Voluntariado subvencionado Francia sobre pedagogía


Te ofrecemos un voluntariado subvencionado Francia en un proyecto con una organización muy experimentada con una amplia experiencia en SVE y Erasmus+.

Fechas voluntariado Francia rural

-Animation and intercultural exchange in a french high school-

Starting date: 01 october 2018 – 9 months

Application deadline: 30/03/2018 included

Proyecto voluntariado subvencionado Francia

As coordinating organization, proposes an EVS project in the hosting organisation called MFR du Domaine de la Saulsaie, from the 1 st of october 2018 to the 30 th of june 2019 (9 months).

The Domaine de la Saulsaie MFR (Maison Familiale et Rurale) is an associative establishment that belongs to the movement of Maisons Familiales et Rurales that trains 70 000 young people from 14 years old to bachelors' degree every year.
France holds more than 400 MFR in total.

The Domaine de la Saulsaie MFR develops trainings from second year of highschool to technical diploma in agriculture (2 years after highschool) in services to individuals, horticulture and vegetable gardening, organised as:
– From age 16 to 18, Services to Individuals and to Territories.
– From age 18 to 20, BTSA, Development and Attraction of Rural Areas.
– From age 15 to 18, Management of Agricultural Exploitation
– From age 15 to 18, Horticulture

For each subject it is possible for the students to complete half of their education at school and half during an internship in a professional environment.
The MFR welcomes an average of 180 young people every year.

Part of the training modules proposed at the MFR are related to general topics (french, mathematics, history, biology, ecology, physical and sportive education…) and others are more linked to profesionnal issues.

The MFR has a network of local partners: institutions (city council…), firms, associations… with available placement for internships, and also different organisations that propose workshops about a specific topic.

In several workshops, students are invited to work on projects related to mobility, which stands as an important issue for the MFR organisation. All the students get the opportunity to do an internship abroad for a 3 or 4 weeks duration. For example, some students of SAPAT section use to leave every year for 3 weeks in Denmark or Norway, doing an internship in organisations dealing with little children or elderly persons. Other youngsters leave at the end of the year to get involved in international voluntees workcamp. Therefore, the cultural and linguistic (in english) support constitue a real need for the MFR. The trainers have been invested on this topic for a long time now, with in addition for 3 years now the benefic support provided by the EVS


Contexto voluntariado subvencionado Francia

The main part of the EVS project will occur in the MFR du Domaine de la Saulsaie, situated near the Montluel village. For the week-ends (from Thursday evening until Monday morning) and holidays, the accomodation of the volunteer will be in  volunteers house, in Lyon.

Montluel is a french village in the department of Ain that belongs to the Auvergne-Rhône- Alpes region. The inhabitants of Montluel are called the Montluistes. Montluel enjoys a privileged position because it is located between the urban area of Lyon and the Ain countryside.

The climate is semi-continental with Mediterranean influences: summers are hot and sunny and winters are cold. Montluel is also located next to the Dombes region, famous for its thousands little lakes with rich flora and fauna. The village is quite large and it is divided into three areas:
the town, the wooded hill of Côtière and the plateau.
Montluel is only 23 km away from Lyon, 44 km from Bourg-en- Bresse and 39 km from Villefranche-sur- Saône. Montluel is located 10 minutes from the motorway A42 to Geneva and it is crossed by the RN84. The departemental couches (line 171 from Montluel to Lyon) and the Rhône-Alpes TER train allows you to reach Lyon or Ambérieu-en- Bugey following the RN84.

In 2014 Montluel registered a population of 7036. The majority of the population works in the urban area of Lyon.
The MFR Domaine de la Saulsaie is situated quite far away from the center of the village of Montluel. It's located in a really rural place, without regular public transports.

The office of coordination is situated in Lyon, the 3 rd biggest city of France, at the East. Lyon benefits from a temperate climate and offers all kinds
of services and the access to leisure is well developed. It’s a city really touristic, with a strong cultural patrimony.


Perfil voluntarios voluntariado francia rural

Adaptation, sense of organisation and anticipation;
 To be communicative and easy to approach by youngsters;
 Speak good english and/or french or be really motivated to learn french;
 Motivation for the themes of youth activities and french pedagogical and educationial system;
 Availability for a 9 months project starting in the beginning of october 2018;
 To have the driving license and feel comfortable with driving could be a good help.


The volunteer will be asked to support the MFR’s staff, to favour intercultural and linguistic awareness among the students and to support the organisation of pedagogical activities.

In particular the activities will deal with:
 Intercultural awareness
◦ Be an ambassador of his/her own country.
◦ Organise intercultural evenings to make the students discover their own country and other European countries. Present the differences in these countries concerning certain topics like geography, culture, current laws… in order to discuss with students about the french system.

Participate to workshops that prepare students to leave for an internship abroad (help with the CV, motivation letter, intercultural preparation…).

 Pedagogical and other activities
◦ Linguistic support in collaboration with the English teachers during: basic English classes / professional English classes (with the European section) / sociocultural education classes in English.
◦ Help students with their homeworks
◦ Support with accompanying students during school trips or professional events
◦ Participate in visiting internships of the students
◦ Organise from time to time thematic evenings for the students during their leisure time

The detailed activities will be defined both by the volunteer and the MFR's staff, according to the volunteer's skills and interests.

Aspectos prácticos voluntariado

Working Hours: The volunteer will work 32 hours per week, distributed in 4 days a week. He/she will have 7 weeks of holidays (when the MFR will be closed) + the national holidays.

 Working and living conditions:
Accommodation and food will be provided. The volunteer will have two different accomodations available. The main one will be used during the days of his/her missions, from monday evening to thursday, inside the MFR du Domaine de la Saulsaie, in Montluel.

The other one will be available for week-ends (from Thursday evening until Monday morning) and during his/her holidays, and will be situated in  house, in Lyon.

In the MFR, the volunteer will live in a student accommodation but in an area separated from the other students. The room will be locked and the showers as well as the toilet will be in front of the room. The volunteer will also have an equipped kitchen with a fridge, electric oven, dishes, cutlery, coffee machine at his/her disposal.

A TV and an Internet connection will also be available.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided by the MFR, except on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday morning.
MFR staff will arrange and furnish the living space according to the expectations of the volunteer at his/her arrival.

To be noticed: the MFR is situated in a rural place, without daily public transport, except the school bus on monday and friday. Depending on the situation, a car can be lent to the volunteer on the evenings to be more free to move around.
In coordination office, the accommodation of the volunteers will be in a house composed of 3 rooms, a kitchen/living room, a bathroom and a courtyard. The house is alongside the office of us.

This place is situated in “Jean Macé” area, 7th district of Lyon, with public transports and different kind of conveniences in the neighbourhood.

The volunteer who will do his/her missions in the MFR will live in this accomodation during Fridays, week-ends and holidays. During these days, he/she will share this apartment with 2 other EVS volunteers doing their service for different organisations. He/she will be able to do his/her own meals in the common kitchen. Wifi access will be available.

We will provide every month to the volunteer 7,50 euros for the 3 days per week spent in Lyon + for all the holiday weeks.
In addition the volunteer will get pocket money (180€ per month).

How to apply

[box type=»note»]We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general ESC (European Solidarity Corps) one.

The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.[/box]

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general ESC one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.  Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

Application form sending organisation Building Bridges (signed)

[button color=»purple» link=»https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83534036/Motivation%20letter%20EVS.doc» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: «EVS France Estelle Rhone. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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