Se busca un voluntario europeo Francia para participar en un proyecto en un centro de información juvenil de Francia.

Estas son las condiciones de Participación en becas voluntario europeo en Francia. También puedes ver las becas voluntario europeo en Francia.

Fechas y lugar de las becas para voluntario europeo


9 months (starting from 1 March 2018 to 30 November 2018)


All travel costs are payed and you will have monthly pocket money 115 euros and food money.


Youth and student Service, Municipality of Le Havre, France.


You will not have to pay accommodation.


Working with youth aged between 16 and 25 years old through  cultural and sport activities, organise outings( sport events/cultural festival…)

This project would give opportunity to young people to work together (EVS volunteers and local volunteers) and create and develop cultural and sport activities and that would be shared while organising presentations of their works in local community and directly participating at public events. We see promotional activities as very important for young people to show and share what they are doing and creating and young people from different EU countries would be kind of support and make EU more closer to local community.

Proposed activities for EVS volunteering:

  • The Youth and Student Life Service of the City of Le Havre wishes young volunteers to be involved in its various actions towards youth. The goal is to give a true European and intercultural dimension to its activity.
  • The young volunteers will participate in sports and cultural activities, discovery entertaining activities offered during the summer period, in different places and structures of the city


Accommodation, food and transport arrangement:

  • You will live together with other volunteers, you will be 4 volunteers in an apartment in the center of the city,
  • In addition, the volunteer will benefit from other advantages: a monthly membership for the local public transportation, French courses…

Volunteer profile:

Young men or women and aged between 20 to 30 years old who have the sense of  responsibility an committed to volunteer for the community benefit, with at least a beginner level in French language.

Working days:

EVS volunteers will work 30 hours per week,  5 days every week and they will have 2 days off per week.

Sobre el proyecto

Considering the importance of the geographical mobility of young people as a source of social mobility, cultural openness and as a factor favorable to the professional integration, successive municipalities have seized the question of youth internationally and willing to put in place a certain number of actions specially European volunteering service.

The Town of Le Havre attaches to defend and promote the values of the Republic, the human rights, and anything that promotes «living together» and is willing to welcome regularly young people in EVS.

Our EVS hosting project is envisaged both with the municipal structures and associative such as the House of Europe in coherence with the political project of the municipal team. Thus, we will be able to develop complementary projects in Le Havre territory and on a European scale. It is a question of diversifying its actions within and outside the territory and therfore dynamize the project in collaboration with the various participating partners.

It is an action in the service of  Le Havre population and mainly towards the young people.

The Youth and Student Life Service in charge of the project of hosting European volunteers wants them to be involved in its various specific  «Youth actions». The aim is to give a real European and intercultural dimension to its activity.

This project will start from March 2018 to November 2018 (10 months), four volunteers will be welcomed in Le Havre. The activities related to the positions are articulated around the local projects: «Le Havre en Forme» and «Vibrer au Havre» ending by the  realization of events at the end of the project, with the collaboration of  the participating partners.

The young volunteers will participate in cultural and sports activities, animations, exchanges, testimonies, presentation, discovered workshops and the highlights proposed during the summer, on different places and structures of the City.

Our proposals for activities will be evolutionary and will take into account the abilities, linguistic fluency, autonomy and interests of the volunteer.

Through this experience, volunteers will gain skills on theoretical knowledge (project methodology, knowledge of the public, linguistic and cultural learning), management skills (techniques of animation, speaking to a public,) and interpersonal skills (working on group dynamics, adaptability to the public, understanding the communication processes between different relational cultures).

Organización de acogida

Youth and student’s life direction:
The town ensures a public service of quality awarded many labels guaranteeing the quality of municipal services.

The municipality  leads a policy of promoting openness to Europe with the aim to improve the acceptance of the others cultures and stimulates personal development for all citizens. Based on the experience of the beneficiaries those projects build a sense of belonging to Europe.

Since the creation of the “Sport, Youth and Associative” direction in September, 2014, the "Youth and Student’s Life» Service works to provide adequate answers to the public of the various territories of the city of Havre. It is in this new approach that the choice was made to:
– Set up two specific age groups (12/15 and 16/25 years old) in order to provide information and services tailored to their needs and to assist them in their daily lives.
– Propose new activities adapted to our public
– Provide technical and pedagogical support for the realization or development of personal project in a short, medium or long term.
– Involve the public in the dynamics of the city,
– To develop a fulfilling social life.

To achieve these objectives, the Youth Service proposes actions around 3 themes:
– The Sport,
– The Culture,
– The Multimedia.

Our main purpose is to help our public building and improving social skills by respecting and adapting these actions according to the various age groups within an educational method adapted in the following way:
– The 12/15 years group: Setting up discovery activities,
– The 16/18 years group: Establishment of thematic stages to involve the young people in a first approach of project,
– The 16/25 years group: Involvement and support of projects.
Concerning the 16/25 year-old sector, the Youth Information Office (BIJ) is mobilized on youth initiatives. This pole is included in the “Youth and Student’s life” Service.


Youth Information Center is a key resource for young people providing a free, confidential information service to young people on a wide range of subjects including careers, education, employment matters, rights and entitlements, leisure, sport, travel and European opportunities.

For that it has a documentation section with a free access to Internet.


Sobre la ciudad

Local community:
Le Havre is an urban French commune and city in the Seine –Maritime department in the Normandy region of northwestern France. The population is about 172 807 inhabitants.

Le Havre University welcome around 12 000 students many of whom are foreigners about 18 % for the whole of Higher education, it’s the 6th largest city of France hosting foreign students.

Modern Le Havre remains deeply influenced by its employment and maritime traditions. Its port is the second largest in France, for total traffic, and the largest French container port.

The name Le Havre means "the harbour" or "the port". In 2005 UNESCO inscribed the central city of Le Havre as a World Heritage Site.

Activities and experience:

Considering the importance of the geographical mobility of young people as a source of social mobility, cultural openness and as a factor favorable to the professional integration, successive municipalities have seized the question of youth internationally and willing to put in place a certain number of actions specially European volunteering service.
The Town of Le Havre attaches to defend and promote the values of the Republic, the human rights, and anything that promotes "living together" and is willing to welcome regularly young people in EVS

Cómo solicitar este voluntariado europeo Francia

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

[button color=»purple» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS France Souad.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME”.

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