Deadline for candidates: 7/09/15

Dear future volunteers!

In the document below (INFO PACK) you will find descriptions of the EVS projects.

All of them are long-term voluntering opportunities ( 9—10 months) . We are seleccting for 13 free places and we are awaiting your applications! In case of any questions please, do not hesitate to contact us! =)

To apply: please send your CV+ motivation letter + photo

During the project the volunteer has provided:

– international travel,

– accomodation,

– language classes,

– pocket and food money,

– mentor support,

-monthly bus ticket for travel in Bialystok or refund of 4 return travels per month to Bialystok if the project takes a place out of Bialystok

– full insurance

While reading the description of the organizations you can find more information on the website :

by using EVS accreditation number (it‘s located under the name of each instutiotion)

Our Institutions to host EVS volunteers:

-Volunteering with children with disabilities and special needs:

  • Special Care Centre in Bialystok – 2 places
  • Special Care Centre in Bialystok – 4 places

-Volunteering with youth (high schools):

  • High School nr 1 in Lapy – 1 place
  • The Mechanical Schools Complex in Lapy – 1 place
  • The School Complex of Nikodem Sulik in Dąbrowa Białostocka— 2 places

-Volunteering with children:

  • The School Complex in Grodek – 1 place
  • The Kindergarden in Michalowo – 2 – places

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)
– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS Polonia ANAWOJ ” and the specification for which project you are applying.

[button size=medium style=less_round color=blue align=none url=]INFO PACK[/button]

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