Seguimos con ofertas para un voluntariado con refugiados en Alemania con una oferta SVE muy especial. Se trata de la oportunidad de pasar varios meses en Alemania en un proyecto de educación en el que participarán voluntarios de varios países. ¿Quieres ser tú uno de ellos? ¡Sigue leyendo!


Fechas voluntariado

We are searching for a volunteer for 12 months, from 01.10.2018 until 30.09.2019. Please apply only if you can come for the whole period of time.



Stuttgart, the capital of Baden-Württemberg, in Southern Germany


Organización acogida voluntariado refugiados en Alemania

is a nonprofit NGO with the focus on non-formal education, intercultural projects, youth camps and projects for children and young people. The main objective is to support young people in their process of personal development and education besides school and university to improve social, educational, (inter)cultural and other skills and competences. By this the aim of JW is to improve tolerance, solidarity, self-determination and democracy in our society.

The main activities of the JW are seminars in non-formal education, youth travel, international youth work (youth exchange, support measures and EVS), and then coordination of local projects and groups. The target groups are children and young people from 7 to 30 years with a focus on the age of 18 to 27 in which we train and educate a large number of volunteers and also motivate them to take over responsibility as multipliers in training others, organizing projects or taking over responsibility in the JW.

Proyecto voluntariado con refugiados en Alemania

The volunteer will participate in the intercultural learning project “Active Culture” (please check out what Active Culture )

– The volunteer will participate in writing and creating an intercultural application for Stuttgart and surrounding. For some inspiration please check out our previous projects

– The volunteer will be responsible to work closely with refugees. Every week a group of volunteer, together with the EVS volunteer, visit different refugee homes where they make different kind of small projects for and with children (aged 6-12)

– The volunteer will participate in different seminars in the weekends (pedagogical and first aid course).  After attending the seminars she/he will be prepared for leading the camps in the summer and winter holidays

– Taking part in organizing and supporting youth camps: At the end of her/his project the volunteer will take part in a youth camp. She/he should help in preparation, realization and evaluation of the youth camp and work together with other youngsters.

– Taking part in organizing and supporting seminars: The volunteer will help during the preparation and realization of our seminars, be responsible for the materials & stuff for the seminars. (we have two cellars full with material and stuff:D)

– Support the Jugendwerk Team in the office (almost every day you will help in the office: answering emails, driving somewhere, going shopping, being responsible for the stuff what we use for the camps, seminars and other events)

– Consultation and information for youngsters about Europe: In the frame of our international youth work, the volunteer will collect and create information/material about mobility in Europe for European youngsters. (The volunteer will also participate in our informal meetings about our international youth work)

– The volunteer has the possibility to create posters/flyers/banners, be responsible for updating our homepage, for Instagram account of the organization etc.

– Taking part in international and intercultural learning projects together with our international volunteer working group.

– Creation and realization of own projects: Depending on the interests and abilities of the volunteer she/he will have the opportunity to develop a project by herself/himself. New ideas are always welcome!


The volunteer should have a driving license – driving on a regular basis is required!

We are open for every application. There are some things which in our opinion could make the daily life and work easier for the volunteer. To reach a fast integration of the volunteer in the Jugendwerk and the local community, basics in English and/or German would be very helpful.

The volunteer will support the  Team in the office, so applicants should like office work, like writing emails, creating flyers for events, helping with sending letters and like being responsible for materials and stuff for seminars and camps etc.
Basic computer knowledge could also be quite helpful.

Volunteers also need a DRIVING License for cars.

As the volunteer will work from time to time (NOT on a daily basis) together with children and youth she/he should be interested and maybe also have first experiences in working in this field. He/she should also be willing to work in a team.

Additionally, we think the volunteer should have interest in intercultural work and motivation for intercultural projects.

She/he should also be open-minded, showing her/his own initiative, hard-working and open for new experiences and show flexibility.

Please read carefully the project description and make sure you visit our homepage, FB and Blog written by our current volunteers:

We are searching for somebody who can stay 12 months in our organization, so please apply only if you can stay for the whole duration of the project.
For the application we need ONLY the attached application form. (No CV and motivation letter is needed).

Cómo solicitar ser uno de los voluntarios/as con refugiados en Alemania

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

[button color=»green» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Application form hosting organisation[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Stuttgart Tekla. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to

  • Mariana
    9 abril, 2018 at 2:20 pm

    Hola, hasta qué fecha estará abierta la selección de voluntarios para este proyecto. Gracias

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