para el voluntariado en Francia, poseo mi pasaporte y documentos al dia,

  • Yes Europa
    3 diciembre, 2016 at 7:34 pm

    solo puedes solicitarlo si eres residente legal en España, necesitamos que nos envíes tu NIE y pasaporte
    un saludo

  • Claudia Rodríguez Santamarta
    11 diciembre, 2016 at 9:47 pm

    Buenas tardes, me gustaría saber más detalles acerca del alojamiento. ¿Disponen de más información? Me encuentro muy interesada en este projecto. Muchas gracias.

  • Yes Europa
    13 diciembre, 2016 at 10:13 pm

    Hola, de momento es la información que disponemos, para info general sobre los SVE por favor consulta nuestra sección de Preguntas Frecuentes, suerte!

  • Dianny Ruthman
    17 mayo, 2017 at 12:36 pm

    Hola buenos días, resido en España, tengo mi NIE al dia y pasaporte. Queria informacion sobre la movilidad del voluntariado, y tambien si en mi situacion de residente como estudiante en España podria participar. Tienen un numero d etelefono al que pueda llamar?

  • Yes Europa
    19 mayo, 2017 at 2:39 pm

    Hola, puedes participar siempre que tu residencia sea mayor que la estancia del voluntariado fuera. Por favor escríbenos un mail por CONTACTO y envíanos tus documentos, y tu NIE en vigor, gracias!

  • Lucia
    20 mayo, 2017 at 12:40 pm

    Hola, querría saber si el plazo para inscribirse sigue aún abierto. Y en caso afirmativo, cuándo se confirmaría aproximadamente la aceptación/rechazo de la candidatura

  • Yes Europa
    21 mayo, 2017 at 10:30 am

    Hola, si sigue abierto, pero date prisa porque ya hemos recibido muchos candidatos para este servicio voluntario europeo. te esperamos!

  • Laura
    1 junio, 2017 at 9:27 pm


    ¿Todavía estoy a tiempo de echar la solicitud? La enviaría este fin de semana.

    Saludos y gracias por adelantado. 🙂

  • Michele essam
    2 marzo, 2018 at 8:26 am

    Bonjour, je suis residente legale en Espagne, je suis assez interesée par votre projet. Ma demande est la suivante: dans mon pays d’origine j’ai suivi une formation d’enseignant des ecoles primaire et maternelle. J’ai pas de permis de conduire serait il possible de postuler et comment faire Merci de me repondre

  • admin
    2 marzo, 2018 at 6:11 pm

    Hola, debes enviarnos tu NIE y tu pasaporte para probar tu residencia legal en España, gracias!

  • Patricia
    3 marzo, 2018 at 1:51 pm

    Buenas me podrías pasar por correo los voluntariados que son en Francia. Mi correo es patriciadelcarmenfdez@gmail.com
    También tendría la duda de que al ser apoyados los vountariados por erasmus no se si podría pedir el programa erasmus estudios en mi universidad porque solo se puede participar un año, pero alomejor es un erasmus distinto.

  • admin
    3 marzo, 2018 at 5:16 pm

    Hola , te enviamos por e-mail ahora las plazas. Es un Erasmus distinto, no se solicita en tu universidad, sino a través de nosotros. un saludo

  • Gabriel
    5 marzo, 2018 at 5:47 pm

    Hola. Quería saber cuándo se cierra el plazo. Un saludo.

  • admin
    5 marzo, 2018 at 6:04 pm

    Hola, no hay fecha límite, la organización cierra el voluntariado cuando encuentre a los candidatos

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